Master's Thesis in Process Technology

Postgraduate course

Course description

Objectives and Content


The course aims to provide the student with theoretical knowledge and practical skills within a specialized area in energy- and process technology. The candidate will get a good introduction to scientific working methods, practice in evaluating scientific literature, and experience in communicating their own results and theories both orally and in writing. Through the academic specialisation, the student will acquire professional expertise, develop critical and scientific thinking, and be able to complete a research-based master's thesis within their field of research.


The master¿s thesis is an independent work, designed in consultation with the supervisor, where the candidate is responsible for the progression of the work. The research field in which one can choose a topic span across several areas within energy- and process technology, such as separation, safety process technology and multi-phase. Theoretical and practical specialisation courses are chosen in accordance with the topic of the master's thesis. The program gives you solid competence in science and a basis to contribute to the development of the field of process technology.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the course the student should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student

  • shows a good knowledge of process technology in general and specialized insight in a narrower area related to the master's degree project
  • is able to analyse complex problems that exist in the process industry today
  • has knowledge on experimental apparatus, measuring instrument, and calculation of uncertainty measurements


The student

  • can carry out an independent, limited research project under supervision, but with a great degree of independence and his/her own initiative, and in accordance with good ethical conduct
  • can analyse and critically evaluate scientific sources of information and apply them to structure and formulate reasoning and new ideas in separation
  • can analyse, interpret and discuss his/her own results in a scientifically sound and critical way and in light of data and theories in his/her own field
  • can orient oneself in the scientific community and collect, analyse and utilize necessary knowledge and tools needed to carry out a research project
  • can manage and present scientific data, discuss precision and accuracy and use programming tools to analyse and process data
  • can model and analyse fundamental processed that occur in process apparatus and in nature
  • can find the relation and apply knowledge from mathematics, physics and chemical engineering

General competence:

The student

  • is able to analyse general scientific problems and participate in discussions about different ways of addressing and solving problems
  • can make good written and oral presentations of scientific topics and results
  • can communicate about scientific problems, analyses and conclusions in separation with both specialists and the general public
  • is able to reflect upon key scientific problems in his/her own work and other people's work
  • demonstrates an understanding of and respect for scientific values such as openness, precision and reliability

ECTS Credits


Semester of Instruction

Autumn and spring.
Required Previous Knowledge
Enrolled to Master's Programme in Energy- and Process Technology
Access to the Course
Access to the course requires admission to the Master's Programme in Energy- and Process Technology at the Department of Physics and Technology at The Faculty of Science and Technology
Forms of Assessment

Submitted Master's thesis, presentation of the master's thesis and oral examination.

After the master's thesis has been submitted and approved, the master program is concluded with an oral examination. The oral exam consists of a public presentation of about 30 minutes where the student presents an overview of the thesis. The external examiner and the supervisor shall be present at the public presentation. After the presentation an oral examination/ discussion of the thesis follows.

Prior to the presentation the external examiner should decide on a preliminary grade for the thesis. The quality of the presentation together with the oral examination/conversation shall only have an adjusting effect on the final grade of the thesis. It is only the final grade that is announced to the student and that appears on the grade transcript.

Grading Scale
The grading scale used is A to F. Grade A is the highest passing grade in the grading scale, grade F is a fail.
Assessment Semester
There are regular exams every semester.
Course Evaluation

The course will be evaluated by the students in accordance with the quality control system at UiB and the department.