Gunn Inger Lyse Samdal
Researcher, Lexicographer
Research groups
Current position
I currently (Oct 2018 -) have a research position at the University of Bergen, working as a lexicographer. In a five-year project, we will revise and update the two public Norwegian dictionaries Bokmålsordboka and Nynorskordboka, which are part of the Norwegian Language Collections ('Språksamlingane'). The project is financed by the Language Council of Norway.
Research groups
Research interests
- Lexicography
- Lexical semantics and semantic word nets
- Multiword expressions (MWEs)
- Computational linguistics and language technology
- Corpus Linguistics
- Statistical methods and machine learning methods for language analysis and language modelling
- Data management and FAIR data
- Research infrastructure (data management, FAIR data, data sharing, metadata)
I defended my Ph.D. thesis in December 2011 at the University of Bergen (title: Translation-based Word Sense Disambiguation). I have a Master's degree in Computational Linguistics and Language at the University of Bergen (2003), with exams within General Linguistics, Digital humanities, German and English.
Work experience
Prior to my current position, I have worked as a researcher and teacher at the University of Bergen (2003 - 2007, 2012-2016 and 2018-). I worked as a researcher in computational linguistics and language technology at Uni Research Computing in Bergen (now NORCE) (2008-2009). I worked as a special advisor at NSD - Norwegian Centre for Research Data, being in charge of developing their research support portfolio within data management, archiving and FAIR data sharing (2016-2018).
See the tabs on projects and publications for further details.
- Svardal, Terje; Sjo, Klara; Lyse, Gunn Inger et al. (2023). Frukostseminar: På skattejakt i ordbøkene. (external link)
- Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse; Losnegaard, Gyri Smørdal; Sjo, Klara (2023). På skattejakt i ordbøkene. (external link)
- Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse (2018). Korpus og leksikografi . (external link)
- Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse; De Smedt, Koenraad; Dyvik, Helge J. Jakhelln (2015). Linguistically annotated text made available. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Lyse, Gunn Inger (2023). Faste uttrykk i Bokmålsordboka og Nynorskordboka: ikkje berre berre. (external link)
- Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse; Svardal, Terje (2020). «den raude rase» og «negerfolk»: Om kontroversielle ord og nemningar i Bokmålsordboka og Nynorskordboka. (external link)
- Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse (2019). Frå bandsalat til bandbreidde: Leksikografiske metodar i Revisjonsprosjektet for Bokmålsordboka og Nynorskordboka. (external link)
- Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse (2019). Ut med adamsslekt og inn med arveprinsesse? Leksikografiske metodar i revisjonen av Bokmålsordboka og Nynorskordboka. (external link)
- Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse; Gjesdal, Anje Müller (2016). Integrating heterogeneous digital text resources to analyze complex neologisms in Norwegian. (external link)
- De Smedt, Koenraad; Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse; Meurer, Paul et al. (2015). INESS meets CLARINO. (external link)
- Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse (2015). Annotation in INESS. (external link)
- Gjesdal, Anje Müller; Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse (2013). CLARIN licensing schemes. (external link)
- Andersen, Gisle; Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse (2012). Flerordsuttrykk i Norsk aviskorpus. (external link)
- Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse; Parra Escartín, Carla (2012). Applying current metadata initiatives: The META-NORD experience. (external link)
- Lyse, Gunn Inger (2011). Translation-based Word Sense Disambiguation. (external link)
- Lyse, Gunn Inger; Andersen, Gisle (2009). Om vispet krem og ubeskyttet sex: flerordsuttrykk i Norsk aviskorpus. (external link)
- Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse (2006). Empiriske metoder innenfor datalingvistikk: var Chomskys kritikk av empiriske metoder berettiget?. (external link)
- Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse; Nøklestad, Anders (2005). A distributional or a translational basis for data-driven sense discrimination?. (external link)
- Lyse, Gunn Inger (2004). Translationally Based Lexical Semantics for WSD. (external link)
- Lyse, Gunn Inger (2004). Translationally derived information about lexical semantics for WSD purposes. (external link)
Academic article
- Lyse, Gunn Inger; Rauset, Margunn; Dyvik, Helge J. Jakhelln (2022). Kollokasjonar - språkets R2-D2 og C-3PO. (external link)
- Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse (2020). Ut med adamsslekt og inn med arveprinsesse? Leksikografiske metodar i revisjonen av BOB og NOB. (external link)
- Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse; Svardal, Terje (2020). «Den raude rase» og «negerfolk»: kontroversielle ord i Bokmålsordboka og Nynorskordboka. (external link)
- Rosén, Victoria; Thunes, Martha; Haugereid, Petter et al. (2016). The enrichment of lexical resources through incremental parsebanking. (external link)
- Gjesdal, Anje Müller; Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse (2016). Exploring an environmental neologism in Norwegian across corpora. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- De Smedt, Koenraad; Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse; Kyrkjebø, Rune et al. (2016). The CLARINO Bergen Centre: Development and Deployment. (external link)
- Dyvik, Helge J. Jakhelln; Meurer, Paul; Rosén, Victoria et al. (2016). NorGramBank: A ‘Deep’ Treebank for Norwegian. (external link)
- Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse; Meurer, Paul; De Smedt, Koenraad (2015). COMEDI: A component metadata editor. (external link)
- Meurer, Paul; Dyvik, Helge J. Jakhelln; Rosén, Victoria et al. (2013). The INESS Treebanking Infrastructure. (external link)
- Parra Escartín, Carla; Losnegaard, Gyri Smørdal; Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse et al. (2013). Representing Multiword Expressions in Lexical and Terminological Resources: An Analysis for Natural Language Processing Purposes. (external link)
- Losnegaard, Gyri Smørdal; Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse; Gjesdal, Anje Müller et al. (2013). Linking Northern European Infrastructures for Improving the Accessibility and Documentation of Complex Resources. (external link)
- Losnegaard, Gyri Smørdal; Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse (2012). A data-driven approach to anglicism identification in Norwegian. (external link)
- Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse; Andersen, Gisle (2012). Collocations and statistical analysis of n-grams : multiword expressions in newspaper text. (external link)
- Losnegaard, Gyri Smørdal; Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse; Thunes, Martha et al. (2012). What we have learned from Sofie: Extending lexical and grammatical coverage in an LFG parsebank. (external link)
- Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse; Parra Escartín, Carla; De Smedt, Koenraad (2012). Applying current metadata initiatives: The META-NORD experience. (external link)
- Rosén, Victoria; Meurer, Paul; Losnegaard, Gyri Smørdal et al. (2012). An integrated web-based treebank annotation system. (external link)
- Vasiļjevs, Andrejs; Forsberg, Markus; Gornostay, Tatiana et al. (2012). Creation of an Open Shared Language Resource Repository in the Nordic and Baltic Countries. (external link)
- Lyse, Gunn Inger (2007). "Making sense of translations": Translation-based lexical information for word sense disambiguation (WSD). (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
Academic monograph
- Lyse, Gunn Inger; Gjesdal, Anje Müller; Helleland Ådnanes, Jens (2011). Språkteknologi i bakevja. (external link)
- Lyse, Gunn Inger; Kvalheim, Berit (2011). Brage snakker med øynene. (external link)
- Lyse, Gunn Inger; Graven, Andreas R. (2011). Øyestyring gir Brage et språk. (external link)
- Lyse, Gunn Inger; Graven, Andreas R. (2011). Sinke i språkhjelpemidler. (external link)
Feature article
Doctoral dissertation
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Current project(s):
- I work as a lexicographer in the Norwegian project to revise the two publicly available dictionaries Bokmålsordboka and Nynorskordboka: The project (2018-2023) is financed by the Language Council of Norway.
Previous projects:
- The NORDi project (2016-2021), supported by the Research Council of Norway, is owned by NSD - Norwegian Centre for Research Data. In 2016-2018, I worked at NSD as a special adviser on training and data management. In the NORDi project, I led the Work Package on training and Support. The main objective was to strengthen and expand guidance and training services at NSD, to increase awareness and practical skills within data management among researchers as well as research support staff in the Norwegian research sector. I worked both with digital training material and non-digital (face to face) training activities.
- The national infrastructure project CLARINO (2012-2016), supported by the Research Council of Norway, was owned by UiB - University of Bergen. CLARINO is the Norwegian contribution to the international CLARIN infrastructure. I worked as a project manager in CLARINO. My main field of expertise in this context is data management, metadata and IPR/licensing issues. (2012-2015)
- In the national infrastructure project INESS (2012-2016), supported by the Research Council of Norway, we developed a database of syntactically analysed sentences (a treebank). On the infrastructure side, I participated in developing the technical solutions of the INESS treebank (user interface, metadata, IPR issues). On the linguistic side, I added Norwegian sentence analyses to the treebank, mainly by manual annotation of sentences that have initially been parsed automatically by the NorGram grammar (LFG framework). In adding material to the Norwegian treebank, I also did text preprocessing and some grammar development.
- The infrastructure project DASISH, supported by the EU, aimed to create synergies between infrastructure intitiatives in the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH), among other things we developed a Virtual Competence Center (VCC) for future researchers to find information about the moral, ethical and legal aspect of compiling research material. Project ending: December 2014.
- In the project META-NORD (2011-2013), supported by the EU, we worked to make language technology resources more easily available, offering standardized metadata and negotiating licences. We catalogued 67 Norwegian language resources relevant for language technology research and development. This work has been inherited by the projects CLARINO and (where relevant) INESS. My work in this project included: writing a national language white paper, creating metadata, encoding and reformatting research material, clearing resource ownership, rights and licenses.
- In the national project Norsk aviskorpus / Norwegian Newspaper Corpus (Uni Research, Dep. of Computing), I worked on automatic methods to identify Multiword Expressions, terms and anglicisms in Norwegian text. I explored a variety of so-called association measures in order to rank 2- and 3-word sequences (bigrams and trigrams) in terms of whether they are likely to constitute multiword expressions. This work is closely related to automatic term extraction and the automated detection of Anglicisms in Norwegian text. We also explored the use of machine learning systems to detect Anglicisms automatically.
- I was project leader for a development project at Uni Research Computing, where we provided language technology expertise to inprove a commercial writing aid system for dyslectics. In particular, I produced relations between orthography and pronunciation, and worked with n-grams for finding contexts to produce intelligent spelling suggestions.
- In the national Machine Translation (MT) project LOGON (2003-2006), I worked with statistical methods for Word Sense Disambiguation. My resulting Ph.D. thesis was defended in 2011.
- Connected to the national project Fra parallellkorpus til ordnett (From parallel corpora to word nets) at University of Bergen, I wrote my master's thesis and also worked as a scientific assistant in 2002 - 2003.