
Øyvind Vågnes is professor of Media Studies and head of the research group for film, television and visual culture. In the years to follow the award-winning monograph Zaprudered: The Kennedy Assination Film in Visual Culture (Texas University Press), a result of his doctoral research, he has published widely in the field of visual culture, including several articles on photography, comics, and in recent years, television series. In 2008-2013 he was a postdoctoral fellow with the research project Nomadikon: New Ecologies of the Image, led by Asbjørn Grønstad, and in 2010 he co-founded the peer-reviewed journal Ekfrase: Nordisk tidsskrift for visuell kultur with Grønstad. In 2015-2019 he was affiliated with the ViSmedia project led by Astrid Gynnild. Vågnes is also a writer of fiction, and has published several novels in Norwegian (Tiden Norsk Forlag). He is one of the editors of Journal of Visual Culture (Sage).

Recent publications include:


Invisibility in Visual and Material Culture

Book review
Popular scientific article
Interview Journal
Academic lecture
Academic article
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Popular scientific lecture
Programme participation
Academic monograph
Academic literature review
Reader opinion piece
Doctoral dissertation
Feature article

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.