Programme participation
Reader opinion piece
Academic lecture
Prestegård, Øygunn Skodvin
(2023). Fake history and new beginnings
. (external link)
Prestegård, Øygunn Skodvin
(2022). "Denn wir sind es, die sie auf Abstand halten." Grensemotiv og -refleksjonar i eit utval dystopisk ungdomslitteratur. (external link)
Prestegård, Øygunn Skodvin
(2019). The Silence Treatment. (external link)
Prestegård, Øygunn Skodvin
(2019). Til skrekk og gru for lesaren? Dystopiske åtvaringar i skandinavisk ungdomslitteratur. (external link)
Prestegård, Øygunn Skodvin
(2018). Dystopias in the Classroom. (external link)
Prestegård, Øygunn Skodvin
(2018). Dystopia - Society and Nature. (external link)
Prestegård, Øygunn Skodvin
(2018). (Involuntary?) Ideology in two Contemporary Scandinavian Dystopias for Y.A.-Readers. (external link)
Prestegård, Øygunn Skodvin
(2018). Young Adult Utopian and Dystopian Literature in Postmillennial Norway. (external link)
Prestegård, Øygunn Skodvin
(2017). Reading Dystopian Young Adult Novels. (external link)
Prestegård, Øygunn Skodvin
(2015). "Forteljar og forfattar i fire Utstein-romanar". (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Academic article
Feature article
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.