Fredrik Dreyer Moe


Guest Researcher



Fredrik Moe is a specialist in clinical psychology and philosopher. He has a PhD from the University of Stavanger. He studied long-term recovery processes in people suffering from substance use dependence, mainly focusing on some psychological and social variables that enhance long-term recovery after addiction treatment. Moe has published a systematic review on relapse operationalizations and a paper on the reduction of psychological theory in opioid maintenance therapy (in Norwegian).

Moe has also studied possible extra-scientific presuppositions associated with substance use/abuse as to why substance dependence is treated differently than other chronic illnesses.

Moreover, Moe has studied the normativity in psychiatric nosology, focusing on how the DSM-5’s epistemological framework may narrow the conceptualization of mental illness and thus hinder the integration with the biopsychosocial model of psychiatry. Additionally, Moe has investigated the relationship between the common factors in psychotherapy and personal therapy.


Lecturer Examen Philosophicum (SVEXPHIL) ved Universitetet i Stavanger (2022). 

Lecturer PRPSYK301A Profesjonsførebuande 1 - Psykisk helse, behandling og fagetikk ved Universitetet i Bergen (2022, 2023). 

Lecturer PRPSYKVIT Psykologiens vitskapsteori og forskingsmetodar ved Universitetet i Bergen (2023).

Academic article
Reader opinion piece
Feature article
Academic lecture
Academic literature review
Book review

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Moe’s publications are available at his Google Scholar profile and Researchgate profile.