Research groups
My research focus lies within structural geology and tectonics, focusing on:
-Orogeny and orogenic collapse, with a primary focus on the Scandinavian Caledonides and later also the Brasiliano orogen in Brazil.
-Rifting, mostly related to the North Sea rift.
-Understanding shear zones and shear zone formation from the microscale to crustal scale.
-Transpression/transtension in theory and application.
-Fault anatomy, geometry and evolution.
-Reactivation of shear zones during brittle faulting.
-Deformation bands and other subseismic structures, and their implications for fault nucleation and fluid flow in porous rocks and sediments.
- Biørnstad, Lasse; Fossen, Haakon (2024). Dette er jordas høyeste fjell – og du har neppe hørt om det. (external link)
- Biørnstad, Lasse; Fossen, Haakon (2024). Solsystemets kanskje mest spektakulære fjell strekker seg nesten 7 kilometer rett opp. (external link)
- Cavalcante, Geane Carolina Goncalves; Fossen, Haakon; Lagoeiro, Leonardo et al. (2024). Erratum to “The collapse of the Caledonian orogen in SW Norway: Insights from quartz textures” [J. Struct. Geol. 189 (2024) 105274] (Journal of Structural Geology (2024) 189, (S0191814124002268), (10.1016/j.jsg.2024.105274)). (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Teyssier, Christian (2024). Plate Tectonics. (external link)
- Petersohn, Eliane; Mukerji, T; Cavalcante, G. Carolina et al. (2024). Enhancing Fracture Prediction in Carbonate Reservoirs through Integrated Well Logs, Borehole Image, and Random Forest Regression. (external link)
- Bauck, Marit Stokke; Gawthorpe, Rob L.; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2024). Late Paleozoic Development of the Patch Bank Ridge Structure and Top Basement Morphology, North Sea, Norway. (external link)
- Carosi, Rodolfo; Campos Neto, Mario Da Costa; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2024). Evolution of Modern and Ancient Orogenic Belts. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Polonio, Israel; Bauck, Marit Stokke et al. (2024). The North Sea rift basement records extensional collapse of the Caledonian orogen. (external link)
- Afonso, Flávia Priscila Souza; Lagoeiro, Leonardo; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2024). Application of the EBSD Technique in the Study of Porosity and Permeability in Deformation Bands in Sandstone. (external link)
- Cavalcante, Geane Carolina Goncalves; Fossen, Haakon; Lagoeiro, Leonardo et al. (2024). The collapse of the Caledonian orogen in SW Norway: Insights from quartz textures. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2024). Multi-mode gravity tectonics during northern North Sea rifting: the Snorre fault block case. (external link)
- Bauck, Marit Stokke; Faleide, Jan Inge; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2024). Late Palaeozoic structural evolution of the Patch Bank Ridge and Utsira High, northern North Sea. (external link)
- Wrona, Thilo; Pan, Indranil; Bell, Rebecca E. et al. (2023). Complex fault system revealed by 3-D seismic reflection data with deep learning and fault network analysis. (external link)
- Osagiede, Edoseghe Edwin; Nixon, Casey William; Gawthorpe, Rob et al. (2023). Topological Characterization of a Fault Network Along the Northern North Sea Rift Margin. (external link)
- Müller, Philipp; Hermanrud, Christian; Fossen, Haakon (2023). A new approach to investigate the effect of burial depth and clay content on fault permeabilities applied at the Njord Field.. (external link)
- Ávila, Carlos F.; Archanjo, Carlos J.; Platt, John P. et al. (2023). Rheology, shear zone width, microstructural evolution and tectonics of a zippered strike-slip shear zone: The Senador Pompeu shear zone, northern Borborema Province, Brazil. (external link)
- ABACHA, ISSAM; OUALID, BOULAHIA; YELLES-CHAOUCHE, ABDELKARIM et al. (2023). The 24 January 2020 Mw 5.0 El Aouana Earthquake, Northeastern Algeria: Insights into a New NW–SE Right-Lateral Bejaia-Babors Shear Zone. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2023). Structural core observations in a siliciclastic reservoir-scale framework. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2023). A Pleistocene origin of the strandflat coastal platform in southwestern Scandinavia. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2023). Fjell i Norge har vært over 8000 meter høye. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2023). Studie: Jordens kjerne roterer saktere enn før. (external link)
- Almqvist, Bjarne; van der Lelij, Roelant; Högdahl, Karin et al. (2023). Brittle basement deformation during the Caledonian Orogeny observed by K-Ar geochronology of illite-bearing fault gouge in west-central Sweden. (external link)
- Crutchley, Gareth J.; Karstens, Jens; Preine, Jonas et al. (2023). Extensional Faulting Around Kolumbo Volcano, Aegean Sea—Relationships Between Local Stress Fields, Fault Relay Ramps, and Volcanism. (external link)
- Heggernes, Hakan; Rotevatn, Atle; Demurtas, Matteo et al. (2023). Spatial variability in topology, connectivity and permeability of deformation band networks: Insights from the Jurassic Entrada Sandstone, Utah. (external link)
- Brandes, Christian; Tanner, David C.; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2022). Disaggregation bands as an indicator for slow creep activity on blind faults. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Harris, Lyal B.; Cavalcante, Carolina et al. (2022). The Patos-Pernambuco shear system of NE Brazil: Partitioned intracontinental transcurrent deformation revealed by enhanced aeromagnetic data. (external link)
- Heggernes, Hakan; Rotevatn, Atle; Demurtas, Matteo et al. (2022). Geometry, Topology and Variability of Deformation Band Networks: Examples from the Jurassic Entrada Sandstone, Utah. (external link)
- Wrona, Thilo; Whittaker, Alexander C.; Bell, Rebecca E. et al. (2022). Rift kinematics preserved in deep-time erosional landscape below the northern North Sea. (external link)
- Aslaksen, Knut Olav; Fossen, Haakon; Tandberg, Anne Helene S. et al. (2022). Årbok for Universitetsmuseet 2022. (external link)
- Cavalcante, Carolina; de Jesus Costa, Juliana; Lagoeiro, Leonardo et al. (2022). TitaniQ temperatures and textural analysis as a record of the deformation history in a major continental shear zone system, Borborema Province, Brazil. (external link)
- Oriolo, Sebastián; Schulz, Bernhard; Hueck, Mathias et al. (2022). The petrologic and petrochronologic record of progressive vs polyphase deformation: Opening the analytical toolbox. (external link)
- Biørnstad, Lasse; Fossen, Haakon (2022). Hvorfor blir ikke fjell på jorda noe særlig høyere enn de som finnes nå?. (external link)
- Jaensch, Sérgio E.; Lagoeiro, Leonardo Evangelista; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2022). Relation between finite strain geometry and quartz petrofabrics in a folded conglomerate in the Norwegian Caledonides. (external link)
- Pichel, Leonardo Muniz; Antunes, Alex F.; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2022). The interplay between basement fabric, rifting, syn-rift folding, and inversion in the Rio do Peixe Basin, NE Brazil. (external link)
- Correa Tonon d'Alemeida, Lucas; Fossen, Haakon; Lecomte, Isabelle Christine et al. (2022). A study of normal fault structure and along-strike variations, based on the northern Moab fault system, Utah. (external link)
- Wu, Long; Skurtveit, Elin; Thompson, Nicholas D. et al. (2022). Containment Risk Assessment and Management of CO2 Storage on the Horda Platform . (external link)
- Flæte, Casper Paulsen; Lecomte, Isabelle Christine; Fossen, Haakon (2022). Seismic imaging of faults and fault zones: insight through modelling for improved interpretation. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2022). A Pleistocene origin of the coastal platform (strandflat) in southwestern Scandinavia. (external link)
- Wiest, Johannes; Jacobs, Joachim; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2021). Segmentation of the Caledonian orogenic infrastructure and exhumation of the Western Gneiss Region during transtensional collapse. (external link)
- Wrona, Thilo; Pan, Indranil; Bell, Rebecca E. et al. (2021). 3D seismic interpretation with deep learning: A brief introduction. (external link)
- Nabavi, Seyed Tohid; Fossen, Haakon (2021). Fold geometry and folding – a review. (external link)
- Bauck, Marit Stokke; Faleide, Jan Inge; Fossen, Haakon (2021). Late Jurassic to Late Cretaceous canyons on the Måløy Slope: Source to sink fingerprints on the northernmost North Sea rift margin, Norway. (external link)
- Hodnekvam, Birthe; Stubseid, Håvard Hallås; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2021). Undrelaboratoriet - "Hvordan har fjellene blitt til der du bor?". (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2021). Faults and their relevance to petroleum geology. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Ksienzyk, Anna K.; Rotevatn, Atle et al. (2021). From widespread faulting to localised rifting: Evidence from K-Ar fault gouge dates from the Norwegian North Sea rift shoulder. (external link)
- Oriolo, Sebastián; Schultz, Bernhard; Hueck, Mathias et al. (2021). Analytic strategies to understand progressive deformation. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Cavalcante, Carolina; Konopásek, Jiří et al. (2020). A critical discussion of the subduction-collision model for the Neoproterozoic Araçuaí-West Congo orogen. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2020). Fault classification, fault growth and displacement. (external link)
- Wrona, Thilo; Fossen, Haakon; Lecomte, Isabelle et al. (2020). Seismic expression of shear zones: Insights from 2-D point-spread-function-based convolution modelling. (external link)
- Wiest, Johannes; Fossen, Haakon; Jacobs, Joachim (2020). Shear zone evolution during core complex exhumation – Implications for continental detachments. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Meira, Vinicius T.; Cavalcante, Carolina et al. (2020). Comment to “Neoproterozoic magmatic arc systems of the central Ribeira belt, SE-Brazil, in the context of the West-Gondwana pre-collisional history: A review”. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2020). Deformation: progressive or multiphase?. (external link)
- Fazlikhani, Hamed; Ågotnes, Synne Skaar; Refvem, Marte Aarrestad et al. (2020). Strain migration during multiphase extension, Stord Basin, northern North Sea rift. (external link)
- Conte, Thailli; Cavalcante, Carolina; Lagoeiro, Leonardo Evangelista et al. (2020). Quartz textural analysis from an anastomosing shear zone system: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the Ribeira belt, Brazil. (external link)
- Konopasek, Jiri; Cavalcante, Carolina; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2020). Adamastor – an ocean that never existed?. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2020). Deformation bands – Strain localization features in granular media. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Cavalcante, Carolina (2020). The Aracuai-West Congo orogen: Subduction-collision related or intracratonic?. (external link)
- Åmli, Hanne; Fossen, Haakon; Svensen, Henrik (2020). Meta Morhp. (external link)
- Wiest, Johannes; Wrona, Thilo; Bauck, Marit Stokke et al. (2020). From Caledonian collapse to North Sea Rift: The extended history of a metamorphic core complex. (external link)
- Zhang, Qing; Fossen, Haakon (2020). The dilemma of asymmetric porphyroclast systems and sense of shear. (external link)
- Fischer, Gabriel; Fassbinder, Elvo; Eduardo de Mesquita Barros, Carlos et al. (2019). The evolution of quartz veins during the tectonometamorphic development of the Brusque Metamorphic Complex, Brazil. (external link)
- Avila, Carlos F.; Archanjo, Carlos J; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2019). Zippered Shear Zone Model for Interacting Shear Zones in the Borborema Province, Brazil, as Constrained by U-Pb Dating. (external link)
- Lenhart, Antje; Jackson, Christopher AL; Bell, Rebecca E. et al. (2019). Structural architecture and composition of crystalline basement offshore west Norway. (external link)
- Wrona, Thilo; Magee, Craig; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2019). 3-D seismic images of an extensive igneous sill in the lower crust. (external link)
- Phillips, Tom; Fazli Khani, Hamed; Gawthorpe, Rob et al. (2019). The influence of structural inheritance and multiphase extension on rift development, the northern North Sea. (external link)
- Hollanda, Maria Helena BM de; Archanjo, Carlos J; Filho, A.A. Macedo et al. (2019). The Mesozoic Equatorial Atlantic Magmatic Province (EQUAMP): A New Large Igneous Province in South America. (external link)
- Wrona, Thilo; Pan, Indranil; Bell, Rebecca et al. (2019). Deep Learning of Geological Structures in 3-D Seismic Reflection Data . (external link)
- Mora, Claudio; Huismans, Ritske; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2019). Effects of structural inheritance on orogen and rifted margin structure . (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Wrona, Thilo; Lecomte, Isabelle et al. (2019). Seismic Signature of Shear Zones: Insights from 2-D PSF-based Convolution Modelling. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2019). Writing papers with an emphasis on structural geology and tectonics: advices and warnings. (external link)
- Carstens, Halfdan; Stubseid, Håvard H.; Pedersen, Rolf B. et al. (2019). En bit av Amerika. (external link)
- Jansen, Øystein James; Helland-Hansen, William; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2019). En fjellkjedes vekst og fall. (external link)
- Wiest, Johannes; Jacobs, Joachim; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2019). Ductile structures in basement windows of the SW Scandinavian Caledonides and their potential for brittle reactivation. (external link)
- Wiest, Johannes; Jacobs, Joachim; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2019). Shearing, folding and retrogression during exhumation of the southernmost culmination of the Western Gneiss Region, Gulen, SW Norway. (external link)
- Wiest, Johannes; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Jacobs, Joachim et al. (2019). Deep Crustal Flow Within Postorogenic Metamorphic Core Complexes: Insights From the Southern Western Gneiss Region of Norway. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Lecomte, Isabelle; Wrona, Thilo et al. (2019). Seismic signature of shear zones: insights from 2-D convolution forward modelling . (external link)
- Konopásek, Jiří; Cavalcante, Carolina; Fossen, Haakon (2019). Adamastor – an ocean that never existed? . (external link)
- Wiest, Johannes; Jacobs, Joachim; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2019). Post-orogenic exhumation of metamorphic core complexes in the SW Scandinavian Caledonides – A comparison of structures and processes. (external link)
- Cavalcante, Geane Carolina Gonçalves; Fossen, Haakon; Renato, Almeida et al. (2018). Reviewing the puzzling intracontinental termination of the Araçuaí-West Congo orogenic belt and its implications for orogenic development.. (external link)
- Peralta Gomes, Cleber; Fossen, Haakon; Almeida, Renato Paes de et al. (2018). Subseismic deformation in the Vaza-Barris Transfer Zone in the Cretaceous Recôncavo-Tucano-Jatobá rift system, NE Brazil.. (external link)
- Oriolo, Sebastián; Wemmer, Klaus; Oyhantçabal, Pedro et al. (2018). Geochronology of shear zones – A review. (external link)
- Cavalcante, Geane Carolina; Lagoeiro, Leonardo E.; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2018). Temperature constraints on microfabric patterns in quartzofeldsphatic mylonites, Ribeira belt (SE Brazil). (external link)
- Wrona, Thilo; Pan, Indranil; Gawthorpe, Rob et al. (2018). Seismic facies analysis using machine-learning.. (external link)
- Salazar-Mora, Claudio; Huismans, Ritske; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2018). The Wilson cycle and effects of tectonic structural inheritance on continental margin formation. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Cavalcante, Geane Carolina; Pinheiro, R. Vizeu et al. (2018). Deformation – progressive or multiphase?. (external link)
- Deng, Chao; Gawthorpe, Rob; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2018). How does the orientation of a pre-existing basement weakness influence fault development during renewed rifting? Insights from three-dimensional discrete element modeling.. (external link)
- Egydio-Silva, Marcos; Vauchez, Alan; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2018). Connecting the Araçuaí and Ribeira belts (SE – Brazil): Progressive transition from contractional to transpressive strain regime during the Brasiliano orogeny. (external link)
- Wiest, Johannes; Jacobs, Joachim; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2018). Crustal structure and post-collisional exhumation of the Øygarden Complex, SW Norway Caledonides. (external link)
- Rønnevik, Christian; Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2017). Thermal evolution and exhumation history of the Uncompahgre Plateau (northeastern Colorado Plateau), based on apatite fission track and (U-Th)-He thermochronology and zircon U-Pb dating. (external link)
- Conte, Thailli; Cavalcante, Geane Carolina; Lagoeiro, Leonardo E. et al. (2017). MAPEAMENTO GEOLÓGICO DIGITAL USANDO DISPOSITIVOS MÓVEIS, APLICADO À ZONA DE CISALHAMENTO LANCINHA. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2017). Historical aspects of structural geology. (external link)
- Deng, Chao; Gawthorpe, Rob; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2017). Influence of Pre-Existing Weakness on Normal Fault Growth: Implications from Discrete Element Modeling. (external link)
- Teyssier, Christian; Fossen, Haakon; Rey, Patrice F. et al. (2017). Upright folding during extensional and transtensional tectonics. (external link)
- Phillips, Thomas; Jackson, Christopher Aiden Lee; Bell, Rebecca E. et al. (2017). How do lower and upper crustal intrabasement structures influence the geometry and evolution of rift systems?. (external link)
- Philit, Sven; Soliva, Roger; Ballas, Gregory et al. (2017). Grain Deformation Processes in Porous Quartz Sandstones – Insight from the Clusters of Cataclastic Deformation Bands. (external link)
- Wiest, Johannes; Jacobs, Joachim; Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina et al. (2017). Sveconorwegian vs. Caledonian orogenesis in the eastern Øygarden Complex, SW Norway – Geochronology, structural constraints and tectonic implications. (external link)
- Deng, Chao; Fossen, Haakon; Gawthorpe, Rob et al. (2017). Influence of fault reactivation during multiphase rifting: The Oseberg area, northern North Sea rift. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Soliva, Roger; Ballas, Gregory et al. (2017). A review of deformation bands in reservoir sandstones: geometries, mechanisms and distribution.. (external link)
- Zuluaga, Luisa Fernanda; Fossen, Haakon; Ballas, Gregory et al. (2017). Structural and petrophysical effects of overthrusting on highly porous sandstones: the Aztec Sandstone in the Buffington window, southeast Nevada, U.S.A.. (external link)
- Deng, Chao; Gawthorpe, Rob; Finch, Emma et al. (2017). Influence of a pre-existing basement weakness on normal fault growth during oblique extension: Insights from discrete element modeling. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Cavalcante, Geane Carolina; Almeida, Renato Paes de (2017). Hot Versus Cold Orogenic Behavior: Comparing the Araçuaí-West Congo and the Caledonian Orogens. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Jacobs, Joachim (2017). Correspondence: Challenges with dating weathering products to unravel ancient landscapes. (external link)
- Deng, Chao; Fossen, Haakon; Gawthorpe, Rob et al. (2017). Influence of fault reactivation during multiphase rifting: The Oseberg area, northern North Sea rift.. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Cavalcante, Geane Carolina (2017). Shear zones – a review. (external link)
- Fazli Khani, Hamed; Fossen, Haakon; Gawthorpe, Robert et al. (2017). Basement structure and its influence on the structural configuration of the northern North Sea rift. (external link)
- Deng, Chao; Fossen, Haakon (2017). The influence of the pre-existing structuring on the evolution and geometry of extensional fault systems in the northern North Sea rift system. (external link)
- Wiest, Johannes; Jacobs, Joachim; Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina et al. (2017). The tectonomagmatic evolution of the eastern Øygarden Complex, Bergen, SW Norway. (external link)
- Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Wemmer, Klaus; Rotevatn, Atle et al. (2016). Post-Caledonian fault activity in W-Norway: onshore and offshore don’t match – or do they?. (external link)
- Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Jacobs, Joachim; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2016). Uplift and faulting of the Utsira High basement: evidence from low-T thermochronology. (external link)
- Bauck, Marit S.; Faleide, Jan Inge; Fossen, Haakon (2016). Offshore basement morphology and structures in the Northern North Sea. (external link)
- Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Wemmer, Klaus; Jacobs, Joachim et al. (2016). Post-Caledonian brittle deformation in the Bergen area, West Norway: results from K–Ar illite fault gouge dating. (external link)
- Hamed, Fazlikhani; Back, Stephan; Kukla, Peter et al. (2016). Interaction between gravity-driven listric normal fault linkage and their hanging-wall rollover development: a case study from the western Niger Delta, Nigeria. (external link)
- Phillips, Thomas B.; Jackson, Christopher A.-L.; Bell, Rebecca E. et al. (2016). Reactivation of intrabasement structures during rifting: A case study from offshore southern Norway. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Rotevatn, Atle (2016). Fault linkage and relay structures in extensional settings-A review. (external link)
- Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Jacobs, Joachim; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2016). Comparing offshore and onshore thermal histories: low-T thermochronology of the Utsira High, western Norway. (external link)
- Phillips, Thomas; Jackson, Christopher Aiden Lee; Bell, Rebecca E. et al. (2016). The role of discrete intrabasement shear zones during multiphase continental rifting. (external link)
- Lenhart, Antje; Jackson, Christopher Aiden Lee; Bell, Rebecca E. et al. (2016). Integrating Reflection Seismic, Gravity and Magnetic Data to Reveal the Structure of Crystalline Basement: Implications for Understanding Rift Development. (external link)
- Zuluaga, Luisa Fernanda; Rotevatn, Atle; Keilegavlen, Eirik et al. (2016). The effect of deformation bands on simulated fluid flow within fault-propagation fold trap types: Lessons from the San Rafael monocline, Utah. (external link)
- Phillips, Thomas; Jackson, Christopher Aiden Lee; Bell, Rebecca E. et al. (2016). Reactivation of intrabasement structures during multiphase continental rifting – implications for the geometry and evolution of rift systems. (external link)
- Soliva, Roger; Ballas, Gregory; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2016). Tectonic regime controls clustering of deformation bands in porous sandstone. (external link)
- Gordon, Stacia M.; Whitney, Donna L.; Teyssier, Christian et al. (2016). Geochronology and geochemistry of zircon from the northern Western Gneiss Region: Insights into the Caledonian tectonic history of western Norway. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2016). From orogen to rift: The role of reactivation and reworking. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Khani, Hamed Fazli ; Faleide, Jan Inge et al. (2016). Post-Caledonian extension in the West Norway – northern North Sea region: Role of structural inheritance. (external link)
- Kaland, Thorbjørn Martin; Fossen, Haakon (2015). Fra Jøkul til skyvedekker. (external link)
- Torabi, Anita; Gabrielsen, Roy; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2015). Strain localization in sandstone and its implications for CO2 storage. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Zuluaga, Luisa Fernanda; Rotevatn, Atle (2015). Folding of highly porous sandstone: Strain, fold geometry, deformation bands and fluid flow. (external link)
- Deng, Chao; Fossen, Haakon; Gawthorpe, Robert et al. (2015). Normal fault growth and structural evolution during multiphase rifting: Oseberg fault block, northern North Sea. (external link)
- Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Wemmer, Klaus; Jacobs, Joachim et al. (2015). Dating fault activity in SW Norway: K/Ar analyses of illite from fault gouges. (external link)
- Hermansen, Camilla; Woznitza, Tobias; Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina et al. (2015). New apatite fission track and (U-Th)/He ages from the Rogaland area: Mesozoic reactivation of brittle structures. (external link)
- Renado, Roxanne N.; Nachlas, William O.; Whitney, Donna L. et al. (2015). Fabric development during exhumation from ultrahigh-pressure in an eclogite-bearing shear zone, Western Gneiss Region, Norway. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2015). Post-Caledonian extensional evolution of West Norway and its relationship to the formation and evolution of the northern North Sea. (external link)
- Polanco-Ferrer, Rosa; Fossen, Haakon; Odinsen, Tore et al. (2015). Interpretation of the Crustal Structure Around the Northern Viking Graben Based on Recent Seismic Data: Assessment of Previous Models. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2015). The role of pre-existing structures during crustal stretching. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2015). Comparing the cool Caledonian orogen with the hot Brazilian Ribeira-Aracuai belt. (external link)
- Khani, Hamed Fazli; Fossen, Haakon; Gawthorpe, Robert et al. (2015). What role does structural inheritance play in controlling the geometry of rifted basins during multiple phases of extension? A case study from the Northern North Sea. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2015). Rise and fall of the Scandinavian Caledonides. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Zuluaga, Luisa Fernanda; Ballas, Gregory et al. (2015). Contractional deformation of porous sandstone: insights from the Aztec Sandstone, SE Nevada, USA. (external link)
- Zuluaga, Luisa Fernanda; Fossen, Haakon (2015). Contractional deformation of porous sandstones. Laramide and Sevier deformation of the Navajo and Aztec sandstones in western USA. (external link)
- Gabrielsen, Roy; Fossen, Haakon; Faleide, Jan Inge et al. (2015). Mega-scale Moho relief and the structure of the lithosphere on the eastern flank of the Viking Graben, offshore southwestern Norway. (external link)
- Ballas, Gregory; Fossen, Haakon; Soliva, Roger (2015). Factors controlling permeability of cataclastic deformation bands and faults in porous sandstone reservoirs. (external link)
- Templeton, John; Anders, Mark; Fossen, Haakon (2014). Combined Detrital U/Pb Zircon and 40Ar/39Ar Mica Geoochronology to Test Structural Models for a Devonian Orogenic Collapse Basin in the Norwegian Caledonides. (external link)
- Rønnevik, Christian; Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2014). Thermochronology of the Uncompahgre Plateau and La Sal Mountains: new apatite fission track, (U-Th)/He and zircon U/Pb data. (external link)
- Zuluaga, Luisa Fernanda Valencia; Fossen, Haakon; Rotevatn, Atle (2014). Progressive evolution of deformation band populations during Laramide fault-propagation folding: Navajo Sandstone, San Rafael monocline, Utah, U.S.A. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Gabrielsen, Roy; Faleide, Jan Inge et al. (2014). Crustal stretching in the Scandinavian Caledonides as revealed by deep seismic data. (external link)
- Folkestad, Atle; Odinsen, Tore; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2014). Tectonic influence on the Jurassic sedimentary architecture in the northern North Sea with focus on the Brent Group. (external link)
- Skurtveit, Elin; Ballas, G.; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2014). Sand textural control on shear-enhanced compaction bands in poorly-lithified sandstone. (external link)
- Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Dunkl, István; Jacobs, Joachim et al. (2014). From orogen to passive margin: Constraints from fission track and (U-Th)/he analyses on mesozoic uplift and fault reactivation in SW Norway. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Cavalcante, Geane Carolina; Egydio-Silva, Marcos (2014). Oblique orogenic deformation: comparing the cool Caledonian orogen and the hot Araçuai-Ribeira belt. (external link)
- Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Kohlmann, Fabian; Jacobs, Joachim et al. (2013). The effect of North Sea and North Atlantic rifting on onshore SW Norway: evidence from low-temperature thermochronology. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Lidal, Endre Mølster (2013). The visual aspects of teaching geoscience. (external link)
- Susort, Eivind; Fossen, Haakon; Howell, John Anthony et al. (2013). Sedimentological and structural heterogeneity in eolian sandstone reservoirs. (external link)
- Rotevatn, Atle; Fossen, Haakon; Bastesen, Eivind (2013). How long is a fault? The implications of (not) understanding fault dimensions from seismic data in exploration and production. (external link)
- Tvedt, Anette Broch Mathisen; Rotevatn, Atle; Jackson, Christopher A.L. et al. (2013). Growth and linkage of a salt-influenced extensional fault array: Egersund Basin, Norwegian North Sea. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Dunlap, W. James et al. (2013). Insights into the post-Caledonian tectonic history of W Norway using geochronology and thermochronology – recent results. (external link)
- Templeton, John; Fossen, Haakon; Kohlmann, Fabian et al. (2013). From orogenic collapse to Cenozoic uplift: the history of the Hornelen basin. (external link)
- Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Jacobs, Joachim; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2013). The basement of the Utsira High: U/Pb, (U-Th)/He and fission track thermochronology. (external link)
- Berg, Mari Maria Schjeldsøe; Fossen, Haakon; Rotevatn, Atle (2013). Salt tectonics of the onion creek salt diapir, SE Utah. (external link)
- Mathiesen, Trygve; Rasmussen, Jon Bjarte; Bastesen, Eivind et al. (2013). Fracture analysis in the western Bergen region and consequences for geothermal exploitation and tunnel construction. (external link)
- Kohlmann, Fabian; Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2013). Exhumation history along the Hardangerfjord Shear Zone – new insights from combined (U-Th)/He and fission track analysis. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Teyssier, Christian; Whitney, Donna L. (2013). Transtensional folding. (external link)
- Schueller, Sylvie; Braathen, Alvar; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2013). Spatial distribution of deformation bands in damage zones of extensional faults in porous sandstone: statistical analysis of field data. (external link)
- Zuluaga, Luisa Fernanda Valencia; Fossen, Haakon; Ballas, Gregory et al. (2013). Microstructural and petrophysical effects of overthrusting on the Aztec Sandstone, Buffington Window, SE Nevada. (external link)
- Whitney, Donna L.; Gordon, Stacia M.; Desormeau, Joel W. et al. (2013). Gneissification of eclogite by partial melting and deformation during decompression. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Faleide, Jan Inge; Bell, Rebecca (2013). The role of preexisting structures during extension of Caledonian crust and formation of the northern North Sea Rift. (external link)
- Schultz, Richard A.; Klimczak, Christian; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2013). Statistical tests of scaling relationships for geologic structures. (external link)
- Ballas, Gregory; Soliva, Roger; Sizun, Jean-Pierre et al. (2013). Shear-enhanced compaction bands formed at shallow burial conditions; implications for fluid flow (Provence,France). (external link)
- Rotevatn, Atle; Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Sømme, Tor Oftedal et al. (2013). Timing of brittle deformation associated with the Nordfjord-Sogn Detachment Zone: preliminary results from K/Ar illite dating. (external link)
- NRK, Vestlandsrevyen; Fossen, Haakon (2013). Vestlandsrevyen 24.4 2013. (external link)
- Rotevatn, Atle; Sandve, Tor Harald; Keilegavlen, Eirik et al. (2013). Deformation bands and their impact on fluid flow in sandstone reservoirs: the role of natural thickness variations. (external link)
- Allken, Vaneeda; Huismans, Ritske; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2013). 3D numerical modelling of graben interaction and linkage: a case study of the Canyonlands grabens, Utah. (external link)
- Gordon, Stacia M.; Whitney, Donna L.; Teyssier, Christian et al. (2013). U-Pb dates and trace-element geochemistry of zircon from migmatite hosting eclogite inclusions, Western Gneiss Region, Norway: significance for history of partial melting in continental subduction. (external link)
- Schultz, Richard A.; Soliva, Roger; Fossen, Haakon (2013). Influence of Stress State, Stress Orientation, and Rock Properties on the Development of Deformation-Band “Ladder” Arrays in Porous Sandstone. (external link)
- Gordon, Stacia M.; Whitney, Donna L.; Teyssier, Christian et al. (2013). Unraveling the Switch from Subduction to Exhumation within a Collisional Orogen: Split-stream U-Pb and Trace-element Results from the Western Gneiss Region, Norway. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2013). Kaledonidene: den moderne fjellkjedens dype røtter. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2013). TV2 Nyhetsmorgen, intervjuet om meteorittnedslaget i Tsjeljabinsk, Russland. (external link)
- Tvedt, Anette Broch Mathisen; Rotevatn, Atle; Jackson, Christopher A.-L. et al. (2013). Growth of normal faults in multilayer sequences: A 3D seismic case study from the Egersund Basin, Norwegian North Sea. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2013). Professor: – Tunnelar under sjøen er risikosport. (external link)
- Torabi, Anita; Fossen, Haakon; Braathen, Alvar (2013). Insight into petrophysical properties of deformed sandstone reservoirs. (external link)
- Rotevatn, Atle; Bastesen, Eivind; Fossen, Haakon (2012). Damage zone evolution and permeability structure of segmented normal faults. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Rotevatn, Atle (2012). Characterization of deformation bands associated with normal and reverse stress states in the Navajo Sandstone, Utah: Discussion. (external link)
- Vetti, Vegard Vilken; Fossen, Haakon (2012). Origin of contrasting Devonian supradetachment basin types in the Scandinavian Caledonides. (external link)
- Rotevatn, Atle; Fossen, Haakon (2012). Soft faults with hard tips: magnitude-order displacement gradient variations controlled by strain softening versus hardening; implications for fault scaling. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2012). The importance of field geology in teaching, learning and research, as examplified through brittle deformation of sedimentary rocks. (external link)
- Kohlmann, Fabian; Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Jacobs, Joachim et al. (2012). Constraining the exhumation history of the Norwegian North Sea rift margin through low-temperature thermochronological data from the Hardangerfjord area, SW-Norway. (external link)
- Zuluaga, Luisa Fernanda Valencia; Fossen, Haakon; Rotevatn, Atle (2012). Structural Reservoir Heterogeneity Induced by Forced Folding in Sandstone Reservoirs. (external link)
- Kohlmann, Fabian; Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Jacobs, Joachim et al. (2012). Exhumation history of the Norwegian margin in the Hardangerfjord Area, SW Norway. (external link)
- Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Kohlmann, Fabian; Dunkl, Istvan et al. (2012). Post-Caledonian orogenic collapse and continental rifting in south-western Norway: constraints from low-temperature thermochronology. (external link)
- Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Kohlmann, Fabian; Dunkl, Istvan et al. (2012). Late Caledonian orogenic collapse and Permian-Mesozoic rifting: dating onshore faults in SW Norway with low-temperature thermochronological methods. (external link)
- Kohlmann, Fabian; Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Jacobs, Joachim et al. (2012). Constraining the exhumation history of the Norwegian North Sea rift margin through low-temperature thermochronological data from the Hardnagerfjord area, SW Norway. (external link)
- Tvedt, Anette Broch Mathisen; Rotevatn, Atle; Jackson, Christopher A.L. et al. (2012). Industry applications of quantitative fault analysis illuminated by a case study from the Egersund Basin, offshore southern Norway. (external link)
- Tvedt, Anette Broch Mathisen; Rotevatn, Atle; Jackson, Christopher A.L. et al. (2012). The growth and linkage of salt-influenced extensional faults: Egersund Basin, Norwegian North Sea. (external link)
- Zuluaga, Luisa Fernanda; Fossen, Haakon; Rotevatn, Atle (2012). Structural Reservoir Heterogeneity Induced by Forced Folding in Sandstone Reservoirs: the San Rafael Reef Monocline, Utah, USA. (external link)
- Rotevatn, Atle; Fossen, Haakon (2011). Positive effects of structural heterogeneity in sandstone reservoirs. (external link)
- Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Dunkl, István; Wemmer, Klaus et al. (2011). The age of post-Caledonian faulting and its effect on the distribution of apatite fission track and (U-Th)/He ages in the Bergen area (SW Norway). (external link)
- Kohlmann, Fabian; Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Jacobs, Joachim et al. (2011). Mesozoic uplift history and fault reactivation in the Hardangerfjord area, SW Norway. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2011). Bartlettforkastningen – et skoleeksempel. (external link)
- Kohlmann, Fabian; Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Jacobs, Joachim et al. (2011). Constraining the exhumation of the Norwegian passive margin through low-temperature thermochronological data from the Sognefjord-Hardangerfjord regions, SW-Norway. (external link)
- Kohlmann, Fabian; Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Jacobs, Joachim et al. (2011). Low-Temperature Thermochronology of the Mesozoic Uplift History in the Hardangerfjord Area, SW Norway. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Schultz, Richard A.; Torabi, Anita (2011). Conditions and implications for compaction band formation in the Navajo Sandstone, Utah. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2011). Fagspråk, lærebøker og fagformidling sett fra en geologs ståsted. (external link)
- Rotevatn, Atle; Fossen, Haakon (2011). Simulating the effect of subseismic fault tails and process zones in a siliciclastic reservoir analogue: Implications for aquifer support and trap definition. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2010). Extensional tectonics in the North Atlantic Caledonides: a regional view. (external link)
- Schultz, Richard; Okubo, Chris H.; Fossen, Haakon (2010). Porosity and grain size controls on compaction band formation in Jurassic Navajo Sandstone. (external link)
- Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Dunkl, István; Wemmer, Klaus et al. (2010). Post-Caledonian fault activity in the Bergen area (south- western Norway): New insights from low-temperature thermochronology. (external link)
- Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Tørresen, Siri; Johansen, Line et al. (2010). Post-Caledonian fault activity in the Bergen area (southwestern Norway): New insights from low-temperature thermochronology. (external link)
- Folkestad, Atle; Odinsen, Tore; Areklett, Edel et al. (2010). Syn‐Sedimentary Tectonics of the Jurassic Sedimentary Sequence in the Northern Viking Rift Graben (North Sea), Producing Asymmetrical Stratal Packages. (external link)
- Bøe, R.; Fossen, Haakon; Smelror, Morten (2010). Mesozoic sediments and structures onshore Norway and in the coastal zone. (external link)
- Rotevatn, Atle; Tveranger, Jan; Howell, John Anthony et al. (2010). Dynamic investigation of the effect of a relay ramp on simulated fluid flow: geocellular modelling of the Delicate Arch Ramp, Utah. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2010). Structural geology. (external link)
- Aarseth, Inge ; Fossen, Haakon; Haflidason, Haflidi (2010). Hvordan ble fjordene våre til?. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Schultz, Richard A.; Rundhovde, Egil et al. (2010). Fault linkage and graben stepovers in the Canyonlands (Utah) and the North Sea Viking Graben, with implications for hydrocarbon migration and accumulation. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2010). Deformation bands formed during soft-sediment deformation: Observations from SE Utah. (external link)
- Kolyukhin, Dmitriy; Schueller, Sylvie; Espedal, Magne et al. (2010). Deformation band populations in fault damage zone - impact on fluid flow. (external link)
- Bøe, Reidulv; Fossen, Haakon; Smelror, Morten (2010). Mesozoic sediments and structures onshore Norway and in the coastal zone. (external link)
- Gabrielsen, Roy Helge; Fossen, Haakon; Faleide, Jan Inge et al. (2009). Structural implications of a top lower-crust detachment along the coast of southwestern Norway. (external link)
- Torabi, Anita; Fossen, Haakon (2009). Variation of microstructure and petrophysical properties along deformation bands. (external link)
- Braathen, Alvar; Tveranger, Jan; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2009). Fault facies and its application to sandstone reservoirs. (external link)
- Torabi, Anita; Fossen, Haakon (2009). Spatial variation of microstructure and petrophysical properties along deformation bands in reservoir sandstones. (external link)
- Rotevatn, Atle; Buckley, Simon John; Howell, John Anthony et al. (2009). Overlapping faults and their effect on fluid flow in different reservoir types: A LIDAR-based outcrop modeling and flow simulation study. (external link)
- Rotevatn, Atle; Tveranger, Jan; Howell, John Anthony et al. (2009). Dynamic investigation of the effect of a relay ramp on simulated fluid flow: geocellular modelling of the Delicate Arch Ramp, Utah. (external link)
- Torabi, Anita; Fossen, Haakon (2009). Spatial variation of microstructure and petrophysical properties along deformation bands in reservoir sandstones. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2009). Fossen, H. & Roberts, D. 2009: Berggrunnskart Snåsavatnet 1723 II, M 1:50 000, revidert foreløpig utgave, Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Schultz, Richard; Torabi, Anita et al. (2009). Petrophysically selective compaction bands in Navajo Sandstone. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2009). Formidling av geologi på forskjellige nivåer – noen erfaringer. (external link)
- Gabrielsen, Roy H.; Fossen, Haakon; Faleide, Jan Inge et al. (2009). Structural implications of a top lower-crust detachment along the coast of southwestern Norway. (external link)
- Folkestad, Atle; Odinsen, Tore; Areklett, Edel et al. (2009). The development of asymmetric Jurassic sequences in the Northern North Sea from synsedimentary tectonics. (external link)
- Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Johansen, Line; Jacobs, Joachim et al. (2009). New apatite fission-track data from the Bergen area (southwestern Norway): Indication for a fault-dissected basin margin?. (external link)
- Torabi, Anita; Fossen, Haakon (2009). Anisotropy in the petrophysical properties of deformation bands. (external link)
- Schultz, Richard; Soliva, Roger; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2008). Dependence of displacement-length scaling relations for fractures and deformation bands on the volumetric changes across them. (external link)
- Rotevatn, Atle; Torabi, Anita; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2008). Slipped deformation bands: A new type of cataclastic deformation bands in Western Sinai, Suez rift, Egypt. (external link)
- Bale, Arthur; Fossen, Haakon (2008). Comprehensive Mini-Frac Testing in the Gullfaks Field as a Tool for Characterization of Reservoir Structure and Rock Mechanics. (external link)
- Rotevatn, Atle; Fossen, Haakon; Howell, John Anthony (2008). Faulting and fault interaction in porous siliciclastic reservoirs: insights from outcrop modeling of analogous reservoir rocks in Sinai (Egypt) and Utah (USA). (external link)
- Ksienzyk, Anna Katharina; Johansen, Line; Jacobs, Joachim et al. (2008). Detailed apatite fission-track studies in the Bergen area (southwestern Norway): Indication for a fault-dissected basin margin?. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2008). Påfunnet frister til gjentakelse. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Ragnhildstveit, Jomar (2008). Berggrunnskart Bergen, 1115 I, M 1:50 000, Norges geologiske undersøkelse. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2008). Raset i Ålesund 26.03.2008. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2008). Geologisk kunnskap til fotturister - "Geologer på topp". (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2008). Sveitt fjelltur på gammal gneis. (external link)
- Schueller, Sylvie; Braathen, Alvar; Fossen, Haakon (2008). Characterization of fault damage zone and deformation band populations based on outcrop data. (external link)
- Braathen, Alvar; Tveranger, Jan; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2008). Fault Facies methodology for systematizing analogue outcrop data for 3D fault grids in reservoir models. (external link)
- Torabi, Anita; Fossen, Haakon (2008). Variation of petrophysical properties along deformation bands and its implication in petroleum reservoirs. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2008). Fløyen er ikke et fjell. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2008). Rasulykke i Ålesund. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2008). Lær geologi på Ulrikens topp. (external link)
- Schultz, Richard; Fossen, Haakon (2008). Terminology for structural discontinuities. (external link)
- Johansen, Tord Erlend Skeie; Fossen, Haakon (2008). Internal geometry of fault damage zones in interbedded siliciclastic sediments. (external link)
- Torabi, Anita; Fossen, Haakon; Alaei, Behzad (2008). Application of spatial correlation functions in permeability estimation of deformation bands in porous rocks. (external link)
- Gee, David G.; Fossen, Haakon; Henriksen, Niels et al. (2008). From the early Paleozoic platforms of Baltica and Laurentia to the Caledonide orogen of Scandinavia and Greenland. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2008). Geologi. Stein, mineraler, fossiler og olje. (external link)
- Johansen, Tord Erlend Skeie; Fossen, Haakon (2008). Internal defor-mation of fault damage zones in interbedded siliciclastic rocks. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Pedersen, Rolf-Birger; Bergh, Steffen et al. (2008). Creation of a mountain chain. The building up of the Caledonides; about 500-405 Ma. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Dallman, Winfried; Andersen, Torgeir B. (2008). The mountain chain rebounds and founders. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Pedersen, Rolf-Birger; Bergh, Steffen et al. (2008). Creation of a mountain chain. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2008). The bedrock of the Bergen-Geiranger area. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2008). Geologi. Stein, mineraler, fossiler og olje. (external link)
- Rotevatn, Atle; Fossen, Haakon; Hesthammer, Jonny et al. (2007). Are relay ramps conduits for fluid flow? Structural analysis ramp in Arches National Park, Utah. (external link)
- Torabi, Anita; Braathen, Alvar; Cuisiat, Fabrice et al. (2007). Shear zones in porous sand: Insights from ring-shear experiments and naturally deformed sandstones. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Schultz, Richard; Shipton, Zoe K. et al. (2007). Deformation bands in sandstone: a review. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Bale, Arthur (2007). Deformation bands and their influence on fluid flow. (external link)
- Schueller, Sylvie; Braathen, Alvar; Fossen, Haakon (2007). Geometrical characterization of normal fault damage zones in siliciclastic reservoirs. (external link)
- Braathen, Alvar; Tveranger, Jan; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2007). Extensional faults in sandstone - analogue input data to volumetric fault reservoir grids. (external link)
- Braathen, Alvar; Tveranger, Jan; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2007). Fault Facies in reservoirs – “old” concepts into new technology. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Bale, A.; Johansen, Tord Erlend Skeie (2007). Deformation in hydrocarbon reservoirs: do they really matter ?. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2007). Geologi - mer enn gråstein. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2007). Rocks, minerals, fossils and oil. An introduction to geology. (external link)
- Torabi, Anita; Fossen, Haakon; Alaei, Behzad (2007). Permeability estimation of deformed sandstone using image processing. (external link)
- Schultz, Richard; Soliva, Roger; Fossen, Haakon et al. (2007). Displacement-Length Scaling Relations for Geologic Structural Discontinuities and Implications for Near-Tip Processes. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Schultz, Richard; Shipton, Zoe K. et al. (2007). Deformation Bands: Strain Localization Structures in Highly Porous Sandstone. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2007). Geologi – introduksjon. (external link)
- Mangerud, Jan; Fossen, Haakon (2007). Den indre farleia – en sjelden naturgave til folket i Hordaland. (external link)
- Tveranger, Jan; Braathen, Alvar; Cardozo, Nestor et al. (2007). Fault Facies Modelling - a practical approach to incorporating 3D fault architecture in standard reservoir models. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Dunlap, W. James (2006). Age constraints on the late Caledonian (Scandian) deformation in the major Bergen Arc, SW Norway. (external link)
- Andersen, Trond; Fossen, Haakon; Rio, Knut et al. (2006). Publikasjonar Bergen Museum 2005. Vitenskaplege og populærvitskaplege artikklar. (external link)
- Torabi, Anita; Braathen, Alvar; Cuisiat, Fabrice et al. (2006). Shear zones in porous sand from high stress ring-shear experiments. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Helge, Søfteland (2006). Ut i naturen. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Pedersen, Rolf-Birger; Bergh, Steffen et al. (2006). En fjellkjede blir til. Oppbygning av kaledonidene:Ca.500-405 Millioner år. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Pedersen, Rolf Birger; Bergh, Steffen et al. (2006). En Fjellkjede blir til. Oppbyggingen av kaledonidene; ca. 500-405 millioner år. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Dallman, Winfried; Andersen, Torgeir B. (2006). Fjellkjeden går til grunne. Kaledonidene brytes ned; 405-359 millioner år. (external link)
- Tveranger, Jan; Braathen, Alvar; Espedal, Magne et al. (2006). The Fault Facies Project. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Johansen, Tord Erlend Skeie; Hesthammer, Jonny et al. (2005). Fault interaction in porous sandstone and implications or reservoir management; examples from southern Utah. (external link)
- Johansen, Tord Erlend Skeie; Fossen, Haakon; Kluge, Richard (2005). The impact of syn-kinematic porosity reduction on damage zone architecture in porous sandstone; an outcrop example from the Moab Fault, Utah. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2005). Mineralgjenlkenning. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2005). Geology – an introduction. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2005). Geologi – en introduksjon. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2005). Rock mechanics and rheology. A complementary resource to Chapter 5 of the textbook “Strukturgeologi” by Fossen & Gabrielsen. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2005). Deformation. A complementary resource to Chapter 3 of the textbook “Strukturgeologi” by Fossen & Gabrielsen. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2005). Stress. A complementary resource to Chapter 2 of the textbook “Strukturgeologi” by Fossen & Gabrielsen. (external link)
- Raunholm, Ståle; Fossen, Haakon (2005). Geologisk utvikling i Norge. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2005). Våre vanligste bergarter. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2005). Contraction. A complementary resource to Chapter 16 of the textbook “Strukturgeologi” by Fossen & Gabrielsen. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2005). Mineraler. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2005). Extension. A complementary resource to Chapter 17 of the textbook “Strukturgeologi” by Fossen & Gabrielsen. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2005). Faults. A complementary resource to Chapter 8 of the textbook “Strukturgeologi” by Fossen & Gabrielsen. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2005). Plastic deformation. A complementary resource to Chapter 10 of the textbook “Strukturgeologi” by Fossen & Gabrielsen. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2005). Brittle deformation. A complementary resource to Chapter 7 of the textbook “Strukturgeologi” by Fossen & Gabrielsen. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Howell, John Anthony (2005). Deposition and deformation of clastic sediments on the Colorado Plateau: a field guide. (external link)
- Rotevatn, Atle; Hesthammer, Jonny; Fossen, Haakon (2005). Strain Distribution and Consequences for Relay Ramp Flow Properties: Structural Analysis and Flow Simulation. (external link)
- Rotevatn, Atle; Hesthammer, Jonny; Fossen, Haakon (2005). Relay ramps: pathway for fluid flow? Structural analysis of a relay ramp in Arches National Park. Utah. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Hesthammer, Jonny; Johansen, Tord Erlend Skeie et al. (2005). Faults and their impact on reservoir communication: lessons from Utah and implications for North Sea-type sandstone reservoirs. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Gabrielsen, Roy Helge (2005). Strukturgeologi. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Hurich, CA (2005). The Hardangerflord Shear Zone in SW Norway and the North Sea: a large-scale low-angle Shear Zone in the Caledonian crust. (external link)
- Tveranger, Jan; Aanonsen, Sigurd; Braathen, Alvar et al. (2005). The Fault Facies Project -3D modelling of faults and tectonic impact in petroleum reservoirs. (external link)
- Aarseth, Inge; Fossen, Haakon (2004). Late Quaternary cryoplanation of rock surfaces in lacustrine environments in the Bergen area, Norway. (external link)
- Hesthammer, Jonny; Fossen, Haakon (2004). Modern field courses and problem-based learning; a comparison between industry and academia. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Hesthammer, Jonny; Johansen, Tord Erlend Skeie et al. (2004). Structural geology of the Huldra Field, northern North Sea - a major tilted fault block at the eastern edge of the Horda Platform. (external link)
- Aarseth, Inge; Fossen, Haakon (2004). A holocene lacustrine rock platform around Storavatnet, Osterøy, western Norway. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Field excursion, Colorado Plateau, Utah/Colorado, May 2004, Structural geology. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Structural geology field course, Colorado Plateau, September 2004. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Introduction to deformation in porous sandstones. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Eversley, Warren (2004). The collection, interpretation and presentation of structural data. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Shear zones. (external link)
- Hesthammer, Jonny; Fossen, Haakon (2004). Structural core analysis from the Gullfaks area, northern North Sea. (external link)
- Aarseth, Inge; Fossen, Haakon (2004). Strandlinjen på Osterøy og bergflatene i Åsane - et geologisk "nyskjerrighetsprosjekt". (external link)
- Berg, Silje Støren; Braathen, Alvar; Fossen, Haakon (2004). The architecture of normal fault zones in sedimentary rocks: Analysis of fault core composition, damage zone asymmetry, and multi-phase properties. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Gullfaks field course, Colorado Plateau. Structural Geology. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Skykkjedalen. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Kvarts og anatas. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Fjording på viddetur. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Hardangerskifer. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Moe, Bjørn (2004). Hereiane. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Helland-Hansen, William (2004). Takskifer til fjells. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Aarseth, Inge (2004). Geologien langs Rallarvegen. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Vossaskifer. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Skattar i berget. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Aarseth, Inge (2004). Sagtenner og fjellklatring. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Fjell frå dinosaurtida. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). I kontakt med mantelen. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Aarseth, Inge (2004). Askebær. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Den livgivande berggrunnen. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Falda fjell. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Koronitt, anortositt og anortosittgabbro. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Ulvensynklinalen. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Aarseth, Inge (2004). Kjempekløfta. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Gjest frå det indre av jorda. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Gabbro og granitt. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Reinvaska geologi. (external link)
- Jansen, Øystein James; Fossen, Haakon (2004). Reksterengranitt. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Oldtidsrøysa. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Rosa turmalin. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Marmorøyen. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Kvartsitt og kvarts. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Fjell snudd på hovudet. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Kjempefalden. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Eit geologisk trappetrinn. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Råstoff for musikk - og mot moskito. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Frå havsens botn til Noregs tak. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Skyvedekke. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Hosanger nikkelgruve. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Då Bergensbogane seig ned. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Fjellvidde på vulkansk grunn. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Jansen, Øystein James (2004). Bergen bygd med bømlogranitt. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Pahoehoe-lava og jaspis. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Gabbrobeltet i Kvinnherad. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Eit særege fjell. (external link)
- Robins, Brian; Fossen, Haakon (2004). Korleis vart gullet til?. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Ølve: Gruvedrift og geologi. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Planta gull ved Ølve Gullverk?. (external link)
- Moe, Bjørn; Fossen, Haakon (2004). Den grøderike kalken. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). "Lindåstrauet". (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Granatar. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Mangeritt. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Fargerike Holmengrå. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Austrheim, Håkon (2004). Hordalands tyngste stein. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Faldingar: naturens krusedullar. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Jordskjelv frå devontida. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Granittgneis frå Hanøy. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Aarseth, Inge (2004). Golta: Eit hav av gneis. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Bergensbuene. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Aarseth, Inge (2004). Visittkort frå fjerne fjell. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Radon og granittgneis. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Overkjørt konglomerat. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Serpentinitt og kleberstein. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Moe, Bjørn (2004). Gullbotnen: Kontrastfjellet. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Besøk fra underverda. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Frå kalkbrot til amfiteater. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Valenforkastninga. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Robins, Brian (2004). Gullet på Lykling. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Jansen, Øystein James (2004). Ingahogg: Klebersteinsbrot i 1000 meters høgd. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Baksteheller av kleberstein. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Valaheia gruver. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). 450 millionar år gamle vestlendingar. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Utvalsa grunnfjell. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Jordskjelv. (external link)
- Aarseth, Inge; Fossen, Haakon (2004). Huglo: Fruktbar og skrinn. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Aarseth, Inge (2004). Geologisk ordliste. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Hordaland på høyde med Himalaya - den kaledonske fjellkjeden. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Fjellkjeden forsvinner - dinosaurene kommer. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Urtiden og grunnfjellet. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2004). Fast fjell. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2003). Shear bands and microfaults in clastic sedimentary rocks. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Hesthammer, Jonny (2003). Structural Geology of the Gullfaks Field. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2003). Fault linkage in the vertical direction. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2003). Damage zones. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2003). Brittle failure of rocks. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2003). Folding processes I. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2003). Fault formation in porous sandstones. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2003). The basic concepts of rock deformation. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2003). Fault linkage in the horizontal direction. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2003). Folding processes II. (external link)
- Hesthammer, Jonny; Fossen, Haakon (2003). From seismic data to core data: an integrated approach to enhance reservoir characterization. In: Ameen, M.S. (ed.), Fracture and in situ stress characterization of hydrocarbon reservoirs. ISBN: 1-86239-130-0. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Hesthammer, Jonny; Skeie Johansen, Tord Erlend et al. (2003). Structural geology of the Huldra Field, northern North Seaa major tilted fault block at the eastern edge of the Horda Platform. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2000). Extensional tectonics in the Caledonides: synorogenic or postorogenic?. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Odinsen, Tore; Gabrielsen, Roy Helge et al. (2000). Detachments and low angle faults in the northern North Sea rift system. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (2000). Furer i landskapet: Jordoverflatens egne rynker. (external link)
- Schultz, Richard; Fossen, Haakon (2000). Displacement-length scaling in 3D: the importance of aspect ratio and application to deformation bands. (external link)
- Gabrielsen, Roy Helge; Fossen, Haakon (2000). Bjorøytunnelen. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Hesthammer, Jonny (2000). Possible absence of small faults in the Gullfaks field, northern North Sea: implications for downscaling of faults in some porous sandstones. (external link)
- Hesthammer, Jonny; Fossen, Haakon (2000). Uncertainties associated with fault sealing analysis. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (1999). Dykk etter diamanter for vel 400 millioner år siden. (external link)
- Martins, VB; Gabrielsen, Roy Helge; Fossen, Haakon et al. (1999). Post-Caledonian fractures in the Bergen Arcs. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Dunlap, William James (1999). On the age and tectonic significance of Permo-Triassic dikes in the Bergen-Sunnhordland region, southwestern Norway. (external link)
- Tikoff, Basil; Fossen, Haakon (1999). Three-dimensional reference deformations and strain facies. (external link)
- Hesthammer, Jonny; Fossen, Haakon (1999). Gravity collapse structures in rift settings with emphasis on the Statfjord Field, North Sea. (external link)
- Dunlap, W. James; Fossen, Haakon (1998). Early Paleozoic orogenic collapse, tectonic stability, and late Paleozoic continental rifting revealed through thermochronology of K-feldspars, southern Norway. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Dallmeyer, R. D. (1998). 40Ar/39Ar muscovite dates from the nappe region of southwestern Norway: dating extensional deformation in the Scandinavian Caledonides. (external link)
- Hesthammer, Jonny; Fossen, Haakon (1998). The use of dipmeter data to constrain the structural geology of the Gullfaks Field, northern North Sea. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (1998). Advances in understanding the post-Caledonian structural evolution of the Bergen area, West Norway. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Tikoff, Basil (1998). Forward modeling of non steady-state deformations and the «minimum strain path»: Reply. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Dunlap, W. James (1998). 40Ar/39Ar dates and implications for the structural development of southern Norway. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Hesthammer, Jonny (1998). Deformation bands and their significance in porous sandstone reservoirs. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Tikoff, Basil (1998). Extended models of transpression and transtension, and application to tectonic settings. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Hesthammer, Jonny (1998). Structural geology of the Gullfaks Field. (external link)
- Andersen, Torgeir Bjørge; Fossen, Haakon (1998). Mechanisms and rates of extensional exhumation in the Norwegian Caledonides. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Tikoff, B. (1997). Forward modeling of non-steady-state deformations and the "minimum strain path". (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Hesthammer, Jonny (1997). Geometric analysis and scaling relations of deformation bands in porous sandstone. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Mangerud, G.; Hesthammer, Jonny et al. (1997). The Bjorøy Formation: a newly discovered occurrence of Jurassic sediments in the Bergen Arc System. (external link)
- Hesthammer, Johnny; Fossen, Haakon (1997). Seismic attribute mapping for structural interpretation of the Gullfaks Field, northern North Sea. (external link)
- Hesthammer, Johnny; Fossen, Haakon (1997). The influence of seismic noise in structural interpretation of seismic attribute maps. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Gabrielsen, Roy Helge (1997). Dinosaurer, kullforekomster og jordskjelv i Bergensområdet. (external link)
- Gabrielsen, Roy Helge; Odinsen, H.; Fossen, Haakon (1997). Hva kan bruk av analoge gipsmodeller lære oss om naturlige geologiske strukturer?. (external link)
- Gabrielsen, Roy Helge; Odinsen, T.; Fossen, Haakon (1997). Multiple extensional detachments: Results from analogue plaster models. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Gabrielsen, Roy Helge; Reemst, P. (1997). Assessment of the post-Caledonian history of SW Norway through integrated studies. (external link)
- Gabrielsen, Roy Helge; Reemst, P.; Fossen, Haakon (1997). Microstructures of fault rocks in strain analysis. Examples from the Bergen area. (external link)
- Reemst, P.; Fossen, Haakon; Gabrielsen, Roy Helge et al. (1997). Stress history of the Bergen Area from lineament and fault analysis: An analogue of Northern North Sea rift evolution?. (external link)
- Reemst, P.H.M.; Fossen, Haakon; Gabrielsen, Roy Helge (1997). Paleo-stress history of the northern North Sea and adjacent areas. (external link)
- Reemst, P.; Fossen, Haakon; Gabrielsen, Roy Helge (1997). Post-Caledonian palaeo-stress history of the northern North Sea and adjacent areas: preliminary results. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Hesthammer, Jonny (1997). Structural geology of the Gullfaks Field, northern North Sea. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Rørnes, A (1996). Properties of fault populations in the Gullfaks field, northern North Sea. (external link)
- Rouby, D; Fossen, Haakon; Cobbold, PR (1996). Extension, displacement, and block rotation in the larger Gullfaks area, northern north sea: Determined from map view restoration. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Gabrielsen, Roy H. (1996). Experimental modeling of extensional fault systems by use of plaster. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (1996). Understanding the post.Caledonian structural evolution of West Norway. (external link)
- Tikoff, B.; Fossen, Haakon (1996). Three-dimensional deformation and strain facies. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (1996). Structural geology of the Gullfaks area, northern North Sea. (external link)
- Tikoff, Basil; Fossen, Haakon (1996). Visualization of deformation: Computer applications for teaching. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Holst, T.B. (1995). Northwest-verging folds and the northwestward movement of the Caledonian Jotun Nappe, Norway. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Holter, K.G.; Blindheim, O.T. et al. (1995). Jurassic Park - nærmere enn du tror. Problemer i Bjorøytunnelen. (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon (1995). Askøy og Herdlas berggrunn - bare gråstein alt sammen? AV-magasinet (Askyværingen). (external link)
- Fossen, Haakon; Holter, K. G.; Hesthammer, Jonny et al. (1995). Problemer i Bjorøytunnelen. (external link)