Anna Nylund


Professor, Chair research group for civil procedure


Research groups

Short info

My primary research interests are civil procedure, alternative dispute resolution, comparative law, and children's access to justice. I have done extensive work in national, European and comparative civil procedure and dispute resolution, and in the foundations of civil and family justice systems.

I have done extensive work in the areas of national, European, and comparative civil procedure and alternative dispute resolution. In addition, I have investigated children's rights in the Nordic countries and the family justice system. 

I have published 70 articles and book chapters in scholarly publications as the sole or primary author. I have also edited twelve books, authored two monographs, and co-authored two additional monographs. 

I have successfully co-chaired ten international research projects. I am currently the principal investigator of the Primary Dispute Resolution (Tvisteløsning på grunnplanet) project funded by the Norwegian Research Council.


In civil procedure, I have primarily explored the preparatory stage of civil proceedings and case management, appellate proceedings, and the mutual influence of European and national civil procedure law. 

I have also interrogated the intersection between 'alternative' dispute resolution and court proceedings, both for civil and family cases. I am particularly interested in the hinges between ADR procedures and the formal justice system.


I am the chair of the Nordic Association of Procedural Law, co-chair of the European Law Institute Nordic Hub and a member of the Council of the International Association of Procedural Law. I serve on the Board of Directors of the Centre for Advanced Studies Oslo and review panel 1 of Riksbankens Jubileumsfond for the Advancement of the Humanities and Social Sciences.  

I am also a member of several academic and professional organisations, including the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, the International Academy of Comparative Law and the European Association of Private International Law. 


At the Norwegian Academy of Science at Letters, I sit on the Human Rights Committee and the ad hoc Committee on Recruitment.

The Norwegian Court Administration and similar organisations of other jurisdictions in the Nordic-Baltic region regularly appoint me as an expert in efforts to improve civil justice systems.

I am a member of the Scientific Council for children's rights at Forandringsfabrikken, a Norwegian NGO representing children's voices.

I am regularly invited to speak at national and international seminars and conferences.

Selected international invited or peer-reviewed appearances:

  • 'Perspectives of Prospective OPIC Signatories.' with Ingun Fornes 10 Years of OPIC- Pathways of Access to Justice for Childre, Leiden Child Law Observatory, Leiden University, April 2024 (peer-reviewed) 
  • 'Cooperation, case management and access to information and evidence - an external perspective.'  ELI-UNIDROIT Model European Rules of Civil Procedure Dissemination Conference, February 2024 (invited) 
  • 'A principled approach to the digitalisation of civil procedure.' Herausforderungen der Prozessrechtsdigitalisierung aus rechtsvergleichender Perspektive, University of Göttingen, November 2023 (invited) 
  • 'Ideological underpinnings of Scandinavian civil procedure.' International Association of Procedural Law Post-Doctoral Summer School, June 2023 (invited)  
  • 'The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child - 20 years in Norwegian law.' with Ingun Fornes, Nordic Children’s Rights Symposium. June 2023 (peer-reviewed)'Impulsreferat: Lehren und Folgen der Corona-Pandemie für die Justiz'. Tagung der Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung für Internationales Verfahrensrecht, April 2023 (invited) 
  • ‘Våre perifere domstoler - en sammenligning mellom de nordiske land’. (Our peripheral courts – a comparison with other Nordic countries), Seminar series for Norwegian Judges, Norwegian Courts Administration, February 2023 (invited 
  • 'Systemic changes to the civil justice system in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.' The impact of COVID-19 on the justice system, Poland, May 2022 (invited) 

I am the course administrator for Resolution of commercial disputes and Child Law.

I teach civil procedure law, comparative law, and mediation and alternative dispute resolution.

Academic monograph
Academic lecture
Feature article
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Academic article
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

I have published 70 articles and book chapters in scholarly publications as the sole or primary author. I have also edited twelve books, authored two monographs, and co-authored two additional monographs. I have successfully co-chaired ten international research projects.

My most recent publications are:

  • Nylund, A., ‘Agreements Related to Alternative Dispute Resolution’, in A. Nylund & A. Cabral (eds.), Shaping Civil Litigation Using Procedural Agreements. Eleven 2024, pp. 95-112 
  • Nylund, A., ‘When is a body a court under EU law?’, in W. Hau, B. Krans & A. Nylund (eds), European Law and National Organisation of Civil Justice, Nomos, pp. 23–55
  • Nylund, A., ’Civil Procedure and the Rule of Law in Scandinavia’ Scandinavian Studies in Law 2023, vol, 69, pp. 121-144 
  • Nylund, A., ‘Nordic Family Mediation: Towards a System of Differentiated Services?’ in A. Kaldal, A. Hellner & T. Mattsson (eds), Children in Custody Disputes. Matching Legal Proceedings to Problems. Palgrave Macmillan 2023, pp. 41-66

On-going projects 

Primary Dispute Resolution (PI)

Access to justice for small businesses

Supreme Courts and Civil Litigation in Europe

Empirical research on in-court mediation in Norway


Recently completed

European Law and National Organisation of Civil Justice

The Convention on the Rights of the Child in Norwegian Law

Contractualisation of Civil Procedure