Biomarkers and tumor biology in clinical practice
Ph.D. -course
- ECTS credits
- 4
- Teaching semesters
- Spring
- Course code
- CCBIO904
- Number of semesters
- 1
- Teaching language
- English.
- Resources
- Schedule
Course description
Objectives and Content
The course covers broad tumorbiological topics that are important for understanding how cancer occurs, the mechanisms that control tumor growth, proliferation and morbidity. The course will focus especially on tumor biological changes that may have or already have significance for personalized cancer treatment and clinical trial studies of new diagnostics and treatment
The course includes lectures, demonstrations, group work, curriculum and a written exam, and aims to give PhD candidates who does cancer research, a broad understanding of all aspects of tumor biology based on updated knowledge. The PhD candidates will also gain deeper insight into how knowledge about tumor biological changes affects our strategies to customize assessment and treatment for this group of patients.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completing this course the candidate should have:
Knowledge regarding
- Evaluation of the purpose and advantage of using methods to detect molecular changes in malignant lesions.
Deeper insight into:
- Tumor biological aspects of cancer.
- Oncogenes, tumor-suppressor genes, gene re-arrangements, DNA repair, apoptosis and growth factors.
- Different methods applied for "Gen-mapping". DNA analysis and sequencing.
- Principals for cytokine therapy, gene therapy, rational "drug design," monoclonal antibodies and protein engineering.
- The interaction between tumor cells and microenvironment.
- Relevant methods for specimen collection in the clinical setting for use of molecular techniques.
- Can formulate problems and suggest research of molecular biological aspects in cancer and cancer development in order to map tumor biological mechanisms.
- Be able to critically assess the expediency and challenges of using different methods for researching molecular biological aspects of cancer.
- Be able to select relevant literature that deals with molecular aspects important in cancer.
General Competency
- Be able to evaluate how knowledge about molecular changes in cancer may provide a better and more precise diagnosis.
- Be able to propose new strategies for development of more targeted therapies and testing of cancer drugs.
Be able to understand challenges and possibilities for introducing more targeted therapies and better follow up of cancer patients.
ECTS Credits
Level of Study
3 full days with lectures and seminars.
Group discussions with individual presentations.
Reading curriculum (see suggested reading).
Recommended as part of the training component for all candidates affiliated with the Research School for Cancer Studies (RSBS).
Semester of Instruction
Place of Instruction
Required Previous Knowledge
Recommended Previous Knowledge
Credit Reduction due to Course Overlap
Forms of Assessment
To pass the course, the candidate must:
- Participation of minimum 90% during the course.
- Prepare for and participate actively in the group assignments, and also prepare an oral presentation together with the group.
- Pass a one hour written exam. The exam will be evaluated by the course-coordinator.
Grading scale:
Pass / Fail.
Reading List
Suggested reading:
- The Biology of Cancer, by Robert A. Weinberg (960 pages).
- The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer, by Siddhartha Mukherjee (608 pages)(Not exam material).