Ellen Lien
Senior Adviser, Project Manager, responsible UiB Universal
Research groups
Short info
Development of competence of employees and development of internal culture for inclusion.
Universal design at UiB
UiB adopted "Action plan for inclusive learning environment and universal design at UiB 2020-2023" in March 2021, now replaced by "Action plan for a comprehensive learning environment 2023-2029".
Universal design is an area where UiB clearly has expressed ambitions to have a universally designed learning environment. This work is affected by regulations in the form of laws and regulations, by initiatives from national bodies, such as the driving force Universell, by other national, European and international trends, and by local ambitions and initiatives.
Universal design of the learning environment affects the learning environment positively for all students.
To strengthen the work with universal design at UiB, UiB Universell was established in 2022. This is a competence unit that has the professional responsibility for universal design at UiB. Furthermore, the service thrive to have a driving role when it comes to supporting and coordinating the work at UiB with universal design in all areas, and creating an inclusive learning environment. Active work must also be done to raise the skills of employees and UiB's internal culture in this field.