Øyvind Fiksen


Professor, Marin dean

Research groups

Short info

I am appointed Marine Dean at UiB, with responsibility for the strategic area Marine research. I led the research group Theoretical Ecology Group from 2002 to 2019, and am elected leader of the Norwegian Association of Marine Scientists since 2020.

I study how individuals drive the dynamics of populations and communities in the marine environment; including mechanistic models of processes, state-variable optimality theory and marine trait-based ecosystem models. I work on behaviour, adaptations, predator-prey interactions in fish, zooplankton and microbes – and how this structures marine ecosystems.


During 2012-2015 I was appointed Head of Education and Deputy Head of Department at Department of Biological Sciences (BIO), University of Bergen. During this period, BIO was granted status as a Centre of Excellence in Education - and since 2014 the Centre of Excellence in Biology Education (bioCEED). Related to this I have held > 40 invited talks on activities in the centre in a range of local and national fora (see overview in my Teaching Portfolio). I am rewarded status as an Excellent Teaching Practitioner from UiB. 

Academic lecture
Academic article
Masters thesis
Doctoral dissertation
Feature article
Short communication
Academic literature review
Popular scientific article
Reader opinion piece
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

My scientific publications are listed here

  1. ETHOFISH – The effect of turbidity and hypoxia on the behaviour coastal marine fishes. 2002-2005. EU. Team leader of work package 6 Modelling. (2 post-docs, 2 technicians, 3400 KNOK).
  2. Models of optimal energy allocation, maturation strategies and skipped spawning in cod. 2002-2005. NFR. 1452 KNOK (1 PhD).
  3. ADAPT – Adaptation to the ecosystem: Co-evolution of life histories of Calanus and herring in the Norwegian Sea. 2003-2006. NFR. 1938 KNOK, of total project grant 6200 KNOK (1 PhD).
  4. ECOBE – Effects of North Atlantic climate variability on the Barents Sea ecosystem. 2003-2006. NFR. 2920 KNOK, of total grant 22000 KNOK. Leader of Module 3: Larval and juvenile transport, growth and survival (1 PhD, 1 post-doc).
  5. CLIMAR Climate and production of marine resources. 2004-2006. In charge of the UoB contribution (1 post-doc, 1531 KNOK).
  6. EUROCEANS. The loophole hypothesis of anchovy recruitment in Bay of Biscay. (1 PhD student, 1500 KNOK).
  7. Sustainable harvesting of renewable resources. (2006-2010, NFR project, collaboration with IMR). In charge of about 3000 KNOK of total 6450 KNOK (1 PhD, 1 technician, the UoB contribution).
  8. TBECO. Trait-based ecosystem models: from individuals to biodiversity in aquatic communities. (2009-2012). Project leader. 4550 KNOK. Two researchers.
  9. EGGVALUE. Towards operational models of fish eggs and     larvae along the norwegian coast (2011-2014). 6700 KNOK
  10. Nordic Centre of Excellence (NCoE) 2011- 2016: The Nordic Centre for Research on Marine Ecosystems and Resources under Climate Change NorMer. Bergen node – 2 PhD students. 5000 KNOK.
  11. bioCEED. Centre of Excellence in Biology Education. I contributed to application, initiation of and was leader of WP1 during the three first years of the centre. 5 000 KNOK annually over 10 years. 2013-
  12. MARmaED - Marine Management and Ecosystem Dynamics under Climate Change. - a Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Training Network under Horizon 2020 that started on 1 October 2015 and will run for 4 years. 2 PhD-students at UiB.
  13. FILAMO - Connecting FIeld work and LAboratory experiments to numerical MOdeling in a changing marine environment. INTPART, NFR. Project leader. 3 800 KNOK. 2017-2022 (extension due to the pandemic).
  14. PANDORA - Paradigm for Novel Dynamic Oceanic Resource Assessments. Horizon 2020. Call: H2020-SFS-2016-2017. Sustainable Food Security – Resilient and resource-efficient value. UiB-partner (80 K€). 2018-2021.