- Studiepoeng
- 10
- Undervisningssemester
- Haust
- Emnekode
- INFO212
- Talet på semester
- 1
- Undervisningsspråk
- English
- Ressursar
- Timeplan
Mål og innhald
- Agile development methodology.
- Principles of architecture and its role in information system development.
- Quality attributes for an information system.
- The use of architecture in Agile projects.
A student who has completed the course should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence.
The candidate
- has knowledge of the development life cycle of information systems, including requirements, architecture, design, implementation, testing, rollout, production, maintenance and management.
- knows various aspects of system development related to design, privacy, security, ethical and legal practices.
- knows to integrate advanced AI tools into the software design process
- has knowledge of modeling information systems.
- has knowledge on documenting and evaluating software architecture.
- has familiarize themselves with how software architecture is used in cloud computing.
The candidate
- can use relevant modeling techniques for information systems.
- can employ agile practices of pair programming, frequent team interaction, and customer involvement in a distributed development environment.
- can specify requirements and architecture for information system.
- can specify the importance of architecture and the factors influencing system design decisions.
- has experience with practical project work in system development.
- has experience with one or more specific development methods for system development.
- has experience in leveraging GPT and similar AI models for the innovative design of software artifacts
- has understanding of software quality attributes.
General competence:
The candidate
- has the ability to communicate with stakeholders and apply system development techniques.
- has the ability to work effectively in a development team.
Studiepoeng, omfang
Studienivå (studiesyklus)
Krav til forkunnskapar
Tilrådde forkunnskapar
Krav til studierett
Arbeids- og undervisningsformer
Obligatorisk undervisningsaktivitet
- Compulsory assignments that are delivered throughout the semester. Assignments handed in by groups.
- Compulsory participation: attendance in labs (at least 75 %)
Approved compulsory requirements are valid for the two following semesters.
4 hour written examination
The exam assignment will be given in the language of instruction in the course.The exam answer must be submitted in the same language as the exam assignment.
Assessment in teaching semester
A retake exam is arranged for students with valid absence according to § 5-5. If there is a retake exam, this will be available for students with the follow results/absences:
- Medical certificate/valid absence
- Interruption during the exam
- Fail/failed
If you have the right to take a retake exam and a retake exam is arranged for students with valid absences, you can sign up yourself in Studentweb after January 15/August 1.