Academic article
Sagstuen, Einar; Kugler, Veronika; Hole, Eli Olaug
et al. (2022). Radicals in ammonium tartrate at 295 K by X-radiation: Revised radical structures by EMR and DFT analyses. (external link)
Lund, Anders; Callens, Freddy J.; Sagstuen, Einar
(2021). Determination of the g-, hyperfine coupling- and zero-field splitting tensors in EPR and ENDOR using extended Matlab codes. (external link)
Lund, Anders; Nordrehaug, Jan Erik; Slettom, Grete
et al. (2020). Plasma kynurenines and prognosis in patients with heart failure. (external link)
Kvale, Gerd; Hansen, Bjarne; Hagen, Kristen
et al. (2020). Effect of D-Cycloserine on the Effect of Concentrated Exposure and Response Prevention in Difficult-to-Treat Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Trial. (external link)
Henriksen, Tone Elise Gjøtterud; Grønli, Janne; Assmus, Jörg
et al. (2020). Blue-blocking glasses as additive treatment for mania: Effects on actigraphy-derived sleep parameters. (external link)
Melvær, Giil Lasse; Aarsland, Dag; Hellton, Kristoffer Herland
et al. (2018). Antibodies to multiple receptors are associated with neuropsychiatric symptoms and mortality in Alzheimer's disease: A longitudinal study. (external link)
Lund, Anders; Melvær, Giil Lasse; Slettom, Grete
et al. (2018). Antibodies to receptors are associated with biomarkers of inflammation and myocardial damage in heart failure. (external link)
Vogelsang, Petra; Melvær, Giil Lasse; Lund, Anders
et al. (2018). Reduced glucose transporter-1 in brain derived circulating endothelial cells in mild Alzheimer's disease patients. (external link)
Antonazzo, Ippazio Cosimo; Riise, Trond; Cortese, Marianna
et al. (2018). Diabetes is associated with decreased migraine risk: A nationwide cohort study. (external link)
Melvær, Giil Lasse; Vedeler, Christian A.; Kristoffersen, Einar Klæboe
et al. (2017). Antibodies to signaling molecules and receptors in Alzheimer's disease are associated with psychomotor slowing, depression, and poor visuospatial function. (external link)
Henriksen, Tone Elise Gjøtterud; Skrede, Silje; Fasmer, Ole Bernt
et al. (2014). Blocking blue light during mania - markedly increased regularity of sleep and rapid improvement of symptoms: A case report. (external link)
Berge, Line Iden; Riise, Trond; Fasmer, Ole Bernt
et al. (2013). Does diabetes have a protective effect on migraine?. (external link)
Berge, Line Iden; Riise, Trond; Hundal, Øivind
et al. (2013). Prevalence and characteristics of depressive disorders in type 1 diabetes. (external link)
Årdal, Guro; Lund, Anders; Hammar, Åsa
(2013). Health-related quality of life in recurrent major depressive disorder-A 10-year follow-up study. (external link)
Hansson, Pia Berner; Murison, Robert; Lund, Anders
et al. (2013). Cognitive functioning and cortisol suppression in recurrent major depression. (external link)
Strand, Mari; Sætrevik, Bjørn; Lund, Anders
et al. (2013). The relationship between residual symptoms of depression and emotional information processing. (external link)
Berge, Line Iden; Riise, Trond; Fasmer, Ole Bernt
et al. (2012). Risk of depression in diabetes is highest for young persons using oral anti-diabetic agents. (external link)
Svendal, Gjertrud Øvreås; Fasmer, Ole Bernt; Engeland, Anders
et al. (2012). Co-prescription of medication for bipolar disorder and diabetes mellitus: A nationwide population-based study. (external link)
Svendal, Gjertrud Øvreås; Berk, Michael; Pasco, Julie A
et al. (2012). The use of hormonal contraceptive agents and mood disorders in women. (external link)
Fasmer, Ole Bernt; Riise, Trond; Lund, Anders
et al. (2012). Comorbidity of Migraine With ADHD. (external link)
Fasmer, Ole Bernt; Riise, Trond; Eagan, Tomas Mikal
et al. (2011). Comorbidity of Asthma With ADHD. (external link)
Hammar, Åsa; Strand, Mari; Årdal, Guro
et al. (2011). Testing the cognitive effort hypothesis of cognitive impairment in major depression. (external link)
Schmid, Marit Therese; Strand, Mari; Årdal, Guro
et al. (2011). Prolonged Impairment in Inhibition and Semantic Fluency in a Follow-up Study of Recurrent Major Depression. (external link)
Ødegaard, Ketil Joachim; Dilsaver, Steven C.; Hundal, Øivind
et al. (2011). Are Migraine and Bipolar Disorders Comorbid Phenomena? Findings From a Pharmacoepidemiological Study Using the Norwegian Prescription Database. (external link)
Ødegaard, Ketil Joachim; Riise, Trond; Dilsaver, Steven C.
et al. (2011). A pharmaco-epidemiological study of migraine and antidepressant medications: Complete one year data from the Norwegian population. (external link)
Hammar, Åsa; Sørensen, Lin; Årdal, Guro
et al. (2010). Enduring cognitive dysfunction in unipolar major depression: A test-retest study using the Stroop paradigm. (external link)
Lund, Anders; Sagstuen, Einar; Sanderud, Audun
et al. (2009). Relaxation-Time Determination from Continuous-Microwave Saturation of EPR Spectra. (external link)
Hugdahl, Kenneth; Løberg, Else-Marie; Jørgensen, Hugo Arild
et al. (2008). Left hemisphere lateralisation of auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia: A dichotic listening study. (external link)
Biringer, Eva; Mykletun, Arnstein; Sundet, Kjetil Søren
et al. (2007). A longitudinal analysis of neurocognitive function in unipolar depression. (external link)
Hugdahl, Kenneth; Specht, Karsten; Biringer, Eva Aaker
et al. (2007). Increased parietal and frontal activation after remission from recurrent major depression: A repeated fMRI study. (external link)
Rund, Bjørn Rishovd; Sundet, Kjetil; Asbjørnsen, Arve Egil
et al. (2006). Neuropsychological test profiles in schizophrenia and non-psychotic depression. (external link)
Loberg, EM; Løberg, Else-Marie; Jorgensen, HA
et al. (2006). Positive symptoms and duration of illness predict functional laterality and attention modulation in schizophrenia. (external link)
Biringer, Eva Aaker; Mykletun, Arnstein; Dahl, Alv Andreas
et al. (2005). The association between depression, anxiety and cognitive function in the elderly general population - the Hordaland Health Study. (external link)
Stordal, Kirsten Irene; Lundervold, Astri Johansen; Mykletun, Arnstein
et al. (2005). Frequency and characteristics of recurrent major depressed patients with inimpaired executive functions. (external link)
Egeland, Jens; Sundet, Kjetil; Landrø, Nils Inge
et al. (2005). Validation of norms for a Nowegian version of attention and memory tests. (external link)
Biringer, Eva Aaker; Lundervold, Astri Johansen; Stordal, Kirsten Irene
et al. (2005). Executive function improvement upon remission of recurrent unipolar depression. (external link)
Lund, Eva; Gustafsson, Håkan; Danilczuk, Marek
et al. (2005). Formates and dithionates: sensitive EPR-dosimeter materials for radiation therapy. (external link)
Egeland, J; Landro, NI; Landrø, Nils Inge
et al. (2005). Validation of distinct amnesic and executive type memory deficit in a psychiatric sample based on retrieval performance. (external link)
Biringer, E; Mykletun, A; Dahl, Alv A
et al. (2005). The association between depression, anxiety, and cognitive function in the elderly general population--the Hordaland Health Study. (external link)
Stordal, Kirsten Irene; Mykletun, Arnstein; Egeland, Jens
et al. (2005). General psycholpathology is more important for executive functioning than diagnosis. (external link)
Lund, Anders; Landrø, Nils Inge; Rund, Bjørn Rishovd
et al. (2005). Cortisol level predicts executive and memory function in depression, symptom level predicts psychomotor speed. (external link)
Egeland, Jens; Lund, Anders; Landro, N. I.
et al. (2005). Cortisol level predicts executive and memory function in depression, symptom level predicts psychomotor speed. (external link)
Stordal, Kirsten Irene; Stordahl, Kirsten; Lundervold, Astri Johansen
et al. (2004). Impairment across executive functions in recurrent major depression. (external link)
Egeland, Jens; Rund, Bjørn Rishovd; Sundet, Kjetil
et al. (2004). Prosesseringstempo og oppmerksomhet ved schizofreni og depresjon. (external link)
Vestad, Tor Arne; Gustavsson, Håkan; Lund, Anders
et al. (2004). Radiation-induced radicals in lithium formate monohydrate (LiHCO2 center dot H2O). EPR and ENDOR studies of X-irradiated crystal and polycrystalline samples. (external link)
Eid, Omer I.; Lund, Anders; Sagstuen, Einar
(2004). Allyl type radical formation in X-irradiated glutarimide crystals studied by ENDOR and ENDOR-induced EPR. (external link)
Egeland, Jens; Sundet, Kjetil; Landrø, Nils Inge
et al. (2004). Forekomst av oppmerksomhets- og hukommelsesvansker ved schizofreni og depresjon. (external link)
Hugdahl, Kenneth; Rund, Bjørn Rishovd; Lund, Anders
et al. (2004). Brain activation measured with fMRI during a mental arithmetic task in schizophrenia and major depression. (external link)
Rund, Bjørn Rishovd; Egeland, J; Egeland, Jens
et al. (2004). Early visual information processing in schizophrenia compared to recurrent depression. (external link)
Rund Rishovd, Bjørn; Egeland, Jens; Sundet, KJetil Søren
et al. (2004). Early visual information processing in schizophrenia compared to recurrent depression. (external link)
Egeland, Jens; Sundet, Kjetil; Rund, Bjørn Rishovd
et al. (2003). Sensitivity and specificity of memory dysfunction in schizophrenia: A comparison with major depression. (external link)
Hugdahl, Kenneth; Rund, Bjørn Rishovd; Lund, Anders
et al. (2003). Attentional and executive dysfunctions in schizophrenia and depression: Evidence from dichotic listening performance. (external link)
Egeland, Jens; Rund, Bjørn Rishovd; Sundet, Kjetil Søren
et al. (2003). Attention profile in schizophrenia compared to depression: differential effects of processing speed, selective attention and vigilance. (external link)
Egeland, Jens; Sundet, Kjetil Søren; Rund, Bjørn Rishovd
et al. (2003). Sensitivity and specificity of memory dysfunction in schizophrenia: A comparison with major depression. (external link)
Vestad, Tor Arne; Malinen, Eirik; Lund, Anders
et al. (2003). EPR dosimetric properties of formates. (external link)
Egeland, Jens; Rund, Bjørn Rishovd; Sundet, Kjetil
et al. (2003). Attention profile in schizophrenia compared with depression: Differential effects of processing speed, selective attention and vigilance. (external link)
Stordal, Kirsten Irene; Lundervold, Astrid; Mykletun, Arnstein
et al. (2003). Characteristics of patients with major depressive disorder with and without impairment of cognitive functions. (external link)
Malt, E.A.; Olafsson, S.; Aakvaag, A.
et al. (2003). Altered dopamine D2 receptor function in fibromyalgia patients: A neuroendocrine study with Buspirone in women with fibromyalgia compared to female population based controls. (external link)
Hammar, Åsa; Lund, Anders; Hugdahl, Kenneth
(2003). Selective impairment in effortful information processing in major depression. (external link)
Hammar, Åsa; Lund, Anders; Hugdahl, Kenneth
(2003). Long-lasting cognitive impairment in unipolar major depression. A 6 month follow-up study. (external link)
Lund, Anders; Thomsen, Tormod; Kroken, R.
et al. (2002). "Normalization" of brain activation in schizophrenia. An fMRI study. (external link)
Malt, E.A.; Olafsson, S.; Lund, Anders
et al. (2002). Factors explaining variance in perceived pain in women with fibromyalgia. (external link)
Hosseini, Ali; Lund, Anders; Sagstuen, Einar
(2002). EPR and ENDOR Studies of Single Crystals of 2-Oxazolidinone X-Irradiated at 295 K. (external link)
Olsson, Sara; Sagstuen, Einar; Bonora, Marco
et al. (2002). EPR Dosimetric Properties of 2-Methylalanine: EPR, ENDOR and FT-EPR Investigations. (external link)
Itagaki, Yoshiteru; Sanderud, Audun; Sagstuen, Einar
et al. (2002). ENDOR study of 14N hyperfine and quadrupole couplings of N2D4.+ formed in deuterated Li(N2H5)SO4 single crystals. (external link)
Landrø, Nils Inge; Rund, Bjørn Rishovd; Lund, Anders
et al. (2001). Honig's model of working memory and brain activation: an fMRI study. (external link)
Hugdahl, Kenneth; Lund, Anders; Thomsen, Tormod
et al. (2001). Schizophrenia and working memory and mental arithmetic: An fMRI study. (external link)
Riise, Trond; Lund, Anders
(2001). Prognostic factors in major depression: A long-term follow-up study of 323 patients. (external link)
Biringer, Eva Aaker; Wynn, Rolf; Knudsen, Anette
et al. (2001). General prectitioners' reactions to non-compliant patients. (external link)
Heiervang, Einar; Stevenson, Jim; Lund, Anders
et al. (2001). Behavior and developmental problems in 10-12 year old children with dyslexia. (external link)
Landrø, Nils Inge; Rund, Bjørn Rishovd; Lund, Anders
et al. (2001). Honig's model of working memory and brain activation: an fMRI study. (external link)
Itagaki, Yoshiteru; Kadam, Ramakant M.; Lund, Anders
et al. (2000). Structure of N2H4+ formed in x-irradiated Li(N2H5)SO4 single crystals. (external link)
Sagstuen, Einar; Lund, Anders; Itagaki, Yoshiteru
et al. (2000). Weakly Coupled Proton Interactions in the Malonic Acid Radical: Single Crystal ENDOR Analysis and EPR Simulation at Microwave Saturation. (external link)
Sanderud, Audun; Sagstuen, Einar; Itagaki, Yoshiteru
et al. (2000). EPR and ENDOR Studies of Deuteron Hyperfine and Quadrupole Coupling in .CD(COOD)2: Experimental and Theoretical Estimates of Electric Field Gradients from an a-Carbon. (external link)
Hugdahl, Kenneth; Rund, Bjørn Rishovd; Lund, Anders
et al. (2000). Arbeidshukommelse ved schizofreni. En fMRI undersøkelse av nevronale korrelater. (external link)
Heiervang, Einar; Hugdahl, Kenneth; Steinmetz, Helmuth
et al. (2000). Planum temporale, planum parietale and dichotic listening in dyslexia. (external link)
Hugdahl, Kenneth; Rund, Bjørn Rishovd; Lund, Anders
et al. (2000). Arbeidshukommelse ved schizofreni. En fMRI undersøkelse av nevronale korrelat. (external link)
Malt, Eva Albertsen; Berle, Jan Øystein; Olafsson, S.
et al. (2000). Fibromyalgia is associated with panic disorder and functional dyspepsia with mood disorders. A study of women with random sample population controls. (external link)
Tollesrud, T.; Kenny, K.; Caugant, Dominique A
et al. (2000). Characterisation of isolates of Staphylococcus aureus from acute, chronic and subclinical mastitis in cows in Norway. (external link)
Hugdahl, Kenneth; Heiervang, Einar; Nordby, Helge
et al. (1999). Central auditory processing and brain laterality: Applications to dyslexia. (external link)
Li, Haitao; Yahiro, Hidenori; Komaguchi, Kenji
et al. (1999). ESR Studies of the Effect of Zeolite Structures on Motional Dynamics of NO2. (external link)
Lund, O.; Høyersten, J. G.; Lund, Anders
(1997). The Patients` sociomedical characteristics, patterns of use and managm ent. (external link)
Bjorvatn, Bjørn; Aarre, T. F.; Lund, Anders
(1997). Nevrobiologiske mekanismer ved antidepressiv behandling. Betydningen av serotonerge autoreseptorer. (external link)
Albertsen, Eva; Olafsson, Snorri; Lund, Anders
(1997). Psychiatric disorders and 5-HT<SUB>1A</SUB> receptor sensitivity in wo men with fibromyalgia and controls. (external link)
Brekke, Hege; Størkson, Rolf; Madsen, Arve
et al. (1997). 5-HT<SUB>1A</SUB> receptor function after chronic treatment with zimel idine and desipramine alone or in combination with pindolol. (external link)
Bjorvatn, Bjørn; Aarre, TF; Lund, Anders
(1997). Neurbiologiske mekanismer ved antidepressiv behandling. (external link)
Asbjørnsen, Arve Egil; Lund, Anders; Hammar, J.
et al. (1996). Attentional effects on dichotic listening in major depression. (external link)
Lund, Anders; Størkson, R.; Madsen, Arve
(1995). 5HT%b%_A receptor function after chronic, combined treatment with mianserin and lithium in rats. Abstract til skandinavisk selskap for psykofarmakologi. (external link)
Lund, Anders
(1994). Neurochemical similarities in depression and pain with special emphasis on serotonin. (external link)
Mjellem, N; Lund, Anders; Hole, Kjell Jørgen
(1993). Reduction of NMDA-induced behaviour after acute and chronic administration of desipramine in mice. (external link)
Lund, Anders; Mjellem, N.
(1993). Chronic, combined treatment with desipramine and mianserin: enhanced 5-HT%cA/5-HT%c receptor interaction in rats. (external link)
Kanui, T. I.; Tjølsen, Arne; Lund, Anders
et al. (1993). Antinociceptive effects of intrathecal administration of alpha-adrenoceptor antagonists and clonidine in the formalin test in the mouse. (external link)
Mjellem, N.; Lund, Anders; Hole, Kjell Jørgen
(1993). Different functions of spinal 5-HT%cA and 5-HT%c receptor subtypes in modulating behaviour induced by excitatory amino acid receptor agonists in mice. (external link)
Mjellem, N.; Lund, Anders; Eide, P. K.
et al. (1992). The role of 5HT%bA and 5HT%bB receptors in spinal nociceptive transmission and in the modulation of N-methyl-Daspartate induced behaviour. (external link)
Lund, Anders; Mjellem-Joly, N.; Hole, Kjell Jørgen
(1992). Desipramine, administered chronically, influences 5-hydroxytryptamine 1 A receptors, as measured by behavioural tests and receptor binding in rats. (external link)
Mjellem, N.; Lund, Anders; Berge, Odd-Geir
et al. (1992). Intrathecal co-administration of substance P and NMDA augments nociceptive responses in the formalin test. (external link)
Mjellem, Norma; Lund, Anders; Eide, Per Kristian
et al. (1992). The role of 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B receptors in spinal nociceptive transmission and in the modulation of NMDA induced behaviour
. (external link)
Tjølsen, Arne; Lund, Anders; Hole, Kjell Jørgen
(1991). Antinociceptive effect on paracetamol in rats is partly dependent on the spinal serotonergic systems. (external link)
Lund, Anders; Mjellem-Joly, N.; Hole, Kjell Jørgen
(1991). Chronic administration of desipramine and zimelidine changes the behavioural response in the formalin test in rat. (external link)
Mjellem-Joly, N.; Lund, Anders; Berge, Odd-Geir
et al. (1991). Potentiation of a behavioural response in mice by spinal coadministration of substance P and excitatory amino acid agonists. (external link)
Eide, P. K.; Mjellem-Joly, N.; Lund, Anders
(1991). The behavioural response to intrathecal serotonin is changed by acute but not by repeated treatment with zimelidine or metergoline. (external link)
Hole, Kjell Jørgen; Berge, Odd-Geir; Tjølsen, Arne
et al. (1991). The tail-flick test needs to be improved. (external link)
Hole, Kjell; Berge, Odd-Geir; Tjølsen, Arne
et al. (1990). The tail-flick test needs to be improved. (external link)
Tjølsen, Arne; Lund, Anders; Eide, Per Kristian
et al. (1989). The apparent hyperalgesic effect of a serotonin antagonist in the tail flick test is mainly due to increased tail skin temperature
. (external link)
Academic literature review
Oruch, Ramadhan; Huneif, Mohammed A.; Pryme, Ian F
et al. (2022). Drug treatment of insomnia: impact of zopiclone. (external link)
Oruch, Ramadhan; Pryme, Ian F; Fasmer, Ole Bernt
et al. (2021). Ketamine: Use in psychiatry, its pharmacology and treatment following intoxication. (external link)
Oruch, Ramadhan; Pryme, Ian F; Engelsen, Bernt
et al. (2017). Neuroleptic malignant syndrome: An easily overlooked neurologic emergency. (external link)
Oruch, Ramadhan; Elderbi, Mahmoud A.; Khattab, Hassan A.
et al. (2014). Lithium: A review of pharmacology, clinical uses, and toxicity. (external link)
Lund, Anders
(2001). General practitioners reactions to non-compliant patients. (external link)
Berge, L; Riise, T; Lund, Anders
et al. (2009). P.2.c.032 Young patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus are frequently depressed. (external link)
Berge, Line Iden; Hundal, Øivind; Aanderud, Sylvi Johanne
et al. (2008). Major depression is very frequent in poorly regulated diabetes. (external link)
Biringer, Eva Aaker; Egeland, Jens; Stordal, Kirsten Irene
et al. (2007). The predictive value of saliva cortisol for remission of major depressive disorder. (external link)
Hugdahl, Kenneth; Loberg, EM; Løberg, Else-Marie
et al. (2006). Left hemisphere contribution to hallucinations in schizophrenia: A dichotic listening study. (external link)
Biringer, Eva Aaker; Mykletun, Arnstein; Lund, Anders
(2006). Neurocognitive function as predictor of improvement in general functioning upon remission of depression. (external link)
Biringer, Eva Aaker; Mykletun, Arnstein; Dahl, Alv Andreas
et al. (2005). Cognitive function in depression and anxiety in the elderly general population - the Hordaland Health Study. (external link)
Biringer, Eva Aaker; Mykletun, Arnstein; Dahl, Alv Andreas
et al. (2004). Samanhangen mellom angst, depresjon og kognitiv funksjon hos eldre -data fra "Helseundersøkelsen i Hordaland 1997-'99". (external link)
Rund, Bjørn Rishovd; Sundet, Kjetil; Sundet, Kjetil
et al. (2004). Contrasts in neuropsychological test profiles between patients with schizophrenia and recurrent non-psychotic depression. (external link)
Egeland, Jens; Landrø, Nils Inge; Sundet, Kjetil Søren
et al. (2003). Distinct amnesic and executive memory deficits in a psychiatric sample. (external link)
Academic lecture
Strand, Mari; Hammar, Åsa; Sætrevik, Bjørn
et al. (2008). Emotional information processing in major depressive disorder. (external link)
Biringer, Eva Aaker; Lundervold, Astri Johansen; Mykletun, Arnstein
et al. (2005). Cognitive function in unipolar depression during the depressive episode and after recovery. (external link)
Biringer, Eva Aaker; Mykletun, Arnstein; Dahl, Alv Andreas
et al. (2005). The association between depression, anxiety and cognitive function in the elderly population. (external link)
Hugdahl, Kenneth; Løberg, Else-Marie; Neckelmann, Gesche
et al. (2004). Left temporal lobe contribution to hallucinations in schizophrenia: A dichotic listening study. (external link)
Biringer, Eva Aaker; Mykletun, Arnstein; Lund, Anders
(2004). Samanhangen mellom angst, depresjon og kognitiv funksjon hos eldre -Helseundersøkelsen i Hordaland 1997-'99, Fødselskohortane 1925, 1926, 1927. (external link)
Lund, Anders
(2003). Differences in neurobiology of Bipolar I and Bipolar II. (external link)
Vestad, Tor Arne; Malinen, Eirik; Lund, Anders
et al. (2003). EPR dosimetric properties of formates. (external link)
Malinen, Eirik; Vestad, Tor Arne; Lund, Anders
et al. (2003). Formates � promising materials for EPR dosimetry at low doses. (external link)
Lund, Eva; Gustavsson, Håkan; Danilczuk, Marek
et al. (2003). Formates and dithionates, sensitive EPR-dosimeter material for radiation therapy. (external link)
Biringer, Eva Aaker; Lund, Anders; Lundervold, Astri Johansen
(2002). "Gir gjentatte depresjonar kognitiv svikt?". (external link)
Hammar, Åsa; Lund, Anders; Hugdahl, Kenneth
(2002). Attentional deficit in patients with major depression. (external link)
Egeland, Jens; Rund, Bjørn Rishovd; Sundet, Kjetil
et al. (2001). Memory impairment in schizophrenia and major depression. (external link)
Hammar, Åsa; Lund, Anders; Hugdahl, Kenneth
(2001). Attentional deficits in patients with major depression. (external link)
Stordal, Kirsten Irene; Lundervold, Astri Johansen; Mykletun, Arnstein
et al. (2001). Executive functions in young recurrently depressed patients. (external link)
Landrø, Nils Inge; Rund, Bjørn Rishovd; Lund, Anders
et al. (2001). Honig's model of working memory and brain activation: An fMRI study. (external link)
Hugdahl, Kenneth; Lund, Anders; Thomsen, Tormod
et al. (2001). Memory and executive function. (external link)
Biringer, Eva Aaker; Lund, Anders
(2001). Gir gjentatte depresjonar kognitiv svikt?. (external link)
Sagstuen, Einar; Lund, Anders; Maruani, Jean
(1999). EPR/ENDOR study of x-irradiated malonic acid single crystals. Structure analysis and microwave power dependent simulation of EPR spectra. (external link)
Hammar, Å.; Hugdahl, Kenneth; Lund, Anders
et al. (1998). Attentional vigilance is dependent on target-distractor compability: Evidence from a new neuropsychological test. (external link)
Malt, Eva Albertsen; Olafsson, Snorri; Lund, Anders
(1998). D2 and 5-HT1a receptor sensitivity in women with psychosomatic disorders. A neuroendocrine study with buspirone. (external link)
Lund, Anders; Asbjørnsen, Arve Egil; Hugdahl, Kenneth
et al. (1998). Attentional impairments in major depression and sleep deprivation. (external link)
Malt, Eva Albertsen; Olafsson, Snorri; Lund, Anders
et al. (1998). Gastrin in related to personality traits as well as depression in female patients with somatoform disorders and population controls. (external link)
Hammar, Å; Hugdahl, Kenneth; Lund, Anders
et al. (1998). Attentional vigilance is deprendent on target-distracto compability: Evidence from a new neuropsychological test. (external link)
Malt, Eva Albertsen; Olafsson, S.; Lund, Anders
et al. (1998). Neuroendocrine response to buspirone in women with psychosomatic disorders. (external link)
Lund, Anders; Asbjørnsen, Arve Egil; Hugdahl, Kenneth
et al. (1998). Attentional impairments in major depression and sleep-deprivation. (external link)
Heiervang, Einar; Hugdahl, Kenneth; Steinmetz, H.
et al. (1998). Reduced Planum Temporale asymmetry in dyslexic children. (external link)
Li, Haitao; Komaguchi, Kenji; Shiotano, Matsuri
et al. (1998). ESR Studies of effect of Zeolite Structures on Motional Dynamics of NO2. (external link)
Heiervang, Einar; Smievoll, A.I.; Stevenson, J.
et al. (1997). Auditory tone discrimination and planum temporale area in dyslexic and control children. (external link)
Hammer, Å.; Lund, Anders; Asbjørnsen, Arve Egil
et al. (1997). "Hypofrontality" in major depression. Impairments on cognitive functio ns may indicate frontal lobe dysfunction. (external link)
Hammar, Åsa; Lund, Anders; Asbjørnsen, Arve Egil
et al. (1997). "Hypofrontality" in major depression: Impairments on cognitive functions may indicate frontal lobe dysfunction. (external link)
Lund, Anders; Asbjørnsen, Arve Egil; Hammar, Åsa
et al. (1996). Cognitive impairment in chronic/recurrent major depression. (external link)
Lund, Anders; Asbjørnsen, Arve Egil; Hammar, Åsa
et al. (1996). Cognitive functioning in major depression: Wisconsin card sorting test and Stroop test performance. (external link)
Lund, Anders; Asbjørnsen, Arve Egil; Hammar, Åsa
et al. (1996). Cognitive functioning in major depression: Wisconsin card sorting test and Stroop test performance. (external link)
Lund, Anders; Asbjørnsen, Arve Egil; Hammar, Åsa
et al. (1996). Svekket kognitiv fungering ved gjentagne episoder/kronisk forløp av alvorlig depresjon. (external link)
Lund, Anders; Asbjørnsen, Arve Egil; Hammar, Åsa
et al. (1996). Cognitive impairment in chronic/recurrent major depression. (external link)
Lund, Anders; Asbjørnsen, Arve Egil; Hammar, Åsa
et al. (1996). Cognitive impairment in chronic/recurrent major depression. (external link)
Asbjørnsen, Arve Egil; Lund, Anders; Hammar, Åsa
et al. (1996). Attentional effects on dichotic listening in major depression. (external link)
Lund, Anders; Størkson, R; Madsen, Arve
(1996). 5-HT1A receptor function after chronic combined treatment with mianserin and lithium in rats. (external link)
Lund, Anders
(1996). Farmakoterapi ved depresjon: Langtidsbehandling og profylakse. (external link)
Lund, Anders; Asbjørnsen, Arve Egil; Hammar, Åsa
et al. (1996). Cognitive functioning in major depression: Wisconsin card sorting test and Stroop test performance. (external link)
Asbjørnsen, Arve Egil; Lund, Anders; Hammar, Åsa
et al. (1996). Attentional effects on dichotic listening in major depression. (external link)
Lund, Anders; Asbjørnsen, Arve Egil; Hammar, Åsa
et al. (1996). Svekket kognitiv fungering ved gjentagne episoder/kronisk forløp av alvorlig depresjon. (external link)
Lund, Anders; Asbjørnsen, Arve Egil; Hammar, Åsa
et al. (1996). Svekket kognitiv fungering ved gjentagne episoder/kronisk forløp av alvorlig depresjon. (external link)
Asbjørnsen, Arve Egil; Lund, Anders; Hammar, Å.
et al. (1995). Cognitive functions in major depression: Preliminary results. (external link)
Heiervang, E.R.; Apold, Jaran; Lund, Anders
et al. (1995). Failure to replicate chromosome 6 as probable locus for reading disability. (external link)
Asbjørnsen, Arve Egil; Lund, Anders; Hammar, Å.
et al. (1995). Attentional effects on dichotic listeening in major depression. (external link)
Holsten, Fred; Lund, Anders; Nygaard, J.A.
(1995). Suicide in childhood and adolescence. (external link)
Lund, Anders; Asbjørnsen, Arve Egil; Hammar, Å.
et al. (1995). Cognitive functions in major depression. (external link)
Asbjørnsen, Arve Egil; Lund, Anders; Hammar, Å.
et al. (1995). Cognitive functions in major depression. (external link)
Lund, Anders
(1995). Farmakoterapi ved depresjon: Langtidsbehandling og profylakse. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hemmersbach, Peter J; Dehnes, Yvette; Mikkelsen, Finn
et al. (2008). Individual blood profiling – A means of improving the fight against doping. (external link)
Krüger, M B; Lund, Anders; Skarstein, J
et al. (2000). Medikamentell behandling av depresjoner. (external link)
Ursin, Holger; Endresen, Inger; Lund, Anders
et al. (1994). Psychological and behavioural aspects of pain. (external link)
Lund, Anders
(1994). Medikamentell behandling av psykiske lidelser i svangerskapet. (external link)
Lund, Anders
(1994). Henvisningsrutiner og regelverk ved psykisk sykdom i svangerskapet og etter fødselen. (external link)
Hole, Kjell Jørgen; Berge, Odd-Geir; Eide, P. K.
et al. (1992). Modifications in nociceptive reactivity following various serotonergic treatments. Methodological difficulties. (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
Biringer, Eva Aaker; Mykletun, Arnstein; Lund, Anders
(2006). Neurocognitive function as predictor of improvement in general functioning upon remission of depression. (external link)
Biringer, Eva Aaker; Mykletun, Arnstein; Dahl, Alv Andreas
et al. (2004). Depression as measured by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)predicted lower performance on cognitive test measures in a large non-demented population sample. (external link)
Vestad, Tor Arne; Malinen, Eirik; Lund, Anders
et al. (2004). Properties of Formates for EPR Dosimetry Purposes. (external link)
Stordal, Kirsten Irene; Lundervold, A.J.; Mykletun, Arnstein
et al. (2003). Characteristics of patients with major depressive disorder with and without impairment of cognitive functions. (external link)
Vestad, Tor Arne; Malinen, Eirik; Lund, Anders
et al. (2003). EPR dosimetric properties of formates. (external link)
Biringer, Eva Aaker; Hammer, Åsa; Stordal, Kirsten Irene
et al. (2002). Verbal memory function in recurrent unipolar depression. (external link)
Kroken, Rune; Stordal, Kirsten Irene; Ødegaard, Kjetil Joachim
et al. (2001). Cognitive function in schizophrenic patients treated with olanzapine and perphenazin/zuclopenthixol. (external link)
Hammar, Åsa; Lund, Anders; Ødegaard, Ketil Joachim
et al. (2001). Effortful information processing in patients with major depresseion. (external link)
Hugdahl, Kenneth; Thomsen, Tormod; Lund, Anders
et al. (2001). Reduced frontal and increased parietal lobe fMRI activation in schizophrenic patients during a mental arithmetic task. (external link)
Stordal, Kirsten Irene; Asbjørnsen, Arve Egil; Egeland, Jens
et al. (2001). Cognitive dysfunction in young patients with recurrent depression. (external link)
Lund, Anders; Stordal, K.; Kroken, J.
et al. (2000). Increased frontal and parietal activation in a schizophrenic mother and her schizophrenic son after treatment with olanzapine: A longitudinal fMRI study. (external link)
Lund, Anders; Thomsen, Tormod; Stordal, Kirsten Irene
et al. (2000). Brain activation in schizophrenic patients and healthy controls during working memory and mental arithmetic. A functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study. (external link)
Lund, Anders; Hugdahl, Kenneth; Rund, Bjørn Rishovd
et al. (2000). Brain activation in schizophrenic and healthy subjects during a working memory task: An fMRI-study. (external link)
Hugdahl, Kenneth; Lund, Anders; Thomsen, Tormod
et al. (2000). Increased frontal and parietal activation in a schizophrenic patient after antipsychotic drug treatment: An fRMI-study. (external link)
Heiervang, Einar; Hugdahl, Kenneth; Stevenson, Jim
et al. (1998). Brain mechanisms and behaviour problems in dyslexia. (external link)
Hammar, Åsa; Asbjørnsen, Arve Egil; Hugdahl, Kenneth
et al. (1997). Cognitive functions in major depression. (external link)
Programme participation
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Feature article
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