Field course in reservoir geology
Postgraduate course
- ECTS credits
- 5
- Teaching semesters
- Spring
- Course code
- GEOV352
- Number of semesters
- 1
- Teaching language
- English if english-speaking students attend the seminars, otherwise Norwegian
- Resources
- Schedule
Course description
Objectives and Content
The course is mainly taught in the field, in a world-class area for investigating sedimentology and tectonic deformation of sedimentary rocks. There is also a mandatory part before the course where the students will go through different exercises which are important for learning in the field. The main part of the field course deals with methods important for exploration and production of petroleum, and assessment of reservoirs, traps and potential leakage for CO2 storage. This includes structural geology, tectonics, sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, reservoir technology and reservoir modelling. A key goal is that students should understand fluid flow in sandstone reservoirs. The teaching is based on problem based learning, where students work in groups to solve exercises in the field. After the field course, the results and learnings from the course will be summarized in a report.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of the course the student should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:
The student understands:
- how reservoir properties relates to sedimentary environments
- lateral variation in sedimentary systems
- fundamental controls on sedimentary architecture
- proximal-distal relations in sedimentary systems
- sedimentary systems on a core-, field- and seismic scale
- how tectonic deformation affects reservoir properties on different scales
- deformation around large-scale faults
- the connection between seismic-scale deformation and associated sub-seismic deformation
- properties which can lead to sealing faults
- development and linkage of faults in map view
- that exploration for hydrocarbon is a complex process which involves geology, economy, law and engineering
The student can:
- investigate reservoir properties of rocks in the field
- correlate sedimentary surfaces in core
- analyze large and small-scale deformation patterns
- analyze many types of tectonic deformation in the field
- utilize many different types of datasets to understand sedimentary deposits, such as outcrops, cores, aerial imagery, seismic and core
General competence
The student can:
- relate different types of geological data to field observations
- extrapolate between core and seismic data
- assess uncertainty in interpretation based on limited datasets
- understand the role of a geologist in hydrocarbon production and exploration
ECTS Credits
5 credits
Semester of Instruction
Spring. This is a course with limited capacity.
The course is based on external funds and can be cancelled in lack of funding spring 2022.
Required Previous Knowledge
GEOV101. Bachelor's degree in geology/geophysics.
Teaching and learning methods
Field course: 8 days field course in Utah, USA.
Practicals: 2 days, before the field course.
Compulsory Assignments and Attendance
Field course and pre-course assignments are mandatory. Field-report from each group.
Forms of Assessment
Pass/fail based on attendance and approved report.
Grading Scale
Passed / failed. No grading.
Assessment Semester
Assessment is only provided in the semester when the course is being taught (spring).
Reading List
The reading list will be available within July 1st for the autumn semester and December 1st for the spring semester.
Course Evaluation
The course will be evaluated by the students in accordance with the quality assurance system at UiB and the department
Programme Committee
The Programme Committee is responsible for the content, structure and quality of the study programme and courses.
Course Coordinator
The course coordinator and administrative contact person can be found on Mitt UiB, or you may contact
Course Administrator
The Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Earth Science has the administrative responsibility for the course and program