Anders Sundnes Løvlie
Associate Professor
Academic article
- Karlsen, Joakim; Løvlie, Anders Sundnes (2017). `You can dance your prototype if you like?: independent filmmakers adapting the hackathon. (external link)
- Ihlebæk, Karoline Andrea; Løvlie, Anders Sundnes; Mainsah, Henry (2013). Mer åpenhet, mer kontroll? Håndteringen av nettdebatten etter 22.juli. (external link)
- Løvlie, Anders Sundnes (2012). flâneur, a walkthrough: Locative Literature as Participation and Play. (external link)
- Løvlie, Anders Sundnes (2012). You are the one thinking this: locative poetry as deictic writing. (external link)
- Løvlie, Anders Sundnes (2011). Annotative Locative Media and G-P-S: Granularity, Participation, and Serendipity. (external link)
- Løvlie, Anders Sundnes (2011). Locative literature: experiences with the textopia system. (external link)
- Løvlie, Anders Sundnes (2009). Textopia: designing a locative literary reader. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Karlsen, Joakim; Løvlie, Anders Sundnes (2015). To Walk the Walk: Journalism practice, Work and Innovation. (external link)
- Ihlebæk, Karoline Andrea; Løvlie, Anders Sundnes (2014). Users' experience of editorial control in online discussion forums after the Oslo terror attacks. (external link)
- Ihlebæk, Karoline Andrea; Løvlie, Anders Sundnes (2013). What we say is used against us. Participants view on editorial control in online discussion forums. (external link)
- Karlsen, Faltin; Jørgensen, Kristine; Mortensen, Torill et al. (2013). The mediacity of playfulness. (external link)
- Ihlebæk, Karoline Andrea; Mainsah, Henry Nsaidzeka; Løvlie, Anders Sundnes (2012). Nettdebatten etter 22.juli. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders; Løvlie, Anders Sundnes (2011). Is the Web dead yet? Native app versus open HTML in locative media. (external link)
- Løvlie, Anders Sundnes (2009). Poetic Augmented Reality: Place-bound Literature In Locative Media. (external link)
- Løvlie, Anders Sundnes (2009). TEXTOPIA: A GEO-LITERARY BROWSER. (external link)
- Tronstad, Ragnhild; Karlsen, Faltin; Løvlie, Anders Sundnes (2008). The Concept of Emergence in Game Studies. (external link)
- Løvlie, Anders Sundnes (2008). The Rhetoric of Persuasive Games: Freedom and Discipline in America’s Army. (external link)
- Løvlie, Anders Sundnes (2008). Locatext: Experiencing literature through location-based media. (external link)
- Løvlie, Anders Sundnes (2007). Locatext: Using locative media to experience literature. (external link)
- Løvlie, Anders Sundnes (2005). End of story? Quest, narrative and enactment in computer games. (external link)