Henriette Hanky
PhD candidate, Study of Religions
Henriette Hanky is a PhD candidate in the Study of Religions. Her dissertation project examines continuities and transformations of the sannyas movement (also known as Rajneesh or Osho movement) by investigating contemporary meditation retreats affiliated with Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh/Osho (1931–1990). Using a qualitative empirical research-design, Henriette conducts fieldwork with participant observation and interviews at retreat centres in Scandinavia, Germany, and India. She is interested in how actors in the field (re-)frame their relation to Osho 30 years after the guru’s death, and how Osho-related teachings, meditation techniques and social practices are performed at retreats in the post-Osho sannyas scene today. The project aims at developing an understanding of shifting forms of community formation, institutionalization, and authority relations in the field of late modern religiosity.
Autumn 2019
RELV103/RELV103L: Hinduism, Buddhism and other Asian Religions (seminar leader)
Spring 2020
RELV202SEM/RELV302SEM: The Guru in South Asia and the West (course responsible)
RELV101: What is the Study of Religion? (seminar leader)
RELV221/RELV321: New Religious Movements (lecturer)
RELV224/RELV324: Hinduism (lecturer)
RELV306: Research Methods in the Study of Religion (lecturer & seminar leader)
Autumn 2020
RELV103/RELV103L: Hinduism, Buddhism and other Asian Religions (seminar leader)
Spring 2021
RELV101: What is the Study of Religion? (seminar leader)
RELV221/RELV321: New Religious Movements (lecturer)
Autumn 2021
RELV103/RELV103L: Hinduism, Buddhism and other Asian Religions (seminar leader)
Academic lecture
- Hanky, Henriette (2023). „Mich in mich hineinbringen“: Subjektivierung durch affektive Dramaturgien in Osho-Meditationen und -Therapien. (external link)
- Hanky, Henriette (2023). Potentiale des Kommunikativen Konstruktivismus für die religionswissenschaftliche und religionssoziologische Untersuchung körperbezogener Spiritualität. (external link)
- Hanky, Henriette (2022). ‘Consciously go mad’”: Staging and Expressing the Self in OSHO Dynamic Meditation”. (external link)
- Hanky, Henriette (2021). Taking Sannyas after Osho: Transformations of an Initiation Rite. (external link)
- Hanky, Henriette (2021). Contemporary Receptions of Osho and the Sannyas Movement in Europe and India. (external link)
- Hanky, Henriette (2021). Dissolution without Disenchantment. The Sannyas Movement and the Refiguration of Religion . (external link)
- Hanky, Henriette (2021). Ist das Meditation? Oshos „Dynamische“ als kommunikative Form im Rahmen von Meditationsretreats . (external link)
- Hanky, Henriette (2021). Osho in a Nutshell? Dynamic Meditation and the Relationship of Bodily Practice and Discursive Framing. (external link)
- Hanky, Henriette (2019). «Einstein the Buddha»: Holdninger til vitenskap i Osho-bevegelsen og det samtidige Sannyas-miljøet. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Website (informational material)
Multimedia product
Academic article
- Hanky, Henriette (2021). Avkobling og transformasjon: Meditasjonsretreater på Dharma Mountain mellom popularisering og religiøst fellesskap. (external link)
- Renger, Almut-Barbara; Wulf, Christoph; Bangen, Jan Ole et al. (2016). Körperwissen: Transfer und Innovation. (external link)
- Hanky, Henriette; Bangen, Jan Ole (2015). Wissen über den Körper und Wissen des Körpers. Bericht über die interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung „Körperwissen: Transfer und Innovation“. (external link)