I am a communication adviser at the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research. Previously I did research on:
- Rainfall and droughts in Ethiopia
- Precipitation in the Indian monsoon region
- Moisture transport analysis with the Lagrangian trajectory model FLEXPART
- Snow in the Himalayas
This contains only articles in English, for a complete list, see my Norwegian page. Articles in English written for the Bjerknes Centre are found here.
Ellen Viste (2015): Picking spruce for the Sahel. Translated from an essay in the newspaper Aftenposten (in Norwegian).
Ellen Viste (2015): Chasing the strongest winds.
This contains only talks in English, for a complete list, see my Norwegian page.
The weather in Bergen: Could it be worse?
Presentation for the INN Club at the Bergen Chamber of Commerce and Industry, February 2016.
The weather in Bergen: How bad is it really?
Event for international students and employees at the UiB, September 2015.
Content: Why does it rain, why does it rain som much in Norway, how does this compare to other places in the world, and does the year 2015 differ from previous years? And some words about the author Ludvig Holberg's vies of the rain in Bergent.
At the multidisciplinary symposium The Rising Ocean: The Pacific Islands and Global Climate Change, May 2015, a multidisciplinary symposium in connection with the dance performance Moana: The Rising of the Sea, May 2015.
Content: Precipitation in the Pacific, using William Somerset Maughams' short-story Rain as a frame.
Spring 2010 and 2012: GEOF120 - Meteorology
Bergen Summer Research School 2016: Climate change and water
Popular scientific article
- Viste, Ellen (2022). International Women in Science Day: "We need good role models". (external link)
- Mesquita, Michel d. S.; Veldore, Vidyunmala; Li, Lu et al. (2016). Forecasting India's water future. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen (2015). California: tørt, tørrere, tørrest. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Furevik, Tore (2015). Vestlandsregnet - blir det våtere enn før?. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen (2015). Supervinden. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen (2015). Verdens breer krymper - vi har hovedansvaret. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen (2015). Idéen som ikke vokste. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen (2015). Vi kan ikke stoppe stormene, men vi kan flytte folkene. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen (2015). Wilson Alwyn Bentley viste at ingen snøkrystaller er like. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2014). Global oppvarming gir mer ekstremt regnvær. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen (2014). Værmeldinger varsler sykdom. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen (2014). "Skyldes uværet klimaendringene?". (external link)
- Viste, Ellen (2014). Klimaendringene gjorde det hett. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2014). Høytrykk gir værtrøbbel. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen (2014). Etiopia: Livsviktig sesongvarsling. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen (2014). Dårlig hukommelse for vær. (external link)
Website (informational material)
- Viste, Ellen (2021). Sjøis styrer ikke vinterværet ( . (external link)
- Viste, Ellen (2021). No influence from Arctic sea ice on mid-latitude winters ( (external link)
- Viste, Ellen (2019). Oppdager Polhavet med flygende feltassistent. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen (2017). Seeing the Arctic from two sides of the world. (external link)
- Smith-Johnsen, Silje; Viste, Ellen (2016). Istidstur over en hvalskrott. (external link)
Other presentation
Programme management
Academic article
- Årthun, Marius; Eldevik, Tor; Viste, Ellen et al. (2017). Skillful prediction of northern climate provided by the ocean. (external link)
- Gleixner, Stephanie Nikola; Keenlyside, Noel; Demissie, Teferi Dejene et al. (2017). Seasonal predictability of Kiremt rainfall in coupled general circulation models. (external link)
- Gleixner, Stephanie Nikola; Keenlyside, Noel; Viste, Ellen et al. (2016). The El Niño effect on Ethiopian summer rainfall. (external link)
- Mesquita, Michel d. S.; Veldore, Vidyunmala; Li, Lu et al. (2016). Forecasting India's water future. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2015). Snowfall in the Himalayas: An uncertain future from a little-known past. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2015). Snowfall in the Himalayas: an uncertain future from a little-known past . (external link)
- Lindtjorn, Bernt; Loha, Eskindir; Deressa, Wakgari et al. (2014). Strengthening malaria and climate research in Ethiopia. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen; Korecha, Diriba; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2013). Recent drought and precipitation tendencies in Ethiopia. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2013). The effect of moisture transport variability on Ethiopian summer precipitation. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2013). Moisture transport into the Ethiopian highlands. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2011). Moisture transport into the Ethiopian highlands. (external link)
Academic lecture
Reader opinion piece
Popular scientific lecture
Doctoral dissertation
Programme participation
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Book review
Popular scientific chapter/article
Feature article
Popular scientific book
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
S. Gleixner, N. Keenlyside, T. Demissie og E. Viste (2017): Seasonal predictability of Kiremt rainfall in CGCMs. Env. Res. Let., DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/aa8cfa
M. Årthun, T. Eldevik, E. Viste, H. Drange, T. Furevik, H.L. Johnson og N. Keenlyside (2017): Skillful prediction of northern climate provided by the ocean. Nature Comm. 8, 15875. doi:10.1038/ncomms15875
S. Gleixner, N. Keenlyside, E. Viste og D. Korecha (2016): The El Niño effect on Ethiopian rainfall. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3421-z.
M.d.S. Mesquita, V. Veldore, L. Li, R. Krishnan, Y. Orsolini, R. Senan, M.V.S. Ramarao og E. Viste (2016): Forecasting India's water future. Eos, 97, doi:10.1029/2016EO049099.
E. Viste og A. Sorteberg (2015): Snowfall in the Himalayas: an uncertain
future from a little-known past. The Cryosphere, 9, 1147-1167.
E. Viste, D. Korecha and A. Sorteberg (2012): Recent drought and precipitation tendencies in Ethiopia. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, DOI: 10.1007/s00704-012-0746-3.
E. Viste and A. Sorteberg (2012): The effect of moisture transport variability on Ethiopian summer precipitation. International Journal of Climatology, DOI: 10.1002/joc.3566.
E. Viste and A. Sorteberg (2011): Moisture transport into the Ethiopian highlands. International Journal of Climatology, DOI: 10.1002/joc.3409.
E. Viste (2012): Moisture transport and precipitation in Ethiopia. PhD thesis, University of Bergen.
E. Viste (1998): Nedbørfordeling og akkumulasjon på Brøggerhalvøya, Spitsbergen (Distribution and accumulation of precipitation on Brøggerhalvøya, Spitsbergen; in Norwegian). MSc thesis, University of Bergen and the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS).