Europa etter 1945: Transformations in European Economies and Societies



Mål og innhald

The course provides an overview of the history of Europe from the end of World War II up to the present. It uses a comprehensive economic perspective on Europe's fragmented past. Students learn that there is not one continuous narrative that does justice to the continent's past, as Europeans experienced and shaped no linear straightforward development. Thus, a broad economic perspective serves as a tool to follow through without neglecting other aspects of society.

Students learn how and why the history of Europe is connected to the present and that today's developments can only be explained by looking at previous twist and turns. Thus, students also learn about different historical approaches to the past 70-80 years and become familiar with historical methods, narratives and interpretations.

For the meantime, the course follows a chronological order and starts with the impact of World War II on the people in Europe. While the war left the continent widely devastated, the periods thereafter were marked by rapid growth. The years until 1990/91 were characterized by the cold war divide with long lasting aftermaths on the societies in Eastern Europe. Meanwhile the period since the 1980s is shaped by the process of globalization. In addition to all this, Europe has always been affected by and itself influenced processes, developments and events in other regions in the world. Europe's history is complex and the course teaches this complexity.

The course is mandatory for students enrolled in European Studies, but open to other UiB students as well. History students can use the course to specialize for their Bachelor thesis (HIS250/HIS250L).


At the end of the course the student should have the following learning outcomes:


  • has a thorough understanding of the history of Europe from 1945 to the present
  • knows important historical interpretations and debates about the European history


The student

  • is able to comprehend and assess scholarly research
  • identify and discuss research questions
  • draw conclusions based on historical literature

General competence

The student

  • can study scholarly texts
  • is able to form and discuss arguments, as to be shown in the exam(s)



Studiepoeng, omfang


Studienivå (studiesyklus)





Krav til forkunnskapar
Tilrådde forkunnskapar
Good command of English, both written and spoken.
Krav til studierett
The course is open for students enrolled at the University of Bergen.
Arbeids- og undervisningsformer
Approximately 15 lectures
Obligatorisk undervisningsaktivitet

In order to take the written exam, the student must have passed a compulsory written paper. The deadline for submission and guidelines for this compulsory requirement is announced on Mitt UiB in the beginning of the teaching semester. Compulsory assignments must satisfy minimum academic requirements in order to be approved.

The passed compulsory requirement is valid for one semester following the teaching semester in which it was passed.

  • 5 days home exam, maximum 3000 words.

Compulsory requirements must be passed and valid in order to take the written examination.

The exam assignment will be given in English.

The exam can be submitted in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English.

Grades will be set using a scale of A to F.
Spring. An examination will also be held in the course-free semester (autumn). This exam is only open for students with valid compulsory requirements.

The reading list is submitted by July 1th for the Autumn semester and by December 1th for the Spring semester

Reading lists with compulsory curriculum are prepared by the Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion (in total, approximately 1200 pages).

The course unit will be evaluated regularly
Hjelpemiddel til eksamen
Bilingual English dictionary (non encyclopedic). The dictionary will be checked by the staff.
The programme committe is the course coordinator and is responsible for the quality of the programme and all the courses in it.
Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural studies and Religion, UiB.
Administrativt ansvarleg
The Faculty of Humanities by Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural studies and Religion is the course administrator.