Håkon Dahle


Professor, Group Leader at Computatonal Biological Unit; WP leader at K.G. Jebsen Centre for Deep Sea Research



I am a microbial ecologist interested in how natural and human drivers affect populations, communities and ecosystems at different spatial and temporal scales. 

I am a Group Leader at the Computational Biological Unit (CBU), and lead the work-package 'Energy and Life' at the K.G. Jebsen Centre for Deep Sea Research.

My research is centered around the following research questions:

How is microbial community structure and diversiy shaped by chemical power supply?

What is the connection between the geological setting, geochemistry, and microbial ecology of hydrothermal systems?

How does marine mine tailings in Norwegian fjords affect microbial life?

What is the optimal microbial community structure in land-based fish farms (RAS), and how to maintain it?

To address these questions we make use of population dynamic models, field observations, and statistical analyses. A central part of our work is bioinformatic analyses of next generation sequencing data.

Please make contact if you are interested in a PhD, MSc, or a Bachelor project connected to any of these themes.




Public outreach

Polhavets hemmeligheter (kronikk i Nordlys)


Academic article
Academic lecture
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Academic literature review
Doctoral dissertation
Thesis at a second degree level

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.


Current projects:

VIRVAR - Uncovering key players for regulation of phytoplankton function and structure: lessons to be learned from algal virus-haptophyte coexistence (NFR)

MONITOR - Adapting monitoring tools for bacterial load detection in closed marine fish farms: for improved fish health and reduced mortalities (NFR)