Alexandros Tsakos
Senior Academic Librarian, Scientific Director of Manuscripts' and Rare Books' Collection
Research groups
Manuscript Studies
Nubian and Sudan Studies
Early and Medieval Christianity
Ancient Religions
Religion and Writing
KOP 101 - Autumn 2014 & 2016
RELV 105 - Spring 2015 & 2016
Popular scientific article
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2024). Markering av Grunnloven og Landsloven. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2024). Til minne om Rune Kyrkjebø (1968-2023). (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2023). Halsnøy klosteret ved Manuskript- og librarsamlingen. (external link)
- Paasche, Marianne; Moe-Nilssen, Nils-Erik; Tsakos, Alexandros (2023). 8. mai – frigjøringsdagen; men også en nasjonalsosialistisk avis…. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2023). Sudan. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2023). En reise til Hellas i 1958. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2021). En stein blir nedlagt i Bergen – starten på Universitetet i Bergen. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2021). Gullivers reiser på reisefot. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros; Lock, Andrew David (2020). Skadedyr og "wrong bodies". (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2020). Å lese én klassiker i korona-epoken.... (external link)
- Stankovitsova, Zuzana; Tsakos, Alexandros (2020). Spesialsnop: Om laug og knapper. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane; Tsakos, Alexandros (2020). Norrønt på Shetland. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros; Natvig, Richard Johan (2020). Ut av gjemsel ut av glemsel: Religionsvitenskaps ukjente samlinger. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2020). Skal vi feire jul en gang til?. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2019). Kjære mennesker, hilsen Kristus. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2019). Meet the Hertzbergs!. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros; Gillow-Kloster, Hannah (2019). Skeive juletradisjoner. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros; Stensaker, Nina (2019). Lovfragment på vandring. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros; Kyrkjebø, Rune (2019). Hymnologiske «apokryfer» i Manuskriptsamlingen. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros; Vasquez, Pedro; Kjos, Kristin Synnøve et al. (2019). Woodstock & Stonewall: To 50-årsjubileum. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2019). - Kjære Professor Dr. H. Shetelig - korrespondanse mellom arkeologer. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2019). Splitte mine bramseil! I går var det «Talk Like a Pirate Day»!. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2019). Sommerferie!. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2019). Inkunabler og paleotyper - de eldste trykksakene vi har. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2019). It all sounds Greek to me…. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2019). Skatter fra Nubia og Sudan i Bergen. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2019). Utstillinger og forestillinger. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2018). Adventstid og unike kilder. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2018). Hvit ingeniør og «Black-history month». (external link)
- Hafsaas-Tsakos, Henriette ; Tsakos, Alexandros (2011). Katedralen på Sai. Gresk-norske utgravninger av en middelalderkirke i Sudan. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros; Hafsaas, Henriette (2009). Kirker som bergtar. Reisemålet Lalibela. (external link)
Website (informational material)
- Hovden, Eirik; Tsakos, Alexandros (2024). Den globale konteksten til Landslova. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2016). "The Use and Role of the Greek Language in Christian Nubia", , in: Tsakos A. & H.H. Tsakos (eds.), Sudan Archaeology from a Greco-Roman Perspective, Archaeology & Arts: (Part 5). (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2024). Fragmentene fra Kaupanger. Historiske funn i arkeologisk drakt.. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros; Van Gerven Oei, Vincent W.J. (2023). Apostolic Memoirs in Old Nubian. (external link)
- Paasche, Marianne; Moe-Nilssen, Nils-Erik; Tsakos, Alexandros (2021). Skillingsviser i et biblioteksperspektiv. (external link)
- Van Gerven Oei, Vincent WJ; Tsakos, Alexandros (2020). Translating Greek to Old Nubian: Reading between the Lines of Ps.-Chrysostom’s In venerabilem crucem sermo. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2019). “Introduction: Christian Nubia”. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2019). "The African Context". (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros; Zielinska, Dobrochna (2019). “Representations of the Archangel Michael in Wall Paintings from Christian Nubia”. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2018). Reconstructing a Codex with the Coptic Encomia of Apa Victor. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2018). Inscriptions in Greek Script on Rock Outcrops in the Wadi Abu Dom. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2018). Progress of work on the corpus of Old Nubian texts from SR022.A. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros; Kleinitz, Cornelia (2018). Medieval graffiti in the sandstone quarries of Meroe: texts, monograms and cryptograms of Christian Nubia. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros; Pierce, Richard H. (2018). The Past and the Future of Fontes Historiae Nubiorum. (external link)
- Van Gerven Oei, Vincent W.J.; Tsakos, Alexandros (2017). The Etymology of the Toponym "Dorginarti" (Notes on Medieval Nubian Toponymy 6). (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2017). On Place Names Used by Nubians for Places outside Nubia (Notes on Medieval Nubian Topography 2). (external link)
- Van Gerven Oei, Vincent WJ; Tsakos, Alexandros (2017). The Etymology of the Toponym "Pourgoundi" (Notes on Medieval Nubian Toponymy 5). (external link)
- Hafsaas-Tsakos, Henriette; Tsakos, Alexandros (2016). Nubian cathedrals with granite columns: A view from Sai Island. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2016). A Paleographic Detail from Nubian Manuscripts. The decoration of the lobes of the letter ‘Φ’ with red ink. (external link)
- Näser, Claudia; Tsakos, Alexandros (2014). From Bits and Pieces. A Corpus of Medieval Manuscripts from the Humboldt University (H.U.N.E.) Concession in the Fourth Nile Cataract. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros; Hafsaas-Tsakos, Henriette (2014). A Note on the Medieval Period of Sai Island. (external link)
Programme participation
- Paasche, Marianne; Tsakos, Alexandros (2023). Medieval Manuscripts in the Special Collections of the University of Bergen Library: From the storeroom to the world wide web (Workshop). (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros; Søndenå, Ola; Paasche, Marianne (2019). Bibliotekenes spesialsamlinger og deres møte med den digitale fremtiden. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2019). Digitaliseringsprosjekter og relansering av Urda-tidsskriftet ved Manuskript- og librarsamlingen. (external link)
Academic article
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2023). Archangel Michael in Nubia. Sources about his cult and persona. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2023). Words on Warfare from Christian Nubia. (external link)
- Hafsaas, Henriette; Tsakos, Alexandros (2021). Michael and other archangels behind an eight-pointed cross-symbol from Medieval Nubia: A view from Sai Island in northern Sudan. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2019). Materiality and Physicality of Medieval Manuscripts from Christian Nubia. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros; Van Gerven Oei, Vincent WJ (2018). “An Old Nubian Letter from the Daughter of an Eparch”. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2015). The Cryptogram MXΓ as a variant of the cryptogram ΧΜΓ. On text and image in Medieval Nubia. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2014). Miscellanea epigraphica nubica v: The names of the four creatures of the apocalypse in Christian Nubia. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2014). The Liber Institutionis Michaelis in Medieval Nubia. (external link)
- Thomassen, Einar; Tsakos, Alexandros; Bull, Christian Hervik et al. (2013). A New Edition of the Wizz Codex with an English Translation. (external link)
- Hafsaas-Tsakos, Henriette ; Tsakos, Alexandros (2012). A second look into the medieval period on Sai Island. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2012). Medieval Funerary Stelae from the Island of Sai. (external link)
- Hafsaas-Tsakos, Henriette ; Tsakos, Alexandros (2009). First Glimpses into the Medieval Period on Sai Island. (external link)
Encyclopedia article
Book review
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2022). Review of Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei, A Reference Grammar of Old Nubian, Orientalia Lovaniensa Analecta 299, Leuven, Paris & Bristol: Peeters 2021 (ISBN 9789042941854, XXXII+449 pages, € 138).. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2022). Geoff Emberling and Bruce Beyer Williams (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Nubia, Oxford University Press 2020. Pp. 1201. ISBN: 9780190496272. £150.00.. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2022). Review of "A. Łajtar, A Late Pilgrimage Centre in Nubia" and of A. Deptuła, Liturgical Poetry of Christian Nubia".. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2019). · “Book reviews of Piquette Kathryn E. & Whitehouse Ruth D. – Writing as Material Practice. Substance, Surface and Medium. London, Ubiquity Press, 2013, 364 p., bibl.; Kay Sarah – Animal Skins and the Reading Self in Medieval Latin and French Bestiaries. Chicago-London, The University of Chicago Press, 2017, 232 p. index, ill.”. (external link)
- Håland, Randi; Mitchell, P; Hafsaas-Tsakos, Henriette et al. (2012). Preserving the Middle Nile (Sudan). (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
Academic literature review
- Van Gerven Oei, Vincent W.J.; Tsakos, Alexandros (2019). Rubrication patterns in two old Nubian manuscripts from Serra East. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros; Videbech, Christina; Sørensen, Thomas Halvdan Brøns (2017). Derfor sa grekerne nei til Gucci. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros; Hafsaas, Henriette (2011). Katedralen på Sai Gresk-norske utgravninger av en middelalderkirke i Sudan. (external link)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Gilhus, Ingvild S.; Tsakos, Alexandros; Wright, Marta Camilla (2019). The Archangel Michael in Africa: History, Cult, and Persona . (external link)
- Steiner, Pål; Tsakos, Alexandros; Seland, Eivind Heldaas (2018). From the Fjords to the Nile: Essays in Honor of Richard Holton Pierce on his 80th Birthday. (external link)
- Seignobos, Robin; Tsakos, Alexandros (2017). Place Names and Place Naming in Nubia. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2019). Religious Literature in Christian Nubia. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2019). Religious Literature Across the Borders between Upper Egypt and Lower Nubia. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2019). Coptic Literary Texts from Nubia. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2019). In search of apocryphal literature in Christian Nubia. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2016). Documents on leather – a Nubian phenomenon?. (external link)
- Tsakos, Alexandros (2016). The Coptic Manuscript BL 80 in the frame of Medieval Nubian Literacy. (external link)
Reader opinion piece
Academic monograph
Popular scientific chapter/article
Non-fiction book
- Fayyumic Manuscripts from the Schøyen Collection
- Coptic Manuscripts in Greek collections
- Coptic Manuscripts from Nubia
- Literacy on the Island of Sur (Fourth Cataract Region - Sudan)
- Graffiti from the medieval Christian kingdom of Alwa (Sudan)
- The textual finds from the medieval monastery of Qasr el Wizz (Lower Nubia - Egypt)
- The textual finds from the medieval town of Serra East (Lower Nubia - Sudan)
- The textual finds from the Church of Sonqi Tino (Lower Nubia - Sudan)