Andreas Tutic





I am a former Heisenberg-Fellow of the German Research Foundation and work as a professor at the University of Bergen. My primary research interest is theoretical sociology. This encompasses classic topoi in social theory such as the problems of double contingency and social order, the theory of social action, and social norms and institutions. With my writings I try to bridge the gap between formal accounts in social science and mainstream sociology. That is, on the one hand I attempt to show that there is much more in classic and modern sociology in terms of substantive ideas than has been recognized hitherto by the model-building community. On the other hand I strive to convince fellow sociologists that embracing positivistic methods does not put sociology's identity at risk.

Next to groundwork in social theory, I also work empirically on more applied subjects such social exchange, collective action, and educational decision-making. My papers have appeared in technical journals in both sociology and economics (e.g. Journal of Mathematical Sociology, Social Networks, Social Choice and Welfare) as well as leading outlets for general sociology (e.g. Sociological Science, Zeitschrift für Soziologie).


Current Teaching

I currently teach sociological theory in the modules SOS100 (invitasjon til sosiologi; BA-level) and SOS302 (sosiologiske teoritradisjonar; MA-level). I will also be teaching methodology and statistics in the module SOS303 (statistisk analyse; MA-level).

In the long run, I intend to establish a new module on theories of social action.


Teaching Experience

I have taught many courses at the University of Leipzig and also served as a guest lecturer at the University of Bern and the ETH Zurich. This encompasses both lectures as well as seminars at the BA- and MA-level. Following are titles of selected courses in my portfolio:

  • Foundations of Sociology II (lecture on basic paradigms in sociological theory; BA-level)
  • Selected Topics in Doing Sociological Theory (lecture on sociological theory; BA-level)
  • Constructing Theories and Deriving Hypotheses (lecture on sociological theory; MA-level)
  • Meaning and Culture: Introduction to Cognitive Sociology (seminar; BA-level)
  • Interaction Rituals with Durkheim, Goffman, and Collins (seminar; BA-level)
  • Neofunctionalism: Alexander and Münch (seminar; BA-level)
  • Social Stratification and Social Action (seminar; BA-level)
  • Strategic Rationality: Theory, Empirics, and Alternatives (seminar; MA-level)

Dear students: If you are interested in any of these topics, just email me and we see how it fits to our study programmes at the department!


Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Tutić, Andreas and Ulf Liebe, 2009: A Theory of Status-Mediated Inequity Aversion. Journal of Mathematical Sociology 33: 157-195.

Tutić, Andreas, 2010: The Aumann-Drèze Value, the Wiese Value, and Stability: A Note. International Game Theory Review 12: 189-195.

Liebe, Ulf and Andreas Tutić, 2010: Status Groups and Altruistic Behavior in Dictator Games. Rationality and Society 22: 353-380.

Tutić, Andreas, Stefan Pfau, and André Casajus, 2011: Experiments on Bilateral Bargaining in Markets. Theory and Decision 70: 529-546.

Tutić, Andreas, 2013: Experimental Evidence on the Theory of Club Goods. Rationality and Society 25: 90-120.

Casajus, André and Andreas Tutić, 2013: Nash Bargaining, Shapley Threats, and Outside Options. Mathematical Social Sciences 66: 262-267.

Tutić, Andreas, 2014: Procedurally Rational Volunteers. Journal of Mathematical Sociology 38: 219-232.

Tutić, Andreas, 2015: Revealed Norm Obedience. Social Choice and Welfare 44: 301-318.

Tutić, Andreas, 2015: Warum denn eigentlich nicht? Zur Axiomatisierung soziologischer Handlungstheorie. Zeitschrift für Soziologie 44: 83-95.

Tutić, Andreas and Harald Wiese, 2015: Reconstructing Granovetter's Network Theory.  Social Networks 43: 136-148.

Grehl, Sascha and Andreas Tutić, 2015: Experimental Evidence on Iterated Reasoning in Games. PLoS ONE 10(8): e0136524.

​Tutić, Andreas, 2016: Zur Interpretation entscheidungstheoretischer Kalküle - Eine Erwiderung. Zeitschrift für Soziologie 45: 136-144.

​Tutić, Andreas, 2016: Doppelte Kontingenz. Zeitschrift für Theoretische Soziologie 1/2016: 6-24.

​Liebe, Ulf, Elias Naumann, and Andreas Tutić, 2017: Sozialer Status und prosoziales Handeln: Ein Quasi-Experiment im Krankenhaus. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 69: 109-129. [This paper was covered by Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung.]

​Tutić, Andreas, 2017: Revisiting the Breen-Goldthorpe Model of Educational Stratification. Rationality and Society 29: 289-407.

​Tutić, Andreas and Sascha Grehl, 2017: A Note on Disbelief in Others regarding Backward Induction. Games 8(3): 33.

​Tutić, Andreas, Thomas Voss, and Ulf Liebe, 2017: Low-Cost-Hypothese und Rationalität - Eine neue theoretische Herleitung und einige Implikationen. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 69: 651-672.

​Tutić, Andreas and Sascha Grehl, 2018: Status Characteristics and the Provision of Public Goods – Experimental Evidence. Sociological Science 5: 1-20.

​Liebe, Ulf and Andreas Tutić, 2018: Citizenship Status, Warm Glow, and Prosocial Behavior: A Quasi-Experiment on Giving Behavior by Host-Country Citizens and Asylum Seekers. Analyse & Kritik 40: 161-184.

​Tutić, Andreas and Hagen von Hermanni, 2018: Sozioökonomischer Status, Deprivation und die Affinität zur AfD – Eine Forschungsnotiz. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 70: 275-294.

​Liebe, Ulf, Nicole Schwitter, and Andreas Tutić, 2019: Objektiver Status, subjektiver Status und Prosozialität bei Schweizer Berüfsschülerinnen und Berufsschülern. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 45: 57-81.

​Liebe, Ulf, Elias Naumann, and Andreas Tutić, 2019: Prosocial Behavior across Professional Boundaries: Experimental Evidence from Hospitals. SAGE Open:

​Tutić, Andreas and Ulf Liebe, 2019: Sozialer Status, Altruistisches Geben und Reziprozität: Befunde aus einem Quasi-Experiment mit Probanden aus den USA. Zeitschrift für Soziologie 48: 176-189.

​von Hermanni, Hagen and Andreas  Tutić, 2019: Does Economic Inequality Moderate the Effect of Class on Prosocial Behavior? A Large-Scale Test of a Recent Hypothesis by Côté et al. PLoS ONE 14(8): e0220723.

​Tutić, Andreas and Ulf Liebe, 2020: Contact Heterogeneity as a Mediator of the Relationship between Social Class and Altruistic Giving. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World. doi:10.1177/2378023120969330.

​Tutić, Andreas, 2021: Stochastic Evolutionary Dynamics in the Volunteer's Dilemma. Journal of Mathematical Sociology. doi:10.1080/0022250X.2021.1988946.

​Tutić, Andreas and Sascha Grehl, 2021: Implizite Einstellungen, explizite Einstellungen und die Affinität zur AfD. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 73: 389-417.

​Grehl, Sascha and Andreas Tutić, 2022: Intuition, Reflection, and Prosociality: Evidence from A Field Experiment. PLoS ONE 17(2): e0262476.

​Tutić, Andreas, 2022: Cultural Orientations and their Influence on Social Behaviour: Catalysation and Suppression. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour.

​Tutić, Andreas, Ivar Krumpal, and Friederike Haiser, 2022: Triage in Times of COVID-19: A Moral Dilemma. Journal of Health and Social Behavior.

​Tutić, Andreas, 2022: Die Dual-Process-Perspektive in der interdisziplinären Handlungstheorie: Stand und Perspektiven. Soziale Welt 73: 203-238.

​Liebe, Ulf, Nicole Schwitter, and Andreas Tutić, 2022: Individuals of High Socioeconomic Status are Altruistic in Sharing Money but Egoistic in Sharing Time. Scientific Reports 12: 10831.

Tutić, Andreas, 2023: Thoughts on Integrating Evolutionary Analysis into Sociological Action Theory. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie.

​​Tutić, Andreas, Sascha Grehl, and Ulf Liebe, 2023: A Dual-Process Perspective on the Relationship between Implicit Attitudes and Discriminatory Behavior. European Sociological Review.

Stark, Sandra, Daniel Peter, and Andreas Tutić, 2023: Homophily and the Evolution of Cooperation in the Volunteer’s Dilemma: A Computational Study on Dynamic Graphs. Social Networks 78:25-39.

Tutić, Andreas, Friederike Haiser, and Ivar Krumpal, 2024: Social Class and Moral Judgment: A Process Dissociation Perspective. Frontiers in Sociology, in press.


Books and Theses

Tutić, Andreas, 2010: Essays on Social Status. Dissertation, Universität Leipzig.

​Tutić, Andreas, 2018: Beiträge zu einer interdisziplinären Handlungstheorie. Habilitationsschrift, Universität Leipzig.

Tutić, Andreas (Ed.), 2020 : Rational Choice. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.

​Krumpal, Ivar, Werner Raub, and Andreas Tutić (Eds.), 2021: Rationality in Social Science: Foundations, Norms, and Prosociality. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.


Publications in Edited Volumes

Tutić, Andreas, 2015: Nutzen- und Spieltheorie. In: Norman Braun and Nicole J. Saam (Eds.): Handbuch Modellbildung und Simulation in den Sozialwissenschaften. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Tutić, Andreas, Thomas Voss, and Johannes Zschache, 2015: Soziale Normen. In: Norman Braun and Nicole J. Saam (Eds.): Handbuch Modellbildung und Simulation in den Sozialwissenschaften. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

​Liebe, Ulf and Andreas Tutić, 2017: The Interplay of Social Status and Reciprocity. In: Ben Jann and Wojtek Przepiorka (Eds.): Social Dilemmas, Institutions, and the Evolution of Cooperation. Berlin: De Gruyter.

​Tutić, Andreas and Ulf Liebe, 2017: Rational Choice. In: William Outhwaite and Stephen Turner (Eds.): The SAGE Handbook of Political Sociology. London: SAGE.

​Tutić, Andreas and Thomas Voss, 2020: Trust and Game Theory. In: Judith Simon (Ed.): Routledge Handbook of Trust and Philosophy. London: Routledge.

​Tutić, Andreas, 2020: Entscheidungstheorie. In: Andreas Tutić (Ed.): Rational Choice. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.

​Tutić, Andreas, 2020: Anomalien der Rational-Choice-Theorie. In: Andreas Tutić (Ed.): Rational Choice. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.

​Tutić, Andreas, 2021: Rational Choice und Dual-Process-Theorie. In: Mathias Berek, Kristina Chmelar, Oliver Dimbath, Hanna Haag, Michael Heinlein, Nina Leonhard, Valentin Rauer and Gerd Sebald (Eds.): Handbuch Sozialwissenschaftliche Gedächtnisforschung. Berlin: Springer.

​Krumpal, Ivar, Werner Raub, and Andreas Tutić, 2021: Rationality in Social Science: Introduction. In: Ivar Krumpal, Werner Raub, and Andreas Tutić  (Eds.): Rationality in Social Science: Foundations, Norms, and Prosociality. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

​Tutić, Andreas and Ulf Liebe, 2021: Opposing Effects of Objective and Subjective Status on Prosociality: Theory and Quasi-Experiment. In: Ivar Krumpal, Werner Raub, and Andreas Tutić  (Eds.): Rationality in Social Science: Foundations, Norms, and Prosociality. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

​Kroneberg, Clemens and Andreas Tutić, 2021: Action. In: Gianluca Manzo (Ed.): Research Handbook on Analytical Sociology. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Tutić, Andreas, Ivar Krumpal, and Friederike Haiser, 2023: Faire Verteilung knapper medizinischer Ressourcen in der COVID-19-Pandemie: Ethische Aspekte und empirische Evidenz zum Problem der Triage. In: Ingeborg Henzler, Henning Hues, Sandra Sonnleitner, and Uta Wilkens (Eds.) Extended Views. Gesellschafts- und wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die Covid-19-Pandemie. Köln: Böhlau.


Didactic Publications

Casajus, André and Andreas Tutić, 2008: Allmenderessourcen, Märkte und die Unsichtbare Hand. das wirtschaftsstudium, Heft 6.

Tutić, Andreas and Frank Hüttner, 2010: Axiomatische Theorien begrenzter Rationalität. WiSt, Heft 6.

Tutić, Andreas, 2014: Ordinale Nutzentheorie. WiSt, Heft 12.



Tutić, Andreas, 2011: Book Review on Marc Fleurbaey: "Fairness, Responsibility, and Welfare". Rationality, Markets and Morals 2: 8-12.

Berger, Roger and Andreas Tutić, 2014: Book Review on Raffael Wittek, Tom A.B. Snijders, and Victor Nee (Ed.): "The Handbook of Rational Choice Social Research". Soziologische Revue 37: 518-521.

Tutić, Andreas, 2015: Book Review on Richard Swedberg: "The Art of Social Theory". Rationality, Markets and Morals 6: 1-5.

​Tutić, Andreas, 2016: Book Review on Gianluca Manzo (Ed.): "Analytical Sociology. Actions and Networks".  Soziologische Revue 40: 292-295.

​Tutić, Andreas, 2019: Decision and Game Theory as the Analytical Core of All the Behavioural Sciences. Book Review on Herbert Gintis: "Individuality and Entanglement. The Moral and Material Bases of Social Life". Czech Sociological Review 55: 889-893.

​Tutić, Andreas, 2021: Book Review on Michael Hechter: "Rational Choice Sociology".  Soziologische Revue 44: 297-301.