Andreas L Opdahl


Professor, Professor


Research groups


My current research interests are knowledge graphs, ontologies and related AI techniques such as large language models. Several of my ongoing and recent projects investigate how these and other AI techniques can be used the media sector, often in combination with big open data sources.

My current research builds on a long-standing interest in modelling and analysis of information systems (IS) in an enterprise and usage context. I have studied how various types of conceptual models can be used to facilitate broad organisational involvement in IS development and enterprise change projects, by including other stakeholder groups in addition to ICT experts and managers.

I have investigated how models can be used for identifying and analysing safety and security threats as part of requirements work and how organisations actually use IS models in practice.

I have also investigated the semantics of IS and enterprise modelling notations. I am studying how clearer definitions of notation semantics can contribute to making better models and to facilitate consistency checking and perhaps even automatic translation across different notations. My work on a Unified Enterprise Modelling Ontology (UEMO) is part of this activity.



    I give courses in areas such as knowledge graphs, big data, information systems, systems development, research methods, Python programming and basic information technology. In these areas, I have supervised 9 Ph.D. candidates and more than 50 Master students through to completion.

    Academic article
    Academic lecture
    Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
    Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
    Doctoral dissertation
    Academic literature review
    Website (informational material)
    Short communication
    Masters thesis
    Reader opinion piece
    Feature article
    Thesis at a second degree level
    Non-fiction book
    Popular scientific lecture

    See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

    You can find even more of my publications in Google Scholar and at Research Gate (which also has full text available for many of them).


    Current and recent research projects include:

    • Media Futures - responsible media content analysis and production
    • NORDIS - Nordic Observatory for Digital Media and Information Disorder
    • NewsAngler - discovering unexpected connections in the news
    • BDEM - big data for emergency management
    • UbiMob - ubiquitous data for mobility in smart cities
    • TransFeed - Driver Behaviour and Emissions

    Older projects:

    • Safety and security requirements: I participated in the NFR-funded ReqSec project (2008-2011), a collaboration with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
    • Unified Enterprise Modelling Language (UEML): I was involved in the development of a unified modelling language for enterprises and their information systems. This work started as part of the EU Network of Excellence Interop-NoE (2003-2007).
    • Mobile information systems for knowledge workers: I participated in the NFR-funded Model-Driven Multi-Channel Mobile Work (M3W) project (2006-2010), also a collaboration with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
    • Process-modelling practice in Norway (PMP): I have been collaborating with the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration and Agder University on studies of practical process modelling in Norway.

    Other research interests are:

    • Knowledge graphs and ontologies, in particular their synergies with large language models (recent and ongoing)
    • Ontological analysis and evaluation of enterprise and IS modelling languages (since 1998)
    • Understanding IS and enterprise architecture (since 1994)

    In the past, I have also carried out research on software performance evaluation (on which I did my Ph D) and several other areas.

    Kompetanse (M.Eng.) from the Norwegian Institute of Techology (1988), (Ph.D.) from the same place in 1992, both in computer science/computer technology (databehandling/datateknikk).

    Areas of competence: Information systems (IS), IS research methods, enterprise modelling, process modelling, IS modelling, IS development, semantic technologies, semantic interoperability, web 3.0, ontologies, software development, requirements determination, security requirements, IS architecture, enterprise information architecture, data warehouses, social information systems, social web, web 2.0.

    More information is available on my LinkedIn page.