I'm a researcher in computational topology with a focus on parameterized complexity. In practice, this means that I spend a lot of my time either designing new algorithms, implementing these algorithms or proving that some algorithm is likely to be as efficient as possible.
Spring 2021: TA in INF630 (consisting of both INF621 and INF620).
Fall 2020: TA in INF234
Spring 2020: TA in MNF130
Fall 2019: TA in INF234
Doctoral dissertation
Academic article
- Blaser, Nello; Brun, Morten; Salbu, Lars Moberg et al. (2024). The parameterized complexity of finding minimum bounded chains. (external link)
- Black, Mitchell; Blaser, Nello; Nayyeri, Amir et al. (2022). ETH-Tight Algorithms for Finding Surfaces in Simplicial Complexes of Bounded Treewidth. (external link)
- Høgemo, Svein; Telle, Jan Arne; Vågset, Erlend Raa (2019). Linear MIM-Width of Trees. (external link)