Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction

Undergraduate course

Course description

Objectives and Content

The course introduces students to analysis, design, and evaluation of the interaction between people and information and communication technologies. The aim is to give students an adequate understanding of the concepts of usability, user experience, and user-centered design. Special attention is given to understanding the lifecycle of interaction design with special emphasis on using qualitative and quantitative methods in establishing requirements and evaluating interactive technologies. Students will learn about current developments in the fields of interaction design and human-computer interaction.

Learning Outcomes

A student who has completed the course should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student

  • knows a definition of interaction design and human-computer interaction.
  • knows the concepts of usability, user experience and user-centered design.
  • knows the lifecycle model of interaction design.
  • has knowledge about different kinds of requirements.
  • knows the key concepts and terms used in evaluation.
  • has knowledge of different types of evaluation methods.


The student

  • can outline and discuss usability goals and user experience goals for designing an interactive product
  • can identify suitable methods for evaluating interactive technologies
  • can identify suitable methods for establishing requirements
  • can discuss the conceptual, practical, and ethical issues involved in evaluation
  • can discuss the advantages and disadvantages of low-fidelity and hi-fidelity prototypes
  • can produce simple prototypes of interactive products.

Semester of Instruction

Required Previous Knowledge
Recommended Previous Knowledge
INFO100 or equivalent
Credit Reduction due to Course Overlap
INFO162 overlaps
  • 10 ECTS with INFO262, INFO261 and INFO161
  • 5 ECTS with MIX100
Access to the Course
Teaching and learning methods
Lectures, seminars, group work and student presentations.
Compulsory Assignments and Attendance
  • Compulsory assignments that must be completed and approved.
  • Compulsory participation: Attendance at labs (at least 75%).

Approved compulsory requirements are only valid in the teaching semester.

Forms of Assessment
  • Written exam, 3 hours (60 %)
  • Group assignment (40 %)

The exam assignment will be given in the language of instruction in the course.
The exam answer must be submitted in the same language as the exam assignment.

Grading Scale
Assessment Semester

Assessment in teaching semester.

Only students who have a valid document of absence will be entitled to take a new written exam the following semester.

Retake exam

School exam

A retake exam is arranged for students with valid absence according to § 5-5. If there is a retake exam, this will be available for students with the follow results/absences:

  • Medical certificate/valid absence
  • Interruption during the exam
  • Fail/failed

If you have the right to take a retake exam and a retake exam is arranged for students with valid absences, you can sign up yourself in Studentweb after January 15/August 1.

Group assignment

For the group assignment, Students with valid absence as defined in the UiB regulations § 5-5 can apply for an extended submission deadline to The application must be submitted before the deadline for submission has expired.

Course Evaluation
All courses are evaluated according to UiB's system for quality assurance of education.
Examination Support Material
Written exam: Dictionary preapproved by the Faculty