Hedda Susanne Molland
PhD Candidate
My PhD project is a cultural and historical discourse analysis of policy documents concerning the Solberg government's main climate change mitigating measures. My PhD project asks how notions of the future, time and action have shaped Norwegian climate policy.
Currently I focus on how the climate measure carbon capture and storage, usually referred to as "CO2 handling" in parliamentary proceedings, is legitimized.
Academic lecture
- Molland, Hedda Susanne (2024). Utsettelsens tid: Innovasjon og politisk handlekraft i møte med klimaendringene. (external link)
- Molland, Hedda Susanne (2023). Presentist imaginaries for a low emission society: The case of CCS governance in Norway. (external link)
- Molland, Hedda Susanne (2023). Temporal friction in climate politics: The case of carbon capture and storage in Norway. (external link)
- Molland, Hedda Susanne (2022). “Temporal alignment in carbon capture and storage: What is permanent?”. (external link)
- Molland, Hedda Susanne (2022). “Catching the future: How imagination shapes policies on climate action” . (external link)
- Molland, Hedda Susanne (2022). “Catching the future: How imagination shapes policies on climate action”. (external link)
- Molland, Hedda Susanne (2022). Reflections on imagination and social order. (external link)
- Molland, Hedda Susanne (2022). Temporal alignment in carbon capture and storage: What is permanent?. (external link)
- Molland, Hedda Susanne (2021). Time to act: The temporality of innovation in Norwegian carbon capture and storage policy. (external link)
- Molland, Hedda Susanne (2021). Reinventing carbon capture and storage: Political justifications for a new Norwegian strategy in 2014. (external link)
- Molland, Hedda Susanne (2018). Navigating negotiations: An analysis of CICERO’s commentary on COP 15 and COP 21. (external link)
- Molland, Hedda Susanne (2017). Nonsynchronicity in climate change communication. (external link)
Feature article
Popular scientific lecture
Interview Journal
Book review
- Molland, Hedda Susanne (2018). En norsk dannelseshistorie sett fra fjellene. (external link)
- Molland, Hedda Susanne (2018). Kaleidoskopisk sammenbrudd. (external link)
- Molland, Hedda Susanne (2017). Furu, ikke folk. Ubefolket norsk klimahistorie. (external link)
- Molland, Hedda Susanne (2016). Mening i det meningsløse. (external link)
- Molland, Hedda Susanne (2015). Slagsmål i rekkene eller fredelig protest – hva har sosiale bevegelser egentlig å si for idéhistorien?. (external link)
- Molland, Hedda Susanne (2014). Historien om likestillingslandet Norge. (external link)
Popular scientific article
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
Molland, Hedda Susanne (2018). «Kaleidoskopisk sammenbrudd» [Book review]. Salongen – nettidsskrift for filosofi og idéhistorie. http://www.salongen.no/kaleidoskopisk-sammenbrudd/
Molland, Hedda Susanne (2018). «En norsk dannelseshistorie sett fra fjellene» [Book review]. Salongen – nettidsskrift for filosofi og idéhistorie. http://www.salongen.no/?p=14755
Molland, Hedda Susanne (2017). «Furu, ikke folk. En ubefolket norsk klimahistorie.» [Essay] ARR: Idéhistorisk tidsskrift 2. http://www.arrvev.no/bok/furu-ikke-folk-ubefolket-norsk-klimahistorie
Molland, Hedda Susanne (2016). «Mening i det meningsløse.» [Book review]. ARR: Idéhistorisk tidsskrift 2. http://www.arrvev.no/bok/mening-i-det-meningslse
Molland, Hedda Susanne (2015). «Anmeldelse: Slagsmål i rekkene eller fredelig protest – hva har sosiale bevegelser egentlig å si for idéhistorien?» [Book review]. Molo: Idéhistorisk studenttidsskrift 2.
Molland, Hedda Susanne (2015). «Alt annet enn idéhistorie. Om Arthur Lovejoy og røttene til disiplinen ‘History of ideas’.» [Article]. Molo: Idéhistorisk studenttidsskrift 1.
Molland, Hedda Susanne (2014). «Historien om likestillingslandet Norge». [Book review]. Arr: Idéhistorisk tidsskrift 1. http://www.arrvev.no/bok/historien-om-likestillingslandet-norge
Master thesis:
Molland, Hedda Susanne (2017). Climate Change at the Center. The Public Communication of CICERO Center for International Climate Research. [Master thesis]. Center for Development and the Environment, the University of Oslo. http://bit.ly/ciceromaster