Research groups
Future Fest
I was a speaker for an event in Media City Bergen On August 17th 2023. We invited the attendees at the NordMedia Researcher Conference to what we call Future Fest. Here we presented a total of 13 prototypes of new media designs that aim to counteract the future shock Norwegian academia seems to suffer from. The event is organized by the student staff at TekLab in collaboration with Media Futures and Media City Bergen.
RESEARCH2BIZ: FROM RESEARCH TO PROTOTYPE, panel discussion & workshop with
João Filipe Costa Ribeiro (University of Bergen, Norway and Galp, Portugal)
Ketil Moland Olsen (Media City Bergen, Norway)
Fredrik Håland Jensen (University of Bergen, Norway)
Cathal Gurrin (Dublin City University, Ireland)
Moderator: Oda Elise Nordberg (University of Bergen, Norway)
TELED MONTHLY RESEARCH SERIES - Innovation Pedagogy: A strategy for preparing students for an uncertain job future
This instance of the TeLEd Monthly Event Series will feature Lars Nyre, Professor of Media Design at UiB, and PhD candidates Fredrik Håland Jensen and Rebecca Nedregotten Strand. Together, they will discuss Innovation Pedagogy, which is an approach to student active learning where students are trained to tackle the permanent disruption of professional practices and skillsets that characterizes many sectors of the work life. The technique has been developed for media education but can be applicable to any sectors that experience continuous transformation due to new technology.
Lærernes dag ved UiB
28.01.22: m/Rebecca Nedregotten Strand, Lars Nyre og Fredrik Håland Jensen
TekLab er det fremste verkemiddelet eg har for mediedesign og innovasjonsprosjekt. TekLab er eit nettverk for studentaktiv teknologiutvikling, som eg er leiar for, og som for tida vert støtta av HK-dir under program for studentaktiv læring og tiltak for økt arbeidslivsrelevans i høgare utdanning. TekLab har tidlegare hatt status som forskingsnettverk for "Teknologi og materialmiljø" i SAMKUL, Noregs forskingsråd i 2018-2019.