Erika Brandl


PhD Candidate



In my research, I mobilize key concepts of intergenerational distributive justice in order to define and defend a new normative approach to housing adequacy. This new approach stems from requalifying issues of justice in housing (affordability, accessibility, shelter, privacy) in light of the recent literature on sufficientarianism, basic needs and capabilities; housing adequacy is evaluated in light of houses’ cross-generational features and effects. Attention is given to the practical application of the normative approach in the field of policy development, city planning and architecture.

Central to the project is the following interrogation. What housing arrangements are most desirable for a just distribution of housing, in present and future times? 

Supervision: Jesse Tomalty, University of Bergen
Co-supervision: Axel Gosseries, UCLouvain (Hoover Chair)


May 2024
'Housing the future: intergenerational justice, infrastructure, and the issue of architectural lock-ins'
Housing and Social Justice Conference, Centre de recherche en éthique de l'Université de Montréal; Montreal (Canada)

April 2024
‘Rigidizing Tomorrow? On Precaution, Transition and the Badness of Lock-ins'
Norwegian Practical Philosophy Network Symposium; Oslo (Norway)

August 2023
'Motivating temporal justice: can the concept of future people’s dignity serve and substantiate the demands of intergenerational distributive justice?'
Contesting dignity in space: between shame, fame and pride, Annual International Conference, Royal Geographical Society; London (UK)

June 2023
'Intergenerational distributive justice and the adequacy of dwellings: re-qualifying housing resources'
Brave New World, Manchester Centre for Political Theory (MANCEPT); Manchester (UK)

June 2023
'The city as moral space'
Hosting Space: Politics of Gatherings, Hordaland Kunstsenter; Bergen (Norway)

Avril 2023
'Building intergenerational justice': housing adequacy for a futureproof future
Designing Environments: Layers, Scopes, and Closures, International Association for the Study of Environment, Space, and Place; Hochschule Pforzheim (Germany)

November 2022
Returning to Carrie Mae Weems’ kitchen: on framed privacy and the value-laden theatre of homes
Hitting Home: Representations of the Domestic Milieu in Feminist Art, University of Johannesburg; South African Art and Visual Culture Chair, Johannesburg (South Africa)

November 2022
Good rooms, capable roomer? A capabilities’ account of housing adequacy and the Harriet Backer case for non-conservative conservation of the self
STAY HOME: New perspectives on the home, University of Copenhagen, The Royal Danish Academy; Copenhagen (Denmark)

August 2022
A battle of bricks and stones: house architecture for the revolution
The Socialist City: Planning, Transformation and Aftermath, Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space; Berlin (Germany)

June 2022 
Drawn altars, lines of site: Sverre Fehn and the territorial eye
Nordic Nature: Art, Ecology, Landscape, University of Bergen; Bergen (Norway) 

Mars 2022
Material mastery of the Far North: re-imag(in)ing Norwegian architecture and the multiform histories of crafting Flydalsjuvet
Design History Society Dialogues; London (United Kingdom)

October 2021
On operationalized solidarities: insights of ecosophy and other reconnaissance tactics for the climate age
Capital, Climate, Crisis: Sixth Annual Conference of the Danish Society for Marxist Studies; Aalborg (Denmark) 

July 2021
Revisiting Waldron: on ownership, first-generation rights and the situated freedom to be
International Society for the Philosphy of Architecture Biennale - Public Space: the Real and the Ideal; Monte Verita (Switzerland)

April 2021
Rehearsing otherness: the elusive child, derangements and operative identities in Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations
Wittgenstein and Feminism: Ordinary Language Philosophy’s Contribution to Feminist Theory and Practice International Conference; Bergen (Norway), Paris (France)

March 2021
A theoretical definition of housing adequacy as human right: can it be done?
Open Lecture Series, Bergen Arkitekthøgskole; Bergen (Norway)

January 2021
From principles to practice: moral obligations of architects towards realizing the human right to housing
Philosophy across the Fjords; Bergen (Norway), Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)

April 2020
Architectural othering and the promises of rurality: Rehabilitating the rural through dwelling, and other considerations on oikos architecture and the self
Symposium Art and Otherness, Bergensnettverket for kvinner i filosofi; Bergen (Norway)

July 2019
The Last Meeting: a New Protocol for the Political Commons
Verbeke Foundation, University of Hasselt - PXL-MAD School of Arts; Antwerp (Belgium)

September 2018
Housing the Humble Body? The Right to the City Incarnated in Vittorio De Sicca’s Il Tetto
Pen Pal Pictures, Gallery 2426 SET; Los Angeles (United States of America)

March 2018
Lado a Lado: Architectural iconography for States nations and other borders ethics
Relaciones Inesperadas; Tijuana (Mexico)


2024-01 — 2024-06
Bergen Arkitekthøgskole, Instructor
Subject: OSTOF Zukunftsarbeit für die Hallen Kalk (master course)

2021-01 — 2021-03
Bergen Arkitekthøgskole, Instructor
Subject: Digital Culture - Modules, repetitions, matters (master and bachelor course)

2020-09 — 2021-01
McGill University School of Architecture, Critic-in-Residence
Subject: Supervision (master thesis), jury committee

2019-04 — 2019-05
McGill University School of Architecture, Instructor
Subject: Shaver Summer School - Architecture and landscapes of Norway (master course) with Annmarie Adams

2015-08 — 2018-12
McGill University School of Architecture, Instructor
Subject: ARCH303 Design and Construction (bachelor course)

2016-01 — 2016-08
École d’Architecture de l’Université de Montréal, Instructor
Subject: ARCH6813 Atelier avancé en production digitale (master course)

2015-06 — 2015-08
Confluence Institute for Innovation and Creative Strategies in Architecture, Instructor
Subject: ARCH441 Influence Confluence (master course) with Clothilde Caille-Levesque

Academic article

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Brandl, Erika (2023). ‘Property, Necessity and Housing. Reconsidering the Situated Right to a Place to Be’. Architecture Philosophy, 6:1/2, 83-99.

Brandl, Erika (2023). ‘First Hard, Then Soft: House Architecture and the Future-Ready Value of Plan Flexibility’, idea journal, 20:1, 44-61.

Brandl, Erika (2023). ‘Even the Strongest Must Sleep: Freedom, Necessity and the Space-Bound Plea for the Sleeping Body', Etica-mente. L'annuario, 4:1, 182-199.

Brandl, Erika (2023). 'Earthly matters, earthy visions: national architecture narratives and the unexpected culture of Norwegian rammed earth houses', Change Over Time, International Journal of Convervation and the Built Environment, 12:1, 1-24.

Brandl, Erika (2023). 'Sverre Fehn and the territorial eye', Drawing Matter. 

Brandl, Erika (2021). 'Mauranger. Country Life: Recent strategies for tomorrow's rural living', HDA Haus Der Arkitektur, 62-67.

Brandl, Erika (2021). 'Digital Mapping Series: chance re-materializing through the photometric eye', Cartographies of the Imagination, 108-111.

Brandl, Erika (2020). 'A home of one’s own. Philosophical considerations on the issue of housing', Bergen Open Research Archive, 1-97.

Brandl, Erika (2020) 'On correspondence: relating texts and images in the fashion magazine (space)', A Magazine Reader 05, Warehouse, 6-14.