Academic article
Cvijic, Andjelka; Åstrøm, Anne-Kristine N; Kvernenes, Monika
et al. (2024). Traumatic dental injuries: Knowledge assessment of dentists in the Norwegian Public Dental Service of Vestland. (external link)
Cetrelli, Lena Elisabet; Lundestad, Anette; Gil, Elisabeth Grut
et al. (2024). Serum and salivary inflammatory biomarkers in juvenile idiopathic arthritis—an explorative cross-sectional study. (external link)
Cvijic, Andjelka; Kvernenes, Monika; Åstrøm, Anne-Kristine N
et al. (2024). Treatment of Traumatic Dental Injuries in the Public Dental Services—A Qualitative Exploration of Perceived Challenges and Needs. (external link)
Virtej, Anca; Marti, Larissa Alexandrina von; Wagner, Marek
et al. (2024). Contribution of initial lymphatics to oral wound healing after tooth extraction. (external link)
Indrelid, Stine Hufthammer; Dongre, Harsh Nitin; Nunes, Ivana Pereira
et al. (2023). Human gingival epithelial cells stimulate proliferation, migration, and tube formation of lymphatic endothelial cells in vitro. (external link)
Gil, Elisabeth Grut; Åstrøm, Anne-Kristine N; Lie, Stein Atle
et al. (2022). Dental plaque and gingival bleeding in adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and controls: a multilevel analysis. (external link)
Cetrelli, Lena Elisabet; Bletsa, Athanasia; Lundestad, Anette
et al. (2022). Vitamin D, oral health, and disease characteristics in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a multicenter cross-sectional study. (external link)
Iden, Ole; Valle, Ingri Nilsson; Stojkovski, Nika
et al. (2022). Er et kompetansesenter en konkurrent eller et supplement?
Kartlegging av henvisninger til endodontister ved TkV/Hordaland. (external link)
Gil, Elisabeth Grut; Skeie, Marit Slåttelid; Halbig, Josefine Mareile
et al. (2022). Oral health-related quality of life in 4-16-year-olds with and without juvenile idiopathic arthritis. (external link)
Gil, Elisabeth Grut; Åstrøm, Anne-Kristine N; Lie, Stein Atle
et al. (2021). Dental caries in children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and controls: a multilevel analysis. (external link)
Bletsa, Athanasia; Bessonova, Maria Vladimirovna; Iden, Ole
(2021). Using Cone-beam CT in Diagnosis and Management of Severe Dilaceration Following Trauma in Primary Teeth: A Case Report.. (external link)
Mohamed RW, Ali; Mustafa, Manal; Bårdsen, Asgeir
et al. (2021). Differential Responses of Human Dental Pulp Stromal Cells to Bioceramic Materials: A Comparative In Vitro Study. (external link)
Bletsa, Athanasia; Bessonova, Maria Vladimirovna; Iden, Ole
(2020). Using Cone Beam CT in Diagnosis and Management of Severe Dilaceration following Trauma in Primary Teeth: A case report. (external link)
Tvilde, Britt Nygard; Virtanen, Jorma; Bletsa, Athanasia
et al. (2020). Dental erosive wear in primary teeth among five-year-olds–Bergen, Norway. (external link)
Bletsa, Athanasia; Iden, Ole; Sulo, Gerhard
et al. (2020). Arbeidserfaring påvirker behandlingsrutiner i endodonti. (external link)
Bletsa, Athanasia; Iden, Ole; Sulo, Gerhard
et al. (2019). Work experience influences treatment approaches in endodontics: a questionnaire survey among dentists in Western Norway. (external link)
Uhlen, Marte-Mari Nordsetmoen; Valen, Håkon; Karlsen, Line Christin Schrøder
et al. (2019). Treatment decisions regarding caries and dental developmental defects in children - A questionnaire-based study among Norwegian dentists. (external link)
Ali, Mohamed Abdel-Raouf Abdel-Waha; Mustafa , Manal ; Bårdsen, Asgeir
et al. (2019). Fracture resistance of simulated immature teeth treated with a regenerative endodontic protocol.. (external link)
Ali, Mohamed R. W.; Mustafa , Manal ; Bårdsen, Asgeir
et al. (2019). Tricalcium silicate cements: osteogenic and angiogenic responses of human bone marrow stem cells. (external link)
Bletsa, Athanasia; Abdalla, Hisham; Løes, Sigbjørn Suk
et al. (2018). Lymphatic growth factors are expressed in human gingiva and upregulated in gingival fibroblasts after stimulation. (external link)
Steiner, René; Fischer-Colbrie, Reiner; Bletsa, Athanasia
et al. (2018). Secretoneurin and PE-11 immunoreactivity in the human dental pulp.. (external link)
Papadakou, Panagiota; Bletsa, Athanasia; Yassin, Mohammed Ahmed Alamin Yousif
et al. (2017). Role of Hyperplasia of Gingival Lymphatics in Periodontal Inflammation. (external link)
Virtej, Anca; Papadakou, Panagiota; Sasaki, Hajime
et al. (2016). VEGFR-2 reduces while combined VEGFR-2 and -3 signaling increases inflammation in apical periodontitis. (external link)
Virtej, Anca; Løes, Sigbjørn Suk; Iden, Ole
et al. (2013). Vascular endothelial growth factors signalling in normal human dental pulp: a study of gene and protein expression. (external link)
Virtej, Anca; Løes, Sigbjørn Suk; Berggreen, Ellen
et al. (2013). Localization and signaling patterns of vascular endothelial growth factors and receptors in human periapical lesions. (external link)
Mkonyi, Lilian Ephrem; Bakken, Vidar; Søvik, Jenny Bogstad
et al. (2012). Lymphangiogenesis is induced during development of periodontal disease. (external link)
Mkonyi, Lilian Ephrem; Bletsa, Athanasia; Bolstad, Anne Isine
et al. (2012). Gingival lymphatic drainage protects against porphyromonas gingivalis-induced bone loss in mice. (external link)
Bletsa, Athanasia; Virtej, Anca; Berggreen, Ellen
(2012). Vascular endothelial growth factors and receptors are up-regulated during development of apical periodontitis. (external link)
Mkonyi, Lilian Ephrem; Bletsa, Athanasia; Fristad, Inge
et al. (2010). Importance of lymph vessels in transcapillary fluid balance in gingiva studied in a transgenic mouse model. (external link)
Berggreen, Ellen; Haug, Sivakami Rethnam; Mkonyi, Lilian Ephrem
et al. (2009). Characterization of the dental lymphatic system and identification of cells immunopositive to specific lymphatic markers. (external link)
Borge, Bengt Åge Sørby; Kalland, Karl-Henning; Olsen, Sue
et al. (2009). Cytokines are produced locally by myocytes in rat skeletal muscle during endotoxemia. (external link)
Bletsa, Athanasia; Fristad, Inge; Berggreen, Ellen
(2009). Sensory pulpal nerve fibres and trigeminal ganglion neurons express IL-1RI: a potential mechanism for development of inflammatory hyperalgesia. (external link)
Semaeva, Elvira; Tenstad, Olav; Bletsa, Athanasia
et al. (2008). Isolation of rat trachea interstitial fluid and demonstration of local cytokine production in lipopolysaccharide-induced systemic inflammation. (external link)
Karlsen, Tine Veronica; Bletsa, Athanasia; Gjerde, Eli-Anne Birgitte
et al. (2007). Lowering of interstitial fluid pressure after neurogenic inflammation in mouse skin is partly dependent on mast cells. (external link)
Bletsa, Athanasia; Berggreen, Ellen; Brudvik, Pongsri
(2006). Interleukin-1α and tumor necrosis factor-α expression during the early phases of orthodontic tooth movement in rats. (external link)
Bletsa, Athanasia; Nedrebø, Torbjørn; Heyeraas, Karin Johanne
et al. (2006). Edema in oral mucosa after LPS or cytokine exposure. (external link)
Bletsa, Athanasia; Berggreen, Ellen; Fristad, Inge
et al. (2006). Cytokine signalling in rat pulp interstitial fluid and transcapillary fluid exchange during lipopolysaccharide-induced acute inflammation. (external link)
Bletsa, Athanasia; Heyeraas, Karin Johanne; Haug, Sivakami Rethnam
et al. (2004). IL-alpha and TNF-alpha expression in rat periapical lesions and dental pulp after unilateral sympathectomy. (external link)
Csillag, Maria; Berggreen, Ellen; Fristad, Inge
et al. (2004). Effect of electrical tooth stimulation on blood flow and immunocompetent cells in rat dental pulp after sympathectomy. (external link)
Academic literature review
Fransson, Helena; Stangvaltaite-Mouhat, Lina; Croft, Katri
et al. (2023). Behandlingar av vital pulpa i tänder med djupa karieslesioner. (external link)
Skeie, Marit Slåttelid; Gil, Elisabeth Grut; Cetrelli, Lena Elisabet
et al. (2019). Oral health in children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis - a systematic review and meta-analysis. (external link)
Berggreen, Ellen; Bletsa, Athanasia; Heyeraas, Karin Johanne
(2010). Circulation in normal and inflamed dental pulp. (external link)
Fristad, Inge; Bletsa, Athanasia; Byers, Margaret
(2010). Inflammatory nerve responses in the dental pulp. (external link)
Feature article
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Indrelid, Stine Hufthammer; Bletsa, Athanasia; Nunes, Ivana Pereira
et al. (2020). Vascular endothelial growth factor C, but not VEGF-A and D, is upregulated in gingival epithelium after inflammatory and microbial exposure. (external link)
Indrelid, Stine Hufthammer; Bletsa, Athanasia; Nunes, Ivana Pereira
et al. (2020). Vascular endothelial growth factor C, but not VEGF-A and D, is upregulated in gingival epithelium after inflammatory and microbial exposure. (external link)
Gil, Elisabeth Grut; Skeie, Marit Slåttelid; Luukko, Keijo
et al. (2020). Oral Health Related Quality of Life in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. (external link)
Sælen, Faiza D; Virtanen, Jorma; Graue, Anne Marit
et al. (2020). Emergency dental care among children and adolescents at Public Dental Service, Norway.. (external link)
Gil, Elisabeth Grut; Fisher, Johanes; von Wahenhein Marti, Larissa
et al. (2018). Dental Caries in Children With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis - Preliminary results. (external link)
Ali, Mohamed; Mustafa, Manal; Bårdsen, Asgeir
et al. (2017). Bioceramics’ Effect On Strength Of Immature Teeth Treated With Regenerative-Endodontic-Protocol. (external link)
Bletsa, Athanasia; Abdalla, Hisham Saghayroon E.; Løes, Sigbjørn Suk
et al. (2017). Expression of Lymphatic Growth Factors in Human Gingiva. (external link)
Ali, Mohamed; Mustafa, Manal; Bårdsen, Asgeir
et al. (2017). Effect of MTA®, Biodentine™, and TotalFill® on proliferation, osteogenic and angiogenic differentiation of human bone marrow stem cells in vitro. (external link)
Virtej, Anca; Bletsa, Athanasia; Sasaki, Hajime
et al. (2014). Combined Inhibition of VEGFR-2 and -3 Reduces
Murine Periapical Inflammation
. (external link)
Bletsa, Athanasia; Mustafa, Sharafeldin Manal I; Fristad, Inge
(2013). The use of "regenerative endodontics" in the treatment of traumatized immature teeth: case reports. (external link)
Virtej, Anca; Løes, Sigbjørn Suk; Bletsa, Athanasia
et al. (2012). Localization of vascular endothelial growth factors and receptors and their gene signalling in human periapical lesions.. (external link)
Virtej, Anca; Løes, Sigbjørn Suk; Bletsa, Athanasia
et al. (2011). Immunohistochemical analysis of vascular endothelial growth factors and receptors in human periapical lesions.. (external link)
Mkonyi, LE; Bletsa, Athanasia; Bolstad, Anne Isine
et al. (2010). Role of gingival lymphatics during Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced periodontitis. (external link)
Bletsa, Athanasia; Fristad, Inge; Berggreen, Ellen
(2008). Localization of IL-1RI in rat dental pulp. (external link)
Academic lecture
Doctoral dissertation
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.