Medical Data Science

Undergraduate course

Course description

Objectives and Content

The course will run as normal autumn 2024


The course goal is to give an overview of the field of medical data science with an emphasis on both the promises and challenges of developing and using digital technology in healthcare, during the entire human lifespan - from cradle to grave.


Digitalisation is affecting every spectrum of life including medicine. For example, as remote monitoring is becoming more and more feasible, it is reshaping fundamentally how medical services are organised. Despite its promise to save costs and increase efficiency, the progress is slow because of the requirements for new competence at every level in the health sector. This course aims to take the students through the impact of digitalisation of healthcare through all stages of human life - from cradle to death. The course will enable students to develop skills and competence to understand the newly emerging field of medical data science. The course is aimed to give students with diverse backgrounds and interests a foundation on which they can contribute to healthcare digitalisation through research and innovation.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, the student will have the following learning outcome defined in knowledge, skills, and general competence:


The student can

  • Explain the field of medical data science and how it helps towards preventive, precise and personalised (P3) healthcare.
  • Understand the basic elements of:-

    1. The fundamentals of human cell biology including genetics
    2. Medical and clinical data, including registry data and health data from wearable devices.
  • Recognise the ethical issues and biases associated with digitalization of health data.
  • Skills

    The student has

    • Awareness about different forms of medical data (genomics, imaging, registries, health records and wearable devices) and ethical issues and biases associated with them.
    • Hands-on experience on dealing with real-life medical data analysis to understand both opportunities and challenges.

    General competence

    The student can

    • Describe state-of-art of digitalisation of health care
    • Communicate and collaborate in interdisciplinary projects in the field of medical data science

    Learning Outcomes

    At the end of the course, the student will have the following learning outcome defined in knowledge, skills, and general competence:


    The student can

    • Explain the field of medical data science and how it helps towards preventive, precise and personalised (P3) healthcare.
    • Understand the basic elements of:-
      1. The fundamentals of human cell biology including genetics
      2. Medical and clinical data, including registry data and health data from wearable devices.
  • Recognise the ethical issues and biases associated with digitalization of health data.
  • Skills

    The student has

    • Awareness about different forms of medical data (genomics, imaging, registries, health records and wearable devices) and ethical issues and biases associated with them.
    • Hands-on experience on dealing with real-life medical data analysis to understand both opportunities and challenges.

    General competence

    The student can

    • Describe state-of-art of digitalisation of health care
    • Communicate and collaborate in interdisciplinary projects in the field of medical data science

    ECTS Credits

    2,5 ects

    Semester of Instruction

    Spring, Autumn
    Required Previous Knowledge
    Recommended Previous Knowledge
    Credit Reduction due to Course Overlap
    Access to the Course
    For admission, you need to be a student at the University of Bergen and admitted to DIGI-courses. The course has a capacity of 200 students each semester.
    Teaching and learning methods
    • Digital modules at Mitt UiB.
    • Voluntary group work
    • Non-mandatory digital Q and A sessions where the student can get help with the mandatory tasks.
    Compulsory Assignments and Attendance
    Online compulsory assignments (e.g. multiple choice questions) will be provided during the course with a specific deadline for submission.
    Forms of Assessment

    The course has the following forms of assessment:

    The course is passed when all the obligatory work is completed and approved by the instructor.

    Grading Scale
    Pass / fail
    Assessment Semester
    Examination only in the teaching semester. Candidates with valid absence from the exam are permitted for early exam the subsequent semester.
    Reading List
    The reading list will be available within July 1st for the autumn semester and December 1st for the spring semester.
    Course Evaluation
    The course will be evaluated by the students in accordance with the quality assurance system at UiB and the department.
    Course Coordinator