Amund Maage
Professor, Professor (conjugated) in marine sustainability
After mare than five years as Marine Director I have returned to a full position is as Head of Research, Seafood & Nutrition, at the Institute of Marine Research. My fiels is seafood safety, food security and sustainability with seafood focus
Professor of Food Chemistry
- Frantzen, Sylvia; Måge, Amund; Sanden, Monica (2024). Kvikksølv i sjømat ved U-864 - Resultater fra overvåkning i 2022 og 2023. (external link)
- Frantzen, Sylvia; Måge, Amund; Sanden, Monica (2023). Kvikksølv i sjømat ved U-864 - Resultater fra overvåkning i 2021. (external link)
- Måge, Amund; Frantzen, Sylvia (2022). DDT i blåskjel frå fruktområde i vestnorske fjordar 2021 — Prøvar frå Hardangerfjorden og Sognefjorden med vekt på Sørfjorden. (external link)
- Frantzen, Sylvia; Måge, Amund; Sanden, Monica (2021). Kvikksølv i sjømat ved U-864 - Resultat fra overvåkning i 2020. (external link)
- Kögel, Tanja; Frantzen, Sylvia; Bakkejord, Jannicke Alling et al. (2021). Basisundersøkelse av fremmedstoffer i hyse - Tungmetaller, sporelementer og organiske miljøgifter i hyse (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) fra Skagerrak, Nordsjøen, Norskehavet og Barentshavet. (external link)
- Kögel, Tanja; Bienfait, André Marcel; Måge, Amund et al. (2021). Undersøkelse av grunnstoffer i sjømat fra Repparfjorden og Revsbotn - Hyse som indikatorart for overvåking av sjødeponi. (external link)
- Frantzen, Sylvia; Måge, Amund; Sanden, Monica (2020). Kvikksølv i sjømat ved U-864 - Resultater fra overvåkning i 2019. (external link)
- Frantzen, Sylvia; Sanden, Monica; Måge, Amund (2019). Kvikksølvinnhold i sjømat ved vraket av U-864 vest av Fedje - Resultater fra fast overvåkning i 2017. (external link)
- Frantzen, Sylvia; Måge, Amund; Sanden, Monica (2019). Kvikksølv i sjømat ved U-864 : Resultater fra overvåkning i 2018. (external link)
- Frantzen, Sylvia; Otterå, Håkon Magne; Heldal, Hilde Elise et al. (2018). Mercury in fish and other seafood near the wreck of U-864 off Fedje. (external link)
- Frantzen, Sylvia; Duinker, Arne; Sanden, Monica et al. (2018). Kadmiumanalyser i produkter av taskekrabbe kjøpt inn i 2016. (external link)
- Kögel, Tanja; Måge, Amund (2017). Analyse av uønskede stoffer i sjømat fra Frænfjorden ved Omya Hustadmarmor AS. (external link)
- Kögel, Tanja; Frantzen, Sylvia; Mahjour Azad, Atabak et al. (2017). Sjømat fra Årdalsfjorden Overvåking av forurensede havner og fjorder 2016. (external link)
- Frantzen, Sylvia; Sanden, Monica; Måge, Amund (2017). PAH i røykte kjøtt- og fiskeprodukter. En rapport for Mattilsynet med prøver tatt i 2016 og 2017. (external link)
- Duinker, Arne; Lunestad, Bjørn Tore; Roiha, Irja Sunde et al. (2016). Nasjonalt tilsynsprogram for produksjon av skjell og andre bløtdyr – prøver analysert i 2015: Kjemiske forurensende stoffer og mikroorganismer. (external link)
- Kögel, Tanja; Måge, Amund; Ørnsrud, Robin (2016). Sjømat i Oslofjorden – Uønskede stoffer i torsk, makrell og taskekrabbe Overvåking av forurensede havner og fjorder 2013-2015. (external link)
- Duinker, Arne; Roiha, Irja Sunde; Amlund, Heidi et al. (2016). Potential risks posed by macroalgae for application as feed and food - a Norwegian perspective. (external link)
- Frantzen, Sylvia; Måge, Amund (2016). Kvikksølvinnhold i fisk og annen sjømat ved vraket av U-864 vest av Fedje. Nye analyser i 2015. (external link)
- Frantzen, Sylvia; Måge, Amund (2016). Fremmedstoffer i villfisk med vekt på kystnære farvann. Brosme, lange og bifangstarter. (external link)
- Duinker, Arne; Lunestad, Bjørn Tore; Roiha, Irja Sunde et al. (2015). Nasjonalt tilsynsprogram for produksjon av skjell og andre bløtdyr - prøver analysert i 2014. Kjemiske forurensende stoffer og mikroorganismer. (external link)
- Kögel, Tanja; Frantzen, Sylvia; Hove, Helge Torbjørn et al. (2015). Rettleiar for prøvetaking av sjømat frå forureina område med formål advarsel. (external link)
- Duinker, Arne; Lunestad, Bjørn Tore; Roiha, Irja Sunde et al. (2014). Nasjonalt tilsynsprogram for produksjon av skjell og andre bløtdyr 2013. Kjemiske forurensende stoffer og mikroorganismer. (external link)
- Ørnsrud, Robin; Maage, Amund (2013). Overvåkning forurensede havner og fjorder - undersøkelse av fremmedstoffer i torsk fra Salten i Nordland. (external link)
- Sanden, Monica; Hemre, Gro Ingunn; Maage, Amund et al. (2013). Program for overvåkning av fiskefôr - årsrapport 2012. (external link)
- Espe, Marit; Maage, Amund; Svanevik, Cecilie Smith et al. (2011). Program for overvåkning av fiskefôr - årsrapport 2011. (external link)
- Aursand, Marit; Hamre, Kristin; Knutsen, Helle Katrine et al. (2011). Description of the processes in the value chain and risk assessment of decomposition substances and oxidation products in fish Oils. Opinion of Steering Committee of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety. (external link)
- Frantzen, Sylvia; Lunestad, Bjørn Tore; Duinker, Arne et al. (2009). Tilsynsprogrammet for skjell 2008 - fremmedstoffer (tungmetaller og organiske miljøgifter i skjell og tungmetaller i snegler og krabbe) og mikroorganismer. Årsrapport til Mattilsynet. (external link)
- Skåre, Janneche Utne; Alexander, Jan; Arukwe, Augustine et al. (2008). Risikovurdering av PAH i skjell. Uttalelse fra Faggruppen for forurensninger, naturlige toksiner og medisinrester i matkjeden. Revidert 29. februar 2008. (external link)
- Skåre, Janneche Utne; Fæste, Christiane Kruse; Knutsen, Helle Katrine et al. (2008). Risk assessment of non dioxin-like PCBs in Norwegian food. Opinion of the Panel on Contaminants of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety. (external link)
- Frantzen, Sylvia; Lunestad, Bjørn Tore; Måge, Amund et al. (2008). Tilsynsprogrammet for skjell 2007 - fremmedstoffer (tungmetaller og organiske miljøgifter i skjell og tungmetaller i snegler og krabbe) og mikroorganismer. Årsrapport til Mattilsynet. (external link)
- Skåre, Janneche Utne; Alexander, Jan; Arukwe, Augustine et al. (2007). New WHO TEFs for dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs: Assessment of consequence of altered TEF values for dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs on current exposure in the Norwegian population. (external link)
- Skåre, Janneche Utne; Alexander, Jan; Arukwe, Augustine et al. (2007). Opinion of the Panel on Contaminants of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety. 22 November 2007. Risk assessment of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs in fish liver . (external link)
- Julshamn, Kåre; Duinker, Arne; Frantzen, Sylvia et al. (2007). Tilsynsprogrammet for skjell som høstes og omsettes kommersielt. Fremmedstoffer (tungmetaller og organiske miljøgifter i skjell og tungmetaller i snegler og krabber) - Årsrapport til Mattilsynet 2006. (external link)
- Julshamn, Kåre; Måge, Amund (2006). Overvåkningsprogram for skjell - Årsrapport 2005. (external link)
- Julshamn, Kåre; Måge, Amund (2005). Overvåkningsprogram for skjell - Årsrapport 2004. (external link)
- Opedal, Elisabeth H.; Øygard, Joar; Måge, Amund et al. (2002). Prøvelokalitetar for blåskjeldyrking i Hardangerfjorden innanfor Varaldsøy. (external link)
- Maage, Amund; Echoff, Karen; Malde, Marian Kjellevold (1995). Fluorine, iodine, iron, zinc and selected fatty acid profiles in fish and staple food from East Africa. A report prepared for FAO, Fisheries Division, in connection with FAO project GCP/INT/467/NOR. (external link)
Academic article
- Ho, Quang Tri; Dahl, Lisbeth; Nedreaas, Kjell Harald et al. (2024). Modelling seasonal and geographical n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid contents in marine fish from the Northeast Atlantic Ocean. (external link)
- Bank, Michael; Ho, Quang Tri; Ingvaldsen, Randi Brunvær et al. (2023). Climate change dynamics and mercury temporal trends in Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua) from the Barents Sea ecosystem. (external link)
- Bank, Michael; Frantzen, Sylvia; Duinker, Arne et al. (2021). Rapid temporal decline of mercury in Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides). (external link)
- Ho, Quang Tri; Bank, Michael; Mahjour Azad, Atabak et al. (2021). Co-occurrence of contaminants in marine fish from the North East Atlantic Ocean: Implications for human risk assessment. (external link)
- Mahjour Azad, Atabak; Frantzen, Sylvia; Bank, Michael et al. (2020). Mercury bioaccumulation pathways in tusk (Brosme brosme) from Sognefjord, Norway: Insights from C and N isotopes. (external link)
- Roiha, Irja Sunde; Måge, Amund; Levsen, Arne (2020). Farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Norway are at low risk of carrying anisakid nematodes. (external link)
- Wiech, Martin; Frantzen, Sylvia; Duinker, Arne et al. (2020). Cadmium in brown crab Cancer pagurus. Effects of location, season, cooking and multiple physiological factors and consequences for food safety. (external link)
- Mahjour Azad, Atabak; Frantzen, Sylvia; Bank, Michael et al. (2019). Effects of geography and species variation on selenium and mercury molar ratios in Northeast Atlantic marine fish communities. (external link)
- Mahjour Azad, Atabak; Frantzen, Sylvia; Bank, Michael et al. (2019). Spatial distribution of mercury in seawater, sediment, and seafood from the Hardangerfjord ecosystem, Norway. (external link)
- Rua-Ibarz, Ana; Bolea-Fernandez, Eduardo; Måge, Amund et al. (2019). Tracing Mercury Pollution along the Norwegian Coast via Elemental, Speciation, and Isotopic Analysis of Liver and Muscle Tissue of Deep-Water Marine Fish (Brosme brosme). (external link)
- Nøstbakken, Ole Jakob; Duinker, Arne; Rasinger, Josef Daniel et al. (2018). Factors influencing risk assessments of brominated flame-retardants; evidence based on seafood from the North East Atlantic Ocean. (external link)
- Knutsen, Heidi; Wiech, Martin; Duinker, Arne et al. (2018). Cadmium in the shore crab Carcinus maenas along the Norwegian coast: geographical and seasonal variation and correlation to physiological parameters. (external link)
- Wiech, Martin; Amlund, Heidi; Jensen, Karl Andreas et al. (2018). Tracing simultaneous cadmium accumulation from different uptake routes in brown crab <i>Cancer pagurus</i> by the use of stable isotopes. (external link)
- Nerhus, Ive; Wik, Maria; Nilsen, Bente Merete et al. (2018). Iodine content of six fish species, Norwegian dairy products and hen's egg. (external link)
- Valdersnes, Stig; Nilsen, Bente Merete; Breivik, Joar Fjørtoft et al. (2017). Geographical trends of PFAS in cod livers along the Norwegian coast. (external link)
- Papadopoulou, Eleni Zoumpoulia; Poothong, Somrutai; Koekkoek, Jacco et al. (2017). Estimating human exposure to perfluoroalkyl acids via solid food and drinks: Implementation and comparison of different dietary assessment methods. (external link)
- Wiech, Martin; Vik, Eirin; Duinker, Arne et al. (2017). Effects of cooking and freezing practices on the distribution of cadmium in different tissues of the brown crab (Cancer pagurus). (external link)
- Måge, Amund; Nilsen, Bente Merete; Julshamn, Kåre et al. (2017). Total Mercury, Methylmercury, Inorganic Arsenic and Other Elements in Meat from Minke Whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) from the North East Atlantic Ocean. (external link)
- Levsen, Arne; Måge, Amund (2016). Absence of parasitic nematodes in farmed, harvest quality Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Norway - Results from a large scale survey. (external link)
- Rua-Ibarz, Ana; Bolea-Fernandez, Eduardo; Måge, Amund et al. (2016). Assessment of Hg Pollution Released from a WWII Submarine Wreck (U-864) by Hg Isotopic Analysis of Sediments and Cancer pagurus Tissues. (external link)
- Lunestad, Bjørn Tore; Måge, Amund; Roiha, Irja Sunde et al. (2016). An Outbreak of Norovirus Infection from Shellfish Soup Due to Unforeseen Insufficient Heating During Preparation. (external link)
- Valdersnes, Stig; Fecher, Peter; Måge, Amund et al. (2016). Collaborative study on determination of mono methylmercury in seafood. (external link)
- Julshamn, Kåre; Valdersnes, Stig; Duinker, Arne et al. (2015). Heavy metals and POPs in red king crab from the Barents Sea. (external link)
- Frantzen, Sylvia; Måge, Amund; Duinker, Arne et al. (2015). A baseline study of metals in herring (Clupea harengus) from the Norwegian Sea, with focus on mercury, cadmium, arsenic and lead. (external link)
- Nøstbakken, Ole Jakob; Hove, Helge Torbjørn; Duinker, Arne et al. (2015). Contaminant levels in Norwegian farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the 13-year period from 1999 to 2011. (external link)
- Bryszewska, Malgorzata Anita; Måge, Amund (2015). Determination of selenium and its compounds in marine organisms. (external link)
- Julshamn, Kåre; Duinker, Arne; Nilsen, Bente Merete et al. (2013). A baseline study of metals in cod (Gadus morhua) from the North Sea and coastal Norwegian waters, with focus on mercury, arsenic, cadmium and lead. (external link)
- Julshamn, Kåre; Måge, Amund; Norli, Hilde Skår et al. (2013). Determination of arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and lead in foods by pressure digestion and inductively coupled plasma/mass spectrometry: first action 2013.06. (external link)
- Olsvik, Pål Asgeir; Lindgren, Michael; Måge, Amund (2013). Mercury contamination in deep-water fish: Transcriptional responses in tusk (Brosme brosme) from a fjord gradient. (external link)
- Julshamn, Kåre; Duinker, Arne; Berntssen, Marc et al. (2013). A baseline study on levels of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans, non-ortho and mono-ortho PCBs, non-dioxin-like PCBs and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua) from different parts of the Barents Sea. (external link)
- Sissener, Nini; Julshamn, Kåre; Espe, Marit et al. (2013). Surveillance of selected nutrients, additives and undesirables in commercial Norwegian fish feeds in the years 2000–2010. (external link)
- Julshamn, Kåre; Duinker, Arne; Nilsen, Bente Merete et al. (2013). A baseline study of levels of mercury, arsenic, cadmium and lead in Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua) from different parts of the Barents Sea. (external link)
- Gunnarsdottir, Ingibjorg; Gustavsdottir, Anita G.; Steingrimsdottir, Laufey et al. (2013). Iodine status of pregnant women in a population changing from high to lower fish and milk consumption. (external link)
- Valdersnes, Stig; Måge, Amund; Fliegel, Daniel et al. (2012). A Method for the Routine Determination of Methylmercury in Marine Tissue by GC Isotope Dilution-ICP-MS. (external link)
- Kvangarsnes, Kristine; Frantzen, Sylvia; Julshamn, Kåre et al. (2012). Distribution of Mercury in a Gadoid Fish Species, Tusk (Brosme brosme), and Its Implication for Food Safety. (external link)
- Julshamn, Kåre; Nilsen, Bente Merete; Frantzen, Sylvia et al. (2012). Total and inorganic arsenic in fish samples from Norwegian waters. (external link)
- Julshamn, Kåre; Frantzen, Sylvia; Valdersnes, Stig et al. (2011). Concentrations of mercury, arsenic, cadmium and lead in Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) caught off the coast of northern Norway. (external link)
- Frantzen, Sylvia; Måge, Amund; Iversen, Svein Arnholt et al. (2011). Seasonal variation in the levels of organohalogen compounds in herring (Clupea harengus) from the Norwegian Sea. (external link)
- Julshamn, Kåre; Måge, Amund; Tyssebotn, Inger marie et al. (2011). Concentrations of Mercury and Other Toxic Elements in Orange Roughy, Hoplostethus atlanticus, from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. (external link)
- Øygard, Joar Karsten; Måge, Amund; Gjengedal, Elin Lovise (2011). The effects of reduction of the deposited waste on short-term landfill leachate composition of a landfill: a case study in Norway. (external link)
- Tidemann-Andersen, Ida; Acham, Hedwig ; Måge, Amund et al. (2011). Iron and zinc content of selected foods in the diet of schoolchildren in Kumi district, east of Uganda: a cross-sectional study. (external link)
- Berntssen, Marc; Måge, Amund; Julshamn, Kåre et al. (2011). Carry-over of dietary organochlorine pesticides, PCDD/Fs, PCBs, and brominated flame retardants to Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) fillets. (external link)
- Hamre, Kristin; TORSTENSEN, BENTE ELISABETH; Måge, Amund et al. (2010). Effects of dietary lipid, vitamins and minerals on total amounts and redox status of glutathione and ubiquinone in tissues of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): a multivariate approach. (external link)
- Gunnarsdottir, Ingibjörg; Gunnarsdottir, Bryndis E.; Steingrimsdottir, Laufey et al. (2010). Iodine status of adolescent girls in a population changing from high to lower fish consumption. (external link)
- Lundebye-Haldorsen, Anne Katrine; HOVE, HELGE TORBJØRN; Måge, Amund et al. (2010). Levels of synthetic antioxidants (ethoxyquin, butylated hydroxytoluene and butylated hydroxyanisole) in fish feed and commercially farmed fish. (external link)
- Senn, David B; Chesney, Edward J; Blum, Joel D. et al. (2010). Stable Isotope (N, C, Hg) Study of Methylmercury Sources and Trophic Transfer in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. (external link)
- Ruus, Anders; Green, Norman Whitaker; Måge, Amund et al. (2010). Post World War II orcharding creates present day DDT-problems in The Sorfjord (Western Norway) - A case study. (external link)
- Nghia, Ngo Dang; Lunestad, Bjørn Tore; Trung, Trang Si et al. (2009). Heavy Metals in the Farming Environment and in some Selected Aquaculture Species in the Van Phong Bay and Nha Trang Bay of the Khanh Hoa Province in Vietnam. (external link)
- Olsvik, Pål Asgeir; LIE, KAI KRISTOFFER; Goksøyr, Anders et al. (2009). Are atlantic cod in Store Lungegårdsvann, a seawater recipient in Bergen, affected by environmental contaminants? A qRT-PCR survey. (external link)
- Julshamn, Kåre; Duinker, Arne; Frantzen, Sylvia et al. (2008). Organ distribution and food safety aspects of cadmium and lead in great scallops, Pecten maximus L., and horse mussels, Modiolus modiolus L., from Norwegian waters.. (external link)
- Øygard, Joar Karsten; Gjengedal, Elin L.; Måge, Amund (2005). Mass-balance estimation of heavy metals and selected anions at a landfill receiving MSWI bottom ash and mixed construction wastes. (external link)
- Øygard, Joar Karsten; Måge, Amund; Gjengedal, Elin L. et al. (2005). Effect of an uncontrolled fire and the subsequent fire fight on the chemical compesition of landfill leachate. (external link)
- Hamre, Kristin; Christiansen, R.; Waagbø, Rune et al. (2004). Antioxidant vitamins, minerals and lipid levels in diets for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, L.): effects on growth performance and fillet quality. (external link)
- Øygard, Joar Karsten; Måge, Amund; Gjengedal, Elin L. (2004). Estimation of the mass-balance of selected metals in foursanitary land. (external link)
- Strand, Tor A; Aaberge, IS; Maage, Amund et al. (2003). The immune response to pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine in zinc depleted mice. (external link)
- Meltzer, Helle M.; Maage, Amund; Yddrsbond, Trond A. et al. (2002). Fish arsenic may influence human blood arsenic, selenium, and T4:T3 ratio. (external link)
- Meltzer, Helle M.; Maage, Amund; Yddrsbond, Trond A. et al. (2002). Fish Arsenic May Influence Human Blood Arsenic Selenium and T4:T3 Ratio. (external link)
- Julshamn, Kåre; Torpe, Eili Kristin; Børnes, Cathrine et al. (2001). Cadmium, lead, copper and zinc in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) sampled in the Hardangerfjord, Norway. (external link)
- Strand, Tor A; Briles, DE; Gjessing, HK et al. (2001). Pneumococcal pulmonary infection, septicemia and survival in young zinc-depleted mice. (external link)
- Strand, Tor A.; Briles, D.E.; Gjessing, Håkon K et al. (2001). Pneumococcal pulmonary infection, septicaemia and survival in young zinc-depleted mice. (external link)
- Malde, Marian Kjellevold; Maage, Amund; Macha, Elizabeth et al. (1997). Fluoride content in selected food items from five areas in East Africa. (external link)
- Malde, Marian Kjellevold; Maage, Amund; Macha, Elisabeth et al. (1997). Fluoride content in selected food items from five areas in East Africa. (external link)
- Meltzer, Helle M.; Folmer, M.; Wang, Sifang et al. (1997). Supplementary Selenium Influences the Response to Fatty Acid-Induced Oxidative Stress in Humans. (external link)
- Goksøyr, Anders; Bjørnevik, Marit; Måge, Amund (1994). Effects of dietary iron supplementation on the Cytochromic P450 system of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).. (external link)
- Bjørnevik, Marit; Maage, Amund (1993). Effects of dietary iron supplementation on tissue iron concentration and haematology in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Sanden, Monica; Valdersnes, Stig; Aasim, Ali M et al. (2023). Climate Change And Impact On Critical Contaminants In Seafood Ongoing Projects And Future Research Needs. . (external link)
- Lunestad, Bjørn Tore; Måge, Amund; Roiha, Irja Sunde et al. (2017). A shellfish soup norovirus outbreak from unexpected inadequate heating . (external link)
- Måge, Amund; Nilsen, Bente Merete; Kögel, Tanja et al. (2017). Environmental contaminants in wild fish from the North East Atlantic. (external link)
- Frantzen, Sylvia; Måge, Amund (2016). Levels of POPs in Northeast Atlantic mackerel and aspects of human exposure. (external link)
- Sanden, Monica; Hemre, Gro-Ingunn; Nøstbakken, Ole Jakob et al. (2016). Levels of undesirable substances in marine feed ingredients, commercial Norwegian fish feed and farmed Atlantic salmon in the last 13-15 years.. (external link)
- Frantzen, Sylvia; Måge, Amund (2016). Metals and POPs in fish and shrimps from the Barents Sea. Results from ten years of monitoring. (external link)
- Grini, Ida Synnøve Bårvåg; Nysted, Torill Emblem; Maage, Amund et al. (2015). Nutritional values in sous vide ready meals vs. homemade meals. (external link)
- Grøsvik, Bjørn Einar; Meier, Sonnich; Olsvik, Pål Asgeir et al. (2012). PAH and biomarker measurements in fish from condition monitoring in Norwegian waters from 2005 to 2011. (external link)
- Maage, Amund; Andersen, Knut-Jan; Julshamn, Kåre (1987). Determination of Trace Elements on Samples from Marine Tissue by GFAAS - A Comparison of a Deuterium with a Zeeman Background Corrector. (external link)
Feature article
- Aadland, Camilla; Måge, Amund (2019). RAS vil endre akvakulturnæringa i Norge betydeleg dei neste åra. (external link)
- Duinker, Arne; Frantzen, Sylvia; Kögel, Tanja et al. (2017). Overvåkning av villfisk. (external link)
- Duinker, Arne; Frantzen, Sylvia; Kögel, Tanja et al. (2016). Overvåkning av villfisk - Systematisk overvåkning av miljøgifter i villfisk har vært gjennomført ved NIFES i over 20 år nå, og vi er kommet langt på disse årene. Er det ikke nok snart?. (external link)
- Wiech, Martin; Frantzen, Sylvia; Duinker, Arne et al. (2019). High values of cadmium in brown crab Cancer pagurus from Northern Norway: A result of a changing environment? . (external link)
- Svanevik, Cecilie Smith; Myrmel, Lene Secher; Fjære, Even et al. (2017). Re-appearance of bacteria in antibiotic treated mice after exposure to methylmercury . (external link)
- Frantzen, Sylvia; Mahjour Azad, Atabak; Måge, Amund (2017). Mercury in 16 deep sea Fish species from the Northeast Atlantic and food safety considerations. (external link)
- Frantzen, Sylvia; Hove, Helge Torbjørn; Borge, Asbjørn et al. (2017). POPs levels in Norwegian deep-sea fish caught from coastal waters to the open sea. (external link)
- Frøyland, Livar; Lie, Øyvind; Malde, Marian Kjellevold et al. (2015). The role of fisheries and aquaculture in nutrition security. (external link)
- Grini, Ida Synnøve Bårvåg; Torill Emblem, Nysted; Maage, Amund et al. (2015). Nutritional values in sous vide ready meals vs. homemade meals. (external link)
- Tyssebotn, Inger marie; Sæthre, Leif J; Måge, Amund et al. (2008). Toxic Elements in the Orange Roughy (Hoplostetus Atlanticus) as Determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry. (external link)
- Brattås, Marianne; Tingstad, Silje; Maage, Amund et al. (2007). Biomarker responses in juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) exposed to Hg- and PAH/PCB-polluted sediments. (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
- Mahjour Azad, Atabak; Måge, Amund; Frantzen, Sylvia et al. (2019). Mercury in fish from the North East Atlantic: sources, bioaccumulation dynamics and co-occurrence with selenium. (external link)
- Wiech, Martin; Måge, Amund; Frantzen, Sylvia et al. (2018). Cadmium in Brown Crab Cancer pagurus in Norwegian Waters. (external link)
- Måge, Amund (1994). Trace elements in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) nutrition. (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
Masters thesis
- Sverrisson, Gudmundur; Frantzen, Sylvia; Måge, Amund et al. (2018). Biomagnifisering av kvikksølv i Sognefjorden. (external link)
- Lindborg, Ingvild; Frantzen, Sylvia; Måge, Amund et al. (2017). Kadmium i taksekrabben (Cancer pagurus) relatert til størrelse og biologi. En sammenligning av krabber fra Nord- og Sør-Norge. (external link)
- Grunnaleite, Knut Arild; Frantzen, Sylvia; Måge, Amund (2014). Totalkvikksølv og metylkvikksølv i filet og lever av brosme fiska i Boknafjorden, samanlikna med Hardangerfjorden og Lofoten. (external link)
Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Måge, Amund; Øygard, Joar Karsten; Øygard, Joar Karsten et al. (2008). FACTORS INFLUENCING THE SUITABILITY (WITH REGARD TO FOOD SAFETY) OF A FJORD SYSTEM AS A SITE FOR COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION OF BLUE MUSSELS (Mytilus edulis). (external link)
- Øygard, Joar Karsten; Gjengedal, Elin L.; Måge, Amund (2004). Avfall – frå miljøproblem til ein viktig ressurs?. (external link)