Frode Meland





In 2021, as in 2020, Frode teaches ECON127, Introduction to games and strategies.

Earler, he has taught the following courses at the UoB (Norwegian titles):

ECON218, Næringsstruktur og internasjonal handel: 2012

ECON281, Praksis i samfunnsøkonomi: 2015

ECON290, Bacheloroppgave: 2004, 10

ECON310, Mikroøkonomi: 2006-9, 2012, 2014-18

ECON330, Makroøkonomi: 2004, 6, 8-9

ECON360, Strategisk bedriftsadferd og markedsmakt: 2018

ECON381, Praksisbasert prosjektarbeid: 2016

POLECON200, Regulering og politikk: 2019, 2020.


International publications

"International outsourcing and trade union (de-)centralisation", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, forthcoming (with Kjell Erik Lommerud and Odd Rune Straume). Supplement til article

"Differences in the Degree of Unionization as a Source of Comparative Advantage in Open Economies", Canadian Journal of Economics 48(1) (2015)  (with Hartmut Egger and Hans-Jörg Schmerer).

"Non-Traded Goods, Globalisation and Union Influence", Economica 80 (2013), 774-792 (with Udo Kreickemeier).

 "North-South technology transfer in unionised multinationals" Journal of Development Economics 99 (2012), 385-395 (with Kjell Erik Lommerud and Odd Rune Straume)

"Mergers and capital flight in unionised oligopolies: is there a scope for 'national champion' policy?" International Review of Economics and Finance 20(2)(2011), 325-341 (with Kjell Erik Lommerud and Odd Rune Straume).

"Permit markets, seller cartels and the impact of strategic buyers". The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 10 (1) Advances (2010) (with Odd Godal).

"Can deunionization lead to international outsourcing?" Journal of International Economics 77(2009), 109-119 (with Kjell Erik Lommerud and Odd Rune Straume).

"Outsourcing in contests". Public Choice 131 (2007), 315-331 (with Odd Rune Straume).

"A union bashing model of inflation targeting". Scandinavian Journal of Economics 108 (2006), 419-432.

"Globalisation and union opposition to technological change". Journal of International Economics 68 (2006), 1-23 (with Kjell Erik Lommerud and Odd Rune Straume).

"Unionised oligopoly, trade liberalisation and location choice". Economic Journal 113 (2003), 782-801 (with Kjell Erik Lommerud and Lars Sørgard).

"Unions and market integration in contests". Public Choice 112 (2002), 293-304.

Work in progress

"Pattern Bargaining: Open versus shielded sectors in unionized general oligopolistic equilibrium" (with Inger S. Ervik and Kjell Erik Lommerud)

"Do slotting allowances reduce product variety?" (with Teis L. Lømo and Håvard M. Sandvik)

Om Frode

Frode Meland er professor ved Institutt for økonomi og har vært undervisningsleder i perioden 2013-2020. I 2019 ble han en av fakultetets første meritterte undervisere. I perioden som undervisningsleder har han blant annet jobbet med å bedre kullfølelsen blant nye studenter, sikre grundigere tilbakemeldinger på obligatoriske øvelser, gjennomføre og følge opp undersøkelser blant instituttets studenter, gjennomføre midtveisevalueringer i alle kurs, forbedre strukturen på studiene ved instituttet, arbeide frem fagprofiler som tydeliggjør valgmulighetene til studentene og bidratt til opprettelsen av ITØK-studiet.