Edit Daniel Jung Position Assistant Professor Affiliation Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies E-mail daniel.jung@uib.no Phone number +47 55588944 Visitor address Sydnesplassen 75007 Bergen Postal address P.O. Box 7805 NO-5020 Bergen Norway Daniel Jung Position Assistant Professor Affiliation Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies Research groups Research Group Electronic Literature Research Group for Digital Culture Publications Academic literature review Jung, Daniel (2019). 'Assessing citizen adoption of e-government initiatives in Gambia: A validation of the technology acceptance model in information systems success'. A critical article review, with questions to its publishers. (external link) Interview Schneider, Jeffrey; Jung, Daniel; Walker, Jill (2006). Bidro til viktig elevdrapsdiskusjon. (external link) Academic lecture Jung, Daniel (2001). ITALWEB - a concept for web based language learning. (external link) See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.