- Studiepoeng
- 10
- Undervisningssemester
- Vår
- Emnekode
- ECON327
- Talet på semester
- 1
- Undervisningsspråk
- English
- Ressursar
- Timeplan
Mål og innhald
This course will cover the models and tools from the field of game theory, and will introduce students to a host of applications of game theory. The goal will be to provide students with an advanced level of knowledge and understanding of the modeling of strategic situations. To enhance students' understanding of the different theories, special attention will be paid to teaching relevant applications.
An overview of the (preliminary) topic structure of the course:
- Static games of complete information
- Dynamic games of complete information
- Static games of incomplete information
- Dynamic games of incomplete information
- Cooperative game theory
- Interpretations and Refinements of equilibrium concepts
- Modeling of bounded rationality and learning in games
- Psychological (behavioral) game theory
Throughout the course, students are introduced to many real-life applications of game theory such as in the fields of (preliminary):
- Auctions
- Industrial organization and competition policy
- Employer-employee relationships and contracts
- Labor market decisions, (wage bargaining, competence signaling)
- Corporate capital structures and investment decisions
- Monetary policy
- Online platforms and market places
- Ai and Machine learning
A student who has completed the course should have the following learning outcomes:
The student will
- understand main and advanced results from the theory of economic games and asymmetric information
- be acquainted with applications of these theories to a variety of real world problems
The student will
- be able to formulate different strategic situations in terms of game theoretic models
- be able to solve for equilibrium outcomes of different types of strategic situations
- be able to interpret how the existence, stability and characteristics of an equilibrium outcome depend on parameters and elements of a strategic situation
- be able to criticize and recognize (possibly testable) shortcomings of the presented game theoretical models
General competence
The student will
- Significantly increase the ability to think analytically and tackle complex problems
- manage to recognize and formulate precise questions about strategic situations and understand the theoretical tools to address these questions.
Studiepoeng, omfang
Studienivå (studiesyklus)
Krav til forkunnskapar
Tilrådde forkunnskapar
Krav til studierett
Arbeids- og undervisningsformer
Obligatorisk undervisningsaktivitet
Students will have to make and hand in one pass/fail assignment in groups of 2 - 3. Approved compulsory requirements do not have time limits.
Compulsory assignments that are not accepted on the first try, may be handed in a second time. To be able to get this opportunity, the student must have made a sincere effort the first time around; that is, the student must have tried to answer most of the assignment.
4 hours written exam
The exam will be given in the language in which the course is taught.
The exam can be submitted in English, Norwegian, Swedish or Danish.
Assessment in teaching semester.
A resit exam is arranged for students with valid absence according to UiBs study regulations § 5-5.
If a resit exam is arranged, it is available for students with the following results/absences:
- Medical certificate/valid absence
- Interrupted exam
- Fail/Not passed
If you have the right to take a resit exam and a resit exam is arranged for students with valid absence, you can register yourself in StudentWeb after January 15th/August 1st.
Hjelpemiddel til eksamen
- Mathematical Formula Collection of K Sydsæter, A. Strøm and P. Berck or Mathematical Formulas for Economists of B Luderer, V. Nollau and K. Vetters.
- Simple, non-programmable calculators without graphical display, in accorance with university guidelines.
- Dictionary preapproved by the Faculty
The Department of Economics can conduct a sample of aids in the examination room.