Corina Guder


Senior Adviser, Research support


Short info

Support externally financed research
  • Information about and mobilization towards EU 's framework programs for research and innovation
  • Local Contact Point for Horizon Europe Cluster 1 ("Health"), Marie Sklodovska-Curie Actions - COFUND and RCN "Norwegian Center of Excellence" (SFF).
  • Individual application support (EU, Research Council of Norway)
  • Information and training events
  • Target group: faculties, departments, group leaders, postdocs/researchers
Academic article

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Scientific publications:

  1. Rack JGM, Lutter T, Bjerga GEK, Guder C, et al. The PHD finger of p300 influences its ability to acetylate histone and non-histone targets. J Mol Biol, doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2014.08.011
  2. Leininger S, Adamski M, Bergum, B, Guder C, et al. Developmental gene expression provides clues to relationships between sponge and eumetazoan body plans. Nature Communications. 2014 May 20;5:3905.
  3. Fortunato S, Adamski M, Bergum B, Guder C, Genome-wide analysis of the sox family in the calcareous sponge Sycon ciliatum: multiple genes with unique expression patterns. Evodevo. 2012 Jul 23;3(1):14.
  4. Chapman JA, Kirkness EF, Simakov O, Hampson SE, Mitros T, Weinmaier T, Rattei T, Balasubramanian PG, Borman J, Busam D, Disbennett K, Pfannkoch C, Sumin N, Sutton GG, Viswanathan LD, Walenz B, Goodstein DM, Hellsten U, Kawashima T, Prochnik SE, Putnam NH, Shu S, Blumberg B, Dana CE, Gee L, Kibler DF, Law L,Lindgens D, Martinez DE, Peng J, Wigge PA, Bertulat B, Guder C, The dynamic genome of Hydra. Nature. 2010 Mar 25;464(7288):592-6. Epub 2010 Mar 14.
  5. Rentzsch F, Guder C, An ancient chordin-like gene in organizer formation of Hydra. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Feb 27;104(9):3249-54. Epub 2007 Feb 20.
  6. Guder C, et. al. The Wnt code: cnidarians signal the way. Oncogene. 2006 Dec 4;25(57):7450-60. Review.
  7. Guder C, et al. An ancient Wnt-Dickkopf antagonism in Hydra. Development. 2006 Mar;133(5):901-11.Epub 2006 Feb 1.
  8. Steidl S, Tüncher A, Goda H, Guder C, A single subunit of a heterotrimeric CCAAT-binding complex carries a nuclear localization signal: piggy back transport of the pre-assembled complex to the nucleus. J Mol Biol. 2004 Sep 10;342(2):515-24.