Alf Erling Risa


Emeritus, Professor Emeritus



Social insurance

Health economics

Accident prevention

Masters thesis
Feature article
Academic article
Popular scientific lecture
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Programme participation
Academic lecture
Popular scientific article
Book review
Non-fiction book
Doctoral dissertation

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Long-term fiscal effects of public pension reform in Norway - A Generational Accounting analysis. Nordic Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming. (With Christian Hagist, Bernd Raffelhüschen and Erling Vårdal.)

Ability, self-confidence and search. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics,  159(3)   439-456, 2003. (With Sjur D. Flåm.)

Evaluating social policy by experimental and nonexperimental methods. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 104(1), 147-171, 2002. (With Espen Bratberg and Astrid L. Grasdal.)

'The double burden' - Do combinations of career and family obligations increase sickness absence among women? European Sociological Review, 18, 233-249, 2002. (With Espen Bratberg and Svenn-Åge Dahl.)

Transitions from employment among young Norwegian workers. Journal of Population Economics 13(1), 21-34, 2000. (With Øivind Anti Nilsen and A. Torstensen)

Generational accounting and intergenerational welfare," Public Choice, 19, 149-163, 1997.  (With Bernd Raffelhüschen.)

Reforming social security in a small open economy. European Journal of Political Economy, 11, 1995, 469-486. (With Bernd Raffelhüschen.)

The welfare state as provider of accident insurance in the workplace: Efficiency and distribution in equilibrium. Economic Journal, 105, 1995, 129-1

Technological diffusion through profit seeking and epidemic information processes. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 4, 1995, 27-39. (With Espen Bratberg.)

Adverse incentives from improved technology: Traffic safety regulation in Norway. Southern Economic Journal, 60, 1994, 844-857.

Preference revelation in strict liability product safety markets. International Review of Law and Economics, 14, 1994, 41-52

Technological diffusion in primary health care. Journal of Health Economics, 11, 1992, 439-452. (With Liv Marit Klausen and Trond Olsen.)

Public regulation of private accident risks: The moral hazard of technological improvements. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 4, 1992, 335-346.