EU Copyright Law - Master
- Studiepoeng
- 10
- Undervisningssemester
- Vår
- Emnekode
- JUS3514
- Talet på semester
- 1
- Undervisningsspråk
- English
- Ressursar
- Timeplan
Mål og innhald
Copyright law protects a wide range of works against unauthorized uses, from art and literary works to software and databases. Serving multiple rationales, copyright plays an important role in fostering cultural development and serves as an incentive for authors and the creative industries (film, music, publishing, software, games, etc.) The digital age rises challenges to the system of copyright law. New ways of (re)using and engaging with protected works emerge while the effective enforcement of protection becomes more difficult.
In Europe, many aspects of the copyright system are harmonized on the EU level and ought to be interpreted uniformly across the EU/EEA. Growing jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) leads to further harmonization of copyright law and the evolvement of protection in response to technological development.
The objective of the course is to introduce students to the main features of the copyright system and EU copyright law. The following topics form the core of the course:
- basics of copyright protection,
- basis and rationale for EU copyright harmonization,
- EU copyright law and its instruments,
- scope of copyright protection with a focus on aspects harmonized on the EU level,
- landmark case law of the CJEU in the field of copyright,
- contemporary issues of copyright and the EU harmonization.
The student
- has good knowledge of the structure and norms of copyright law, including the law of neighboring rights,
- has advanced knowledge of EU copyright law instruments,
- is familiar with the contemporary issues of copyright law.
The student
- can apply knowledge to solve cases involving copyright law in the national and European context,
- can find, evaluate and present sources relevant to solving a concrete problem,
- can carry out independent research on issues pertaining to copyright law.
General competence
The student
- can engage critically and reflectively with contemporary debates regarding regulation and harmonization,
- can write reasoned answers to legal and policy questions,
- can communicate the findings of independent research to the broader audience, including orally.
Studiepoeng, omfang
Studienivå (studiesyklus)
Krav til forkunnskapar
Tilrådde forkunnskapar
Combined with JUS277-2-C EU Copyright Law, or JUS2314 EU Copyright Law, this course will generate no new credits.
The course combines well with
Krav til studierett
The course is available for students:
- admitted to the five-year master programme in law
- admitted to the two-year master programme in law
- admitted to the Master of Laws (LLM) in EU and EEA Law
- granted admission to elective courses at the Faculty of Law
- granted additional right to study following completed Master¿s degree in Law at UiB
- Exchange students at the Faculty of Law
The pre-requirements may still limit certain students' access to the course.
Arbeids- og undervisningsformer
Obligatorisk undervisningsaktivitet
Students are required to submit a paper between 1800 and 2000 words (not including footnotes or appendices) on a designated topic. The paper must be approved by the lecturer. Only students who have had their paper approved, will obtain the right to sit the exam.
Students are also required to give an oral presentation of the assignment. Participation in classes reserved for presentations is compulsory for all students
Three-hour digital school exam.¿Information about digital examination.
Students who do not pass the examination may re-sit in the following semester if the mandatory assignment or activity has been approved and when the examination result is due to
- legitimate reason for non-attendance (see Section 3-7, paragraph 3 b in the Supplementary Regulations)
- failed result
For rules regarding voluntary re-sit, see Section 3-5.
Exam question: English
Hjelpemiddel til eksamen
Support materials allowed during school exam
See section 3-8 of the Supplementary Regulations for Studies at the Faculty of Law at the University of Bergen.
Special regulations about dictionaries
- According to the Regulations for Studies, one dictionary is permitted support material during the examination. Bilingual dictionaries containing for example both Norwegian-English and English-Norwegian are considered as one dictionary;
- Bilingual dictionaries to/from the same two languages - for example Norwegian-English/English-Norwegian - in two different volumes are also considered as one dictionary (irrespective of publisher or edition);
- Dictionaries as described above cannot be combined with any other types of dictionaries;
- Any kind of combination which makes up more than two physical volumes is forbidden;
In case a student has a special need for any other combination than the above mentioned, such combination has to be clarified with/approved by the course coordinator minimum two weeks before the exam. Students who have not been granted permission to have a special combination minimum two weeks before the exam will be subject to the usual regulations (Section 3-5) about examination support materials.