Cancer Research - Ethical, Economic and Social Aspects

Ph.D. -course

Course description

Objectives and Content

The candidates will be educated in ethical, economic and social aspects of cancer and cancer research. The PhD candidates must complete a systematic reflection based on a specific field of topic, preferably related to own PhD project. The PhD candidates will master and be able to critically evaluate methods for assessing the profitability of healthcare and treatment.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completing this course the candidate should:


Compare the consequences of various health programs against each other.

Know different techniques to measure/value the consequences of a health program, as well as be able to apply them and evaluate their appropriateness.

Identify, give a systematic overview of, and make an independent assessment of ethical, economic and social aspects relevant to cancer research.


Knowledge of how to measure health, and an understanding of the practical and theoretical difficulties with such measurements.

Be able to identify and analyse ethical, economic and social aspects and problems related to own research, and convert the analysis to advice on concrete action.

General Competency
Assess if health programs can contribute to a more efficient health care sector.

ECTS Credits

5 credits (125-150 hours student work time).

Place of Instruction

Required Previous Knowledge

Masters degree or equivalent education level is required, with the exception of students on the Medical Student Research Program.

Recommended Previous Knowledge
Theory of science and ethics equivalent of examen philosophicum. Medical or health related educational background or PhD project related to medical/health related research.
Credit Reduction due to Course Overlap
Access to the Course

February 1st at Studentweb for candidates at UiB.

External candidates may apply for admission to the course through SĂžknadsweb by February 1st.

Forms of Assessment

To pass the course, the candidate must:

  • Write a 10-15 pages long term paper. The paper should include an analysis of the ethical, economic and social aspects of a specific field of topic, preferably related to own PhD project. The problem for discussion must be approved by the course leader.
  • Attend minimum 8 out of 10 lectures.
  • Attend minimum 8 out of 10 seminars.
  • Give an oral presentation based on own term paper in a seminar.

Mandatory requirements are valid for three following semesters after authorization.

Grading scale:

Pass / Fail

Assessment Semester
The CCBIO903 course is cancelled for spring 2024.
Reading List
Course Coordinator
Roger Strand and Anne Bremer.
Who may participate
The course is primarily intended for PhD candidates who are affiliated with the Centre for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO), but is open to other students, PhD candidates and students at the Medical Student Research Program.