Formal Methods in Information Science

Undergraduate course

Course description

Objectives and Content

The course will provide basic knowledge of formal concepts and methods useful within branches of information science. It forms the basis for studies in, among other things, databases, programming and artificial intelligence.

Content: elementary logic and set theory, relations and functions, graphs and trees, combinatorics and probability, information theory and computability.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, the student must have the following learning outcomes.


The student

  • has theoretical knowledge of basic concepts related to logic, set theory, relations, functions, graphs and trees, combinatorics and probability, information theory and computability.
  • can explain other relevant concepts based on the previous ones.
  • have knowledge of mathematical/formal forms of expression and reasoning.
  • has a basic understanding of formalization as a method as well as the areas in which this is useful.


The student

  • can reproduce and explain concepts and results.
  • can explain, asses and evaluate expressions and reasoning where they are useful.
  • masters formal forms of expression and methods in a range of contexts.
Credit Reduction due to Course Overlap
INFO104 overlaps10 ECTS with MNF130, 5 ECTS with INFO103, 5 ECTS with INFO102, 5 ECTS with INFO131 and 5 ECTS with IV131.
Teaching and learning methods
Lectures and group exercises.
Compulsory Assignments and Attendance
  • Mandatory assignments, which must be submitted and approved during the teaching semester.
  • Attendance at lectures and group exercises (at least 75%).

The approval of compulsory teaching activities is valid for two semesters.

Forms of Assessment

4 hours written exam

The exam assignment will be given in the language of instruction in the course.
The exam answer must be submitted in the same language as the exam assignment.

Grading Scale
Grading scale with letter grades (A-F)
Assessment Semester

Exams are offered in the teaching semester

A retake exam is arranged for students with valid absence according to ยง 5-5. If there is a retake exam, this will be available for students with the follow results/absences:

  • Medical certificate/valid absence
  • Interruption during the exam
  • Fail/failed

If you have the right to take a retake exam and a retake exam is arranged for students with valid absences, you can sign up yourself in Studentweb after January 15/August 1.

Reading List
The bibliography will be ready before 01.07. for the autumn semester, and before 01.12. for the spring semester.
Course Evaluation
All courses are evaluated according to UiB's quality system for education.
Examination Support Material
Dictionary preapproved by the Faculty