Barbara Wasson




Research groups


Research Interests

Barbara Wasson, Director of the Centre for The Science of Learning and Technology (SLATE), University of Bergen, Norway is a full Professor in the Department of Information Science & Media Studies. Currently was a member of the Ministry of Education's expert task force on learning analytics that delivered NOU 2023:19, and is currently a member of the Council of Europe expert group on AI and Education (report), the Council of Europe CDPPE Sub-Group on Higher Education Policy, the steering committee of UiB AI, and the UiB steering committee on Digital knowlege and competence. She was also the Program Co-Chair for the 14th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge 2024 (LAK24), Kyoto, Japan. She is leader of the Trond Mohn Research Foundation funded project Artifical Intelligence in Education: Layers of Trust (EduTrust). She teaches the popular data literacy course DIGI110 Fantastisk data for students and staff and UiB, and the continuing education version DIGI160 for external participants who are working in western Norway. In addition, she led the PhD course BSRS935 Artificial Intelligence in Education at the Bergen Summer Research School (BSRS) and the PhD course INFO900 Introduction to Learning Analytics

Wasson was one of the founders of Kaleidoscope, a European Network of Excellence on Technology Enhanced Learning, sat on the executive committee, and was leader of its CSCL SIG with over 400 members. Wasson is often used as and Expert evaluator by the European Commission. She is currently on the editorial board of the Italian Journal of Educational Technology (iJET).  Wasson has been involved in research on AI and education since her Masters research starting in 1983. While a Ph.D student in Canada she was involved in research on intelligent tutoring systems, specifially the design of intelligent pedagogical agents for content planning. This work received wide attention within the International community and she was invited to numerous International workshops to present the work. Before moving to Norway in 1991, Wasson was an advanced educational research specialist on Marlene Scardamalia and Carl Bereiter's Computer Supported Intentional Learning Environment (CSILE) Project at OISE, University of Toronto, Canada, the first funded research project in the area of networked learning in the classroom. Subsequent to moving to Norway, Wasson’s research has focused on collaborative learning in distributed settings, mobile learning, interaction design, computer support for collaborative learning (CSCL), mobile learning, learning games, intelligent tutoring systems, ai and education, teacher inquiry, learning analytics, and pedagogical agents.  More recently she has developed expertise in data and AI literacy and led several projects (e.g., DALI, NEXT-TELL) in this area. In 2003 Wasson obtained the contract for her previous research centre, InterMedia, to develop the ICT-based system to deliver the Norwegian National Tests in English for the Norwegian Ministry of Education (BITE-IT project). Wasson is/has been PI for numerous national and international projects and has over 140 publications in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning.




Læring med KI!, Avdeling for opplæring og kompetanse, Vestland Fylkeskommune kick-off for lærene, INVITED TALK, Førde, August 2024

         Data og kunstig intelligence

Læring med KI!, Avdeling for opplæring og kompetanse, Vestland Fylkeskommune kick-off for lærene, INVITED TALK, Bergen, August 2024

         Data og kunstig intelligence

Artificial Intelligence in Education Festival, Onasis Research Foundation, INVITED PANEL MEMBER, Athens, July 2024

         Ethics of AI in Education

Parliments on the Web, Stortingets conference, KEYNOTE, Oslo, April 2024 

         Empowering Citizens to use Open Data

InfoMedia Research Seminar, UiB, Bergen, INVITED TALK, April 2024

          Writing Research Proposals

EDUTECH Congress Barcelona, Barcelona, KEYNOTE, April 2024

          Implementing Learning Analytics & AI in Education 

EDUTECH Congress Barcelona, Barcelona, PANEL, April 2024

          AI in Education 

Online Education Seminar, Japan (online), INVITED TALK, April 2024

          Implementing Learning Analytics & AI in Education  

European Schoolnet, Brussels (online), INVITED TALK, March 2024

          DALI: Data Literacy for Adults

Nordic Educational Research Associate Congress (NERA), Malmö, Sweden, SEMINAR, March 2024

            Implementing Learning Analytics & Adaptive AI in Education in Norway: Possibilities & Challenges

UDIR Rundebordskonferanse, Oslo, INVITED TALK, February 2024

            EduTrust AI

HiØ Faculty of Education Seminar, Fredrikstad, INVITED TALK, January 2024

            Kunstig intelligens og utdanning: muligheter og utfordringer

Department of Mathematics, UiB, Bergen, INVITED TALK, January 2024

           Læringsanalyse og kunstig intelligens i utdanning

Department of Mathematics, UiB, Bergen, INVITED TALK, January 2024

          Resesearch @ SLATE



LEAD AI, Kick-off, Bergen, INVITED TALK, November 2023

          Responsible AI 

AVT Project, Leverandørmøtet, Oslo, November 2023

          Læringsanalyse i AVT 

HVL, Bruk av ChatBot i studentoppgåver: Yay eller Nay?, Funchal, Maderia, PANEL, November 2023

          Chatbots i studentoppgåver?

CELDA Conference, Funchal, Maderia, KEYNOTE, October 2023

          Implementing Learning Analytics in Norway: Reflections

HK-dir Divisjonssamling, Bergen, INVITED TALK, August 2023

          KI i utdanning: trussel eller mulighet?

Norwegian Ministry of Education Seminar, Oslo, INVITED TALK, June 2023

          SLATE, LA & KI i utdanning

Artificial Intelligence in Nordic School Life Workshop 3, University of Oulu, INVITED TALK, June 2023

          Algorithms, Data, AI in Nordic Schools (ADA)

Council of Europe Webminar, Artificial Intelligence & Academic Integrity, INVITED TALK, April 2023

          Trust in Artificial Intelligence in Education: A complex social phenomenon

CSEDU Conference, Praha, KEYNOTE, April 2023

          Implementing Learning Analytics

UiB AI Seminar on ChatGPT – Threats or Possibilities? Invited Talk, February 2023

            Consequences of CHATGPT for Research

Fagskole Frokost Seminar, Invited Talk & 2 Podcast Interviews, February 2023

            Introduksjon til læringsanalyse



Centre for Connective Intelligence, Invited Talk, Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai, December 2022 

            Learning Analytics: Some Central Dilemmas (Norwegian white paper)

ISO SC36/WG8 Workshop, Invited Talk, November 2022

            Introduction to Learning Analytics

ISO SC36/WG8 Workshop, Invited Talk, November 2022

            Implementing Learning Analytics in Norway

ISO SC36/WG8 Workshop, Invited Talk, November 2022

            National Expert Group on Learning Analytics: Interim Report Findings

National Institute of Education, Invited Talk, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore,Nov 2022

            Implementing AI in Education and Learning Analytics in Norway

Natur & Kultur, Stockholm, Invited Talk, October 2022

            Implementing Learning Analytics in Norwegian Schools

Annual Meeting for Learning Technology, KEYNOTE, University of North Texas, October 2022 

            Data, learning analytics & AI in Education

SEIS Graduate School on Games & Learning, Invited Talk, September 2022

            Games & LA Research at SLATE

Learning Analytics Symposium, University of Oslo, Invited Talk, September 2022

            Implementing Learning Analytics 

Legevakt Medisin Seminar, Invited Talk, April 2022

            Research at SLATE

Expert Group on Learning Analytics, Norwegian Ministry of Education, Invited Talk, March 2022

            Aktivitetsdata for Vurdering og Tilpassning

Norwegian Naval Academy, Invited Talk, March 2022

            Technology Enhanced Learning: Games and Learning (Analytics)

Kunstig Intelligens og Læringsanalyse i Utdanning, National Symposium, February 2022

            KI og LA i Utdanning

Kunstig Intelligens og Læringsanalyse i Utdanning, National Symposium, February 202

            Aktivitetsdata for Vurdering og Tilpassning



EDULEARN, KEYNOTE, Online, July 2021

            DATA & Learning Analytics

Spanish Learning Analytics Summer Institute, KEYNOTE, Online, July 2021

          Learning Analytics 

ICALT, KEYNOTE, Online, June 2021 

Implementing Learning Analytics for Adaptive Learning in Schools 



UNESCO Mobile Learning Week 2020, ICDE Workshop, Paris, February 2020 (Panel)

            Inclusion through AI: Models for online, open and distance learning



OEB Shaping the Future of Learning, Berlin, November 2019 (Presentation & Panel)

            How Will Emerging Technologies Influence Personalisation, Efficiency, Costs, Ethics and Trust in                    

            Online, Open and Distance Education?

SETTdagene, Lillestrøm, November 2019

            Hvordan bør AI brukes innen dagens og fremtidens utdanning?

Utdanningspolitisk toppmøte, Oslo, November 2019

            Teknologiutvikling og læring gjennom hele utdanningsløpet

BI Personnel Meeting, Oslo, November 2019

            Learning Analytics in Higher Education

Learning Analytics in Higher Education, National Symposium, October 2019

            Introduction to Learning Analytics

NAUS 2019: The Digital Worksplace – Skills for a Changing World, Tromsø, August 2019

            Artificial Intelligence Meets Learning Analytics

Digitaliseringskonferansen for høyere utdanning og forskning, NTNU, June 2019

            The Role of Learning Analytics in Digitalisation of Higher Education

EdMedia + Innovate Learning, Amsterdam, June 2019

            Learning Analytics and its Role in Education

Italian Learning Analytics Conference, Rome, May 2019

            What is Learning Analytics

Digital transformation of society – key challenges and knowledge needs, CeDIT, U. of Agder, April 2019

            Digital Transformation of Education (presentation & expert panel)



Goethe Institute, Oslo, November 2018

            Artificial Intelligence & the Future of Language Learning

UDIT, Svalbard, September 2018

            Learning Analytics: What is it and what is its role in Education?

SHEILA Conference, Brussels, June 2018 (Expert Panel member)

            Experience with Learning Analytics at the University of Bergen

Profesjonene i Digitaliseringsens Tid - tar Maskinene Over? Årskonferanse, Senter for Profesjonsstudier,  

             OSLOMET, December 2018

            Artificial Intelligence in Education



Assessment in Higher Education, Kristiansand, October 2017

            Learning Analytics, What is it for?

VIZRT AS (International Leader Seminar), MediaCity, Bergen, October 2017

            What is Learning Analytics?

ICDE Leadership Summit, Nancy, France, May 2017

            Learning Analytics, What is it for?

UNESCO Visionary Leadership Summit, UNESCO, Paris May 2017

            Learning from the Past



IT Women in New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada, January 2014

            Technology Enhanced Learning Research


BSR935 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in Education, Bergen Summer Research School (PhD course, 3-13 June 2023)

INFO900 Introduction to Learning Analytics (PhD course, Fall 2024)

INFO352 Research topics on Technology Enhanced Learning (Masters course)

DIGI610: Fantastiske data (EVU, Continuing Education course)

LSCI651: Fantastiske data (EVU, Continuing Education course)

LSCI650: Demystifying Artificial Intelligence (EVU, Continuing Education course)

DIGI110: Fantastiske data (Bachelor course, every semester)



Misiejuk K., Ness I.J., Gray R. & Wasson, B. (2023) Changes in online course designs: Before, during, and after the pandemic. Frontiers in Education, 7, 996006. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2022.996006



Breien, F.S. & Wasson, B. (2022). eLuna: A Co-Design Framework for Narrative Digital Game-Based Learning that Support STEAM, Frontiers in Education, 6:775746.

Datatilsynet (2022). AVT: Sluttrapport fra sandkasseprosjektet med KS, SLATE ved UiB og Utdanningsetaten i Oslo kommune. Temaer: Rettslig grunnlag, personvernkonsekvensvurdering (DPIA) og åpenhet.   (Wasson participated in the work and contributed to the final report)

Holmes, W., Persson, J., Chounta, I-A, Wasson, B. & Dimitrova, V. (2022). Artificial Intelligence and Education. A critical view through the lens of human rights, democracy and the rule of law. Council of Europe. ISBN 978-92-871- 9236-3.  

Klašnja-Milićević, A.,  Ivanović, M.,  Vesin, B., Satratzemi, M. & Wasson. B. (2022). Learning Analytics – Trends and Challenges. Editorial. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, vol 5. ISSN 2624-8212

Ministry of Education (June 2022). Læringsanalyse – noen sentrale dilemmaer. Delrapport fra ekspertgruppen for digital læringsanalyse. Kunnskapsdepartement.  (Wasson is Expert group member and contributor to the report)



Misiejuk, K. & Wasson, B. (2021). Backward Evaluation in Peer Assessment: A Scoping Review, Computers & Education, 175, Article 104319, 

Misiejuk, K., Wasson, B. & Egelandsdal, K. (2021) Using learning analytics to understand student perceptions of peer feedback. Computers in Human Behaviour, 117, 1-13.

Samuelsen, J., Chen, W. & Wasson, B. Enriching context descriptions for enhanced LA scalability: a case study. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (RPTEL) 16, 6 (2021).

Vindenes, J. & Wasson, B. (2021). Postphenomenological Framework for Studying User Experience of Immersive Virtual Reality. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 2, 10.3389/frvir.2021.656423


Breien, F.S. & Wasson, B. (2020). Narrative Categorization in Digital Game-Based Learning: Engagement, Motivation & Learning.  British Journal of Educational Technology, 52(1) 91-111). DOI:

Misiejuk, K. & Wasson, B. (2020). DigiTrans: Trends in Learning Design in Canvas Courses after Covid-19. SLATE Research Report 2020-3, Bergen, Norway: Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE). ISBN: 978-82-93789-07-9

Viberg, O., Wasson, B., & Kukulska-Hulme, A. (2020). Mobile Assisted Language Learning through Learning Analytics for Self-Regulated Learning (MALLAS): A Conceptual Framework. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 1-18. DOI: 10.14742/ajet.6494

Wasson, B. & Kirschner, P. (2020) Learning Design: European Perspectives. TechTrends. Springer.                        DOI: 10.1007/s11528-020-00498-0 (ranked 7th in the NIDL 2020 top 10 articles on digital learning)



Ferguson, R., Coughlan, T., Egelandsdal, K., Gaved, M., Herodotou, C., Hillaire, G., Jones, D., Jowers, I., Kukulska-Hulme, A., McAndrew, P., Misiejuk, K., Ness, I. J., Rienties, B., Scanlon, E., Sharples, M., Wasson, B., Weller, M. and Whitelock, D. (2019). Innovating Pedagogy 2019: Open University Innovation Report 7. Milton Keynes: The Open University.

Hansen, C.J.S. & Wasson, B. (2019) As vendors and teachers see it: Opportunities and challenges in the use of learning analytics. In Proceeding of the 3rd Annual Learning & Student Analytics Conference (LSAC 2019). 22-23 Oct. Nancy, France.

Hansen, C.J.S., Netteland, G., Wasson, B., Wake, J. (2019). Inquire Competence for better Practice and Assessment (iComPAss): Sluttrapport. SLATE Research Report 2019-2, Bergen, Norway: Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE). Available at:

Morlandstø, N.I., Hansen, C.J.S., Wasson, B., Bull, S. (2019). Aktivitetsdata for vurdering og tilpasning: Sluttrapport. SLATE Research Report 2019-1, Bergen, Norway: Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE). ISBN: 978-82-994238-7-8 Available at:

Samuelsen, J., Chen, W. & Wasson, B. (2019). Integrating multiple data sources for learning analytics—review of literature. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 14:11

Wake, J.D., Wasson, B., Bjørgen, E.P., & Heimsæter, F. (2019). Supporting firefighter training through visualising indoor positioning, motion and time use data. In: Z. Franco, J.J. Gonzales & J.H. Canos: Proceedings of the 16th ISCRAM Conference, (pp. 1173 - 1182), Valencia, Spain, May,  2019.

Wasson, B., Morlandstø, N.I. & Hansen, C.J.S. (2019). Sammendrag av SLATE Research Report 2019-1: Aktivitetsdata for vurdering og tilpasning (AVT), Bergen, Norway: Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE).Available at:

Wasson, B., Morlandstø, N.I. & Hansen, C.J.S. (2019). Summary of SLATE Research Report 2019-1: Activity Data for Assessment and Activity (AVT), Bergen, Norway: Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE). Available at:



Glăveanu, V., Ness, J., Wasson, B., & Lubart, T. (2018). Sociocultural Perspectives on Creativity, Learning, and Technology. In C. Mullin (Ed.) Creativity Under Duress in Education? Creativity Theory and Action in Education, 3, (pp. 63-82).  Cham, Switzerland: Springer.​

Guribye, F., Selander, S., Åkerfeldt, A., Bergdahl, N., Cerrato-Pargman, T., & Wasson, B. (Eds.)(2018). Design & Learner-Centric Analytics. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Designs for Learning. Bergen, Norway.

Netteland, G., Hansen, C.J.S. & Wasson, B. (2018). Professional Competence Development of future Healthcare Leaders. In E. Ugon, D. Karlsson, G.O. Klein, & A. Moen, (Eds.), Proceedings of the Medical Informatics Europe Conference (MIE 2018). Gothenburg, Sweden.

Vindenes, J., de Gortari, A. O., & Wasson, B. (2018). Mnemosyne: Adapting the Method of Loci to Immersive Virtual Reality. In L.T. De Paolis, & P. Bourdot (Eds.) International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 205-213). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Wake, J..D., Guribye, F. & Wasson, B. (2018). Learning through Collaborative Design of Location-based Games. International Journal of Computer Support for Collaborative Learning. International Journal of Computer Support for Collaborative Learning  (ijcscl), 13 (2), 167-187; doi:10.1007/s11412-018-9278-x.

Wake, J.D, Morlandstø, N., Pham, K. & Wasson, B. (2018). The Learning Analytics Portal: The Development of a National Community Resource for Learning Analytics. In: A. Pardo, K. Bartimote-Aufflick, G. Lynch, S. Buckingham Shum, R. Ferguson, A. Merceron, X. Ocho (Eds). Companion Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK 2018), 76-83. Sydney, Australia: Society for Learning Analytics Research.



Hansen, C.J.S., Wasson, B., Skretting, H., Netteland, G. & Hirnstein, M.  (2017).  When Learning is High Stake.  LAK '17 Proceedings of the Seventh International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference, 564-565. Vancouver, BC, Canada; March 13 - 17.

Mieisjuk, K. & Wasson, B. (2017). State-of-the-Field Report on Learning Analytics & Knowledge. SLATE Research Report 2017-2. Bergen: Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE). ISBN:978-82-8088-417-6 

Oliver, M., Avramides, K., Clark, W., Hunter, J., Luckin, R. Hansen, C.J.S. & Wasson, B. (2017). Sharing teacher knowledge at scale: teacher inquiry, learning design and the representation of teachers' practice. Teacher Development,



Bull, S. & Wasson, B. (2016). Competence visualisation: Making sense of data from 21st-century technologies in language learning. ReCALL, 28(2),147-165.

Hansen, C., Netteland, G. & Wasson, B. (2016). Learning analytics and open learning modelling for professional competence development of firefighters and future healthcare leaders. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1601, 87-90.

Hansen, C. & Wasson, B. (2016). Teacher inquiry into student learning: The TISL heart model and method for use in teachers' professional development. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 10, 24-49. 

Luckin, R., Hansen, C., Wasson, B., Clark, W., Avramides, K., Hunter, J. & Oliver, M. (2016).  Teacher Inquiry into Students' Learning: Researching Pedagogical Innovations. In P. Reimann, S. Bull, M. Kickmeier-Rust, R. Vatrapu & B. Wasson (Eds) Measuring and Visualizing Learning in the Information-Rich Classroom. Routledge, 74-91. ISBN 9781138021136

Netteland, G., Wasson, B., Hansen, C. & Hirnstein, M. (2016).  Learning analytics and open learning modelling for professional competence development. In NOKOBIT - Norsk konferanse for organisasjoners bruk av informasjonsteknologi, 24(1) Suppl. NOKOBIT, 1-5.

Reimann, P., Bull, S., Kickmeier-Rust, M., Vatrapu, R. & Wasson, B. (2016). Measuring and Visualizing Learning in the Information-Rich Classroom. Routledge. ISBN 9781138021136

Reimann, P., Bull, S., Kickmeier-Rust, M., Vatrapu, R. & Wasson, B. (2016). Introduction. In P. Reimann, S. Bull, M. Kickmeier-Rust, R. Vatrapu & B. Wasson (Eds) Measuring and Visualizing Learning in the Information-Rich Classroom. Routledge, ix-xvi. ISBN 9781138021136

Reimann, P., Bull, S., Kickmeier-Rust, M., Vatrapu, R. & Wasson, B. (2016). Preface. In P. Reimann, S. Bull, M. Kickmeier-Rust, R. Vatrapu & B. Wasson (Eds) Measuring and Visualizing Learning in the Information-Rich Classroom. Routledge, vii-viii. ISBN 9781138021136

Sørensen, B. H., Selander, S., Wasson, B. & Wenneström, S. (2016). Designs for Learning – Taking a Step Forward. Designs for Learning, 8(1), 23-24

Wasson, B. & Hansen, C. (2016). Data Literacy and Use for Teaching. In P. Reimann, S. Bull, M. Kickmeier-Rust, R. Vatrapu & B. Wasson (Eds) Measuring and Visualizing Learning in the Information-Rich Classroom. Routledge, 56-73. ISBN 9781138021136s

Wasson, B. & Hansen, C. (2016).  Inquire Competence for better Practice and Assessment (iComPAss). Poster @ Utdanningskonferanse 2016, Oslo, 11 November.

Wasson, B., Hansen. C. & Mor, Y. (2016). Grand Challenge Problem 11: Empowering Teachers with Student Data. In: Grand Challenge Problems in Technology Enhanced Learning II: MOOCs and Beyond, 55-58. Springer 2016 ISBN 978-3-319-12561-9

Wasson, B., Hansen, C. & Netteland, G. (2016).  Data literacy and use for learning when using learning analytics for learners. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1596, 38-41.



Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE)



EU funded

Scaling Up Educational Innovation in Schools (SEIS)

Accelerating Digital Innovation in Schools (iHubs4Schools)

NOS-HS funded

Artificial Intelligence in Nordic School Life (aiLife)

HK-dir funded

DataReisen  (online course + EVU kurs), Kompetanse Norge (project leader)

KS funded

Aktivitetsdata for Vurdering og Tilpasning-2 (AVT2)

UiB funded

It Takes a Community – The Digitalization of UiB (DigiTrans) (project leader)

SLATE funded

Artificial Intelligence in Education

eSports in Nordic Schools (eSportNS)

LA in Higher Education: Case study at the University of Bergen

Teacher Inquiry into Student Learning (TISL)

Learning Analytics in Higher Education (LA in HE) 

Erasmus + funded:

Data Literacy for Citizenship (DALI) (coordinator)

European Network for Virtual Lab & Interactive Simulated Online Learning 2027 (ENVISION)

Remote Intelligence Access to Labs in Higher Education (RIALHE)



Aktivitetsdata for Vurdering og Tilpasning (AVT)

Adaptive Learning in Mathematics (ALMAT): Gyldendal Multi Smart Øving

Inquire Competence for Better Practice and Assessment (iComPAss)

Open Educational Resources in Computational Biomedicine (OERCOMPBIOMED)

State-of-the-Field LAK

Norgesuniversitetet funded:

Next Generation Teaching, Education and Learning for Life (NEXT-TELL)

SCY (March 2008 - February 2012)

     The Science Created by You (SCY) EU-project develops a system for constructive and productive learning of science and technology by using a flexible and adaptive pedagogical approach to learning.

KALEIDOSCOPE Network of Excellence

      KALEIDOSCOPE focused on Concepts and methods for exploring the future of learning with digital technologies.