Critical Reflection Workshop

Postgraduate course

Course description

Objectives and Content

This module supports the development of the critical refection component of your master project. Exploring writing techniques and identifying key references and research questions, you work towards the completion of an outline of your final text. The application of citations and biographical information is a key activity.

REF310 connects to your master project and is further supported by the discourse and theory found in the elective PRO modules.

REF modules are designed to position your practice in relation to histories and theories of practice, incrementally building from understanding the terrain to defining it in relation to your own artistic activities. Professional practice is included through emphasis on how writing and word-based communication is used in professional contexts.

Learning Outcomes


  • Deepen the contextualization of your practice within a network of relevant practices, discourses, and fields
  • Identify preferences in writing styles and approaches


  • Apply citations and bibliographical information within a written text
  • Write with clarity and agency

General competence

  • Forge your own writing style and voice in relation to your art practice
  • Use peers as audience and as part of the editing processes
  • Develop an outline of the critical refection component of your master project


Full time.

Semester of Instruction


Place of Instruction

Campus UiB.
Recommended Previous Knowledge
Access to the Course
Admission to the Master's Programme in Fine Art.
Teaching and learning methods

Methods may include:

  • Group seminars
  • Reading (in groups and self-directed)
  • Writing (self-directed and collective)
  • Lectures
  • Workshops
  • Library sessions
  • Peer learning
Forms of Assessment

The module uses the following forms of assessment: Submission of critical reflection outline..

Assessment criteria:




Communication and presentation

Grading Scale
Pass / Fail.
Course Evaluation
The module is evaluted every third year according to UiBs quality system for education.
Programme Committee
The program board is responsible for the academic content, structure and quality of the study program.
Course Administrator
The Art Academy at The Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design holds the administrative responsibility for the module and study program.