Quantitative organic analysis

Postgraduate course

Course description

Objectives and Content

The course will give insight into the most common methodologies for analyses of organic compounds, the way they are applied in fields like medicine, in industry, and for environmental and food analyses.

The theory behind mass spectrometry and analytical separation methods, such as chromatography and electrophoresis, will be explained. In addition, it will be shown how different techniques can be coupled to achieve the necessary selectivity when complex mixtures are analysed. The course will also give skills in practical applications of chromatographic and mass spectrometric equipment.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the course the student should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student

  • understands the fundamental principles of chromatography and electrophoresis
  • has knowledge about chromatographic separation methods, such as reversed phase, normal phase, ion chromatography and gas chromatography
  • knows the function of modern chromatographic equipment
  • knows the function of the most common ionization techniques in mass spectrometry
  • knows the function of mass spectrometric equipment
  • understands how coupled chromatographic techniques and tandem mass spectrometry are applied to increase selectivity.


The student

  • can choose a suitable separation principle for given analytes and types of samples
  • can evaluate the quality of a chromatographic separation and suggest ways to improve it
  • can choose suitable mass spectrometric conditions for given analytes and sample types

General competence

The student

  • can apply strategies for optimization
  • can conduct experiments to concretise and verify theoretical knowledge

ECTS Credits


Semester of Instruction

Required Previous Knowledge
Recommended Previous Knowledge
Credit Reduction due to Course Overlap
K234: 10 stp. K234A: 10stp. KJEM230: 5stp. KJEM333: 5 stp. KJEM233: 5 stp.
Teaching and learning methods

Lectures, 4 hours per week

  • Approx. 6 laboratory/computer exercises(1 day per exercise)
  • Writing of compulsory laboratory reports
  • Own reading
Compulsory Assignments and Attendance

Laboratory exercises and compulsory assignments. The grades in analytical results in lab and laboratory journals are valid the 5 following semesters.

Forms of Assessment

The forms of assessment are:

  • Digital written examination (4 hours)
Grading Scale
The grading scale used is A to F. Grade A is the highest passing grade in the grading scale, grade F is a fail.
Assessment Semester

Examination both spring semester and autumn semester. In semesters without teaching the

examination will be arranged at the beginning of the semester.

Reading List
The reading list will be available within July 1st for the autumn semester and December 1st for the spring semester
Course Evaluation

The course will be evaluated by the students in accordance with the quality assurance system at UiB and

the department

Examination Support Material
Non-programmable calculator, according to the faculty regulations
Programme Committee
Programstyret har ansvar for fagleg innhald og oppbygging av studiet og for kvaliteten på studieprogrammet og alle emna der.