
Postgraduate course

Course description

Objectives and Content

Through this course, the students will gain in-depth knowledge of a selected logopedic topic. The content will vary from semester to semester.

The course can be substituted by a comparable course of equivalent scope and dimension from other institutions.

The credits can also be substituted by another self-selected specialization, with the same scope and degree of in-depth knowledge, for example by presenting one's work at a scientific conference or by taking part in a summer school held by educational institutions or professional organizations. The student is responsible for documenting that the activities are sufficient to cover 5 ECTS and that the activities are at a master degree level. Examples of activities that may be approved:

1. Participating in an international scientific conference with own contribution

2. Participating in a national scientific conference with own contribution

3. Participating in summer school held by approved body (one ECTS per day)

4. Self-selected specialization as self-studies can give one ECTS per 300 pages. The literature list must be approved, and must not overlap with literature from other courses in the program. The work must be documented by an annotated literature list, and a reflective diary showing that the learning outcomes are reached.

The activities or courses that are intended to substitute LOGO325 must be approved in advance.

Learning Outcomes

Specific learning outcomes will vary from year to year.



ECTS Credits


Level of Study


Semester of Instruction

Required Previous Knowledge
Knowledge equivalent to LOGO320 - Logopediske særemne
Recommended Previous Knowledge
Should have basic knowledge about evidencebased practice in logopedics and skills in analysing research literature equivalent to course requirements of LOGO310 and LOGO319.
Access to the Course
Accepted to the master's program in logopedics or other relevant program.
Teaching and learning methods
The teaching will be distributed between lectures, seminar and/or group work, with a total of approximately 20 hours of organized time. The students must in addition read 300-500 pages of literature.
Compulsory Assignments and Attendance
May vary from year to year depending on the topic.
Forms of Assessment
Home exam (5 days)
Grading Scale
A - F
Assessment Semester
Reading List
Recommended readings
Course Evaluation
The course will be evaluated in accordance with UiB's quality assurance system and the Faculty of Psychology's routines for Participatory evaluation.
Programme Committee
The Department of Biological and Medical Psychology
Course Coordinator
The Department of Biological and Medical Psychology
Course Administrator
The Faculty of Psychology