Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Health Sciences for PhD Candidates and Post Doctors

Ph.D. -course

Course description

Objectives and Content


The course will prepare the candidates for teaching, assessing and supervising students at bachelor- and master level within the health sciences. The objective of the course includes increasing the candidates understanding of how students learn and how to facilitate learning processes.


Through theoretical studies, group discussion and practical exercises, the candidates will be introduced to key educational topics and research on learning, teaching preparations, varied and student centered teaching methods, assessments methods and their functions, ICT-tools etc. The main target group is candidates with little or no experience as teachers.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the course the student should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The candidate:

  • Understands what learning is and how learning can be facilitated
  • Has knowledge about the purpose and function of models for educational planning
  • Can intentionally select and apply varied teaching methods
  • Knows the most common assessment methods and how assessment affects students learning


The candidate:

  • Can supervise and supply feedback to students in various educational settings
  • Can peer-review different teaching practices
  • Is able to work systematically to continue to improve his/her own teaching skills
  • Can use digital learning managements systems (LMS) to organize and plan teaching and learning activities

General competence

The candidate:

  • Is able to read, understand and apply educational research

Semester of Instruction

Autumn. Not offered Autumn 2024.

Place of Instruction

Faculty of Medicine, University of Bergen
Required Previous Knowledge
Credit Reduction due to Course Overlap
The course overlaps 50 % with UPED620, UPED634A and UPED634B. Students who follow both PHDPED900 and UPED634A or UPED634B will be given a 2.5 credit (ECTS) reduction.
Access to the Course
Application form: Not offered 2024
Compulsory Assignments and Attendance

The course consists of the following components:

  • one full day of interactive teaching
  • three ½-day seminars
  • small group peer-review of actual teaching or video recordings of teaching
  • paper presented at seminar

Candidates must attend all activities described to pass the course.

Forms of Assessment
Candidates will be assessed based on attendance and on their paper presentations. Grading scale: Pass / Fail
Course Coordinator
Monika Kvernenes,, Tel: 55 58 65 99
Language of instruction