Christian Hervik Bull
Associate Professor
- Hermetism
- Hellenistic religions
- Egyptian religion
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Bull, Christian (2025). Hermetic Books Known Only by Title: Scrolls, Stelae, and the Egyptian Total Library. (external link)
- Bull, Christian; Kocar, Alexander (2023). The Acts of Andrew and Paul (CANT 239): A New Edition with an Introduction, Translation, and Notes. (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2023). Self-Knowledge as Alienation and Unification in the Hermetica. (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2023). Plato in Upper Egypt: Greek Philosophy and Monastic Origenism in the Coptic Excerpt from Plato’s Republic (NHC VI,5). (external link)
- Bull, Christian; Lundhaug, Hugo (2023). Monastic Readings of the Nag Hammadi Codices. (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2021). ‘Only in Egypt did these Great Signs Appear’: Egyptian and Hermetic motifs in On the Origin of the World (NHC II,5). (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2020). The Panopolis Connection: the Pachomian Federation as Context for the Nag Hammadi Codices.. (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2019). The Great Demon of the Air and the Punishment of Souls: The Perfect Discourse (NHC VI,8) and Hermetic and Monastic Demonologies. (external link)
- Bull, Christian Hervik (2018). Hermes between Pagans and Christians in Fourth Century Egypt: The Nag Hammadi Hermetica in Context. (external link)
- Bull, Christian Hervik (2017). An Origenistic Reading of Plato in Nag Hammadi Codex VI. (external link)
- Bull, Christian Hervik (2017). Women, Angels, and Dangerous Knowledge: The Myth of the Watchers in the Apocryphon of John and Its Monastic Manuscript-Context. (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2016). No End to Sacrifice in Hermetism. (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2012). The Notion of Mysteries in the Formation of Hermetic Tradition. (external link)
Academic article
- Stausberg, Michael; Gilhus, Ingvild S.; Bull, Christian et al. (2023). A Normative Turn in the Study of Religions?: Reflections on Richard Miller's Why Study Religion?. (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2023). The Sophia of the Greeks and the Gnosis of the Barbarians: Trajectories of Thunder (NHC VI,2) from Egypt to Eve. (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2022). The Coptic Translation of Epiphanius of Salamis's Ancoratus and the Origenist Controversy in Upper Egypt. (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2021). Prophesying the Demise of Egyptian Religion in Late Antiquity : The Perfect Discourse and Antoninus in Canopus. (external link)
- Bull, Christian Hervik (2018). Wicked Angels and the Good Demon: The Origins of Alchemy According to the Physica of Hermes. (external link)
- Bull, Christian Hervik (2017). Monkey Business: Magical Vowels and Cosmic Levels in the Discourse on the Eighth and the Ninth (NHC VI,6). (external link)
- Bull, Christian Hervik (2017). Visionary Experience and Ritual Realism in the Ascent of the Discourse on the Eighth and the Ninth (NHC VI,6). (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2015). Ancient hermetism and esotericism. (external link)
- Thomassen, Einar; Tsakos, Alexandros; Bull, Christian Hervik et al. (2013). A New Edition of the Wizz Codex with an English Translation. (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2011). Gjenfødelse som innvielse i Hermes' vei. (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2007). Individuell og kollektiv beskyttelse i den hermetiske teksten Den perfekte diskurs. (external link)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Lundhaug, Hugo; Bull, Christian (2023). The Nag Hammadi Codices as Monastic Books. (external link)
- Bull, Christian; Lied, Liv Ingeborg; Turner, John D (2012). Mystery and secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and other ancient Literature: ideas and practices : studies for Einar Thomassen at sixty. (external link)
Academic literature review
Academic lecture
- Bull, Christian (2019). Hermes Trismegistus in the Platonic Chain of John of Stobi. (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2019). Teaching and Extraordinary Experiences in Hermetism. (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2019). Epiphanius’ Ancoratus in Coptic. (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2019). Stobaeus and Hermes Trismegistus in the Neoplatonic Tradition. (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2019). The Panopolis Connection: the Pachomian federation as context for the Nag Hammadi Codices. (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2019). From the City to the Desert: Panopolis and the Pachomian federation as context for the Nag Hammadi Codices. (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2011). Guder. (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2011). The Gospel of Truth. (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2011). The Tripartite tractate. (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2011). Pure Philosophy and Sacrifice in the Books of Hermes. (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2011). Hemmelig tekst: Fra nedgravde steintavler til bestselger i pocketformat. (external link)
Academic monograph
Book review
- Bull, Christian Hervik (2016). Pascale Derron (ed.), Cosmologies et cosmogonies dans la littérature antique. (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2016). Joel Kalvesmaki, The Theology of Arithmetic: Number Symbolism in Platonism and Early Christianity. (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2015). Gavin Flood, The Importance of Religion: Meaning and Action in Our Strange World. (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2015). Hermes Christianus: The Intermingling of Hermetic Piety and Christian Thought, by Claudio Moreschini. (external link)
- Bull, Christian Hervik (2012). The Arabic Hermes: From Pagan Sage to Prophet of Science. By Kevin van Bladel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. (external link)
- Bull, Christian (2009). Anmeldelse av "Mellem venner og fjender. En folkebog om Judasevangeliet, tidlig kristendom og gnosis," Anders Klostergaard Petersen, Jesper Hyldahl og Einar Thomassen (red.). Forlaget Anis, København 2008. (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
Book Translation
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
- "The Notion of Mysteries in the Formation of Hermetic Tradition," pages 399-426 in Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices. Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (ed. Christian H. Bull, Liv I. Lied og John D. Turner; NHMS 76; Leiden: Brill, 2012).
- "Gjenfødelse som innvielse i Hermes' vei," DÎN: Ingvild Gilhus 1-2 (2011): 7-21.
- "Individuell og kollektiv beskyttelse i den hermetiske teksten Den perfekte diskurs," Chaos 47 (2007):9-25
- Hermes Trismegistos: Gresk-egyptiske visdomstekster. Oslo: Bokklubben 2010
- Kevin van Bladel, The Arabic Hermes (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009), Numen (forthcoming).
- Anders Klostergaard Petersen, Jesper Hyldahl og Einar Thomassen (red.). Mellem venner og fjender. En folkebog om Judasevangeliet, tidlig kristendom og gnosis," (Forlaget Anis, København 2008). Religionsvidenskabeligt tidsskrift 54 (2009): 103-108.
- Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices. Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty (NHMS 76; Leiden: Brill, 2012), with Liv Ingeborg Lied og John D. Turner.
- DÎN: Ikonoklasme 3-4 (2010), with Pål Steiner.
- DÎN: Esoterisme 2-3 (2009), with Gina Dahl