Henriette Linge




Research groups


Research interests

My main research interest is to understand how, when and why changes occur on the surface of the earth.


After obtaining a Doctoral degree in geology, on speleothems, caves and palaeoclimate, the interest in landforms and landscapes lead to a post doctoral project where terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides (nuclides produced in situ, i.e. in rocks exposed to cosmic rays) were applied to dating of landforms. Today I use cosmogenic nuclides to solve questions regarding:

  • geomorphology and geochronology
  • glaciation history (incl. provenance of glacial erratics)
  • weathering, erosion and denudation rates
  • cave development 
  • the impact of climate on long-term landscape evolution


The past 15 years I have conducted annual fieldwork on mainland Norway, participated in fieldwork in Denmark, Sweden, Russia and Svalbard, joined two expeditions to northernmost Greenland and one to southwestern Greenland. In 2008-2012 I established a preparation laboratory for in situ cosmogenic nuclides at GEO. Since September 2014 we have processed more than 150 samples. The laboratory is now equipped to produce Be and Al targets for AMS analysis for both NEC and HVEE accelerator mass spectrometers.


Teaching and supervision

Teaching is part of all faculty positions at GEO. I am lucky to teach my favourite subjects; geochronology, geomorphology and Earth system history. My teaching, from large groups to individual supervision, has been very influenced by attending University Pedagogy courses. These allowed me to experiment and develop the courses I am currently responsible for.

I respect my students and their time. I aim to inspire students by sharing my enthusiasm for Earth Science, showing belief in their abilities and value their participation, by giving clear instructions and feedback, as well as being available for discussion.

Being a teacher on the introductory level involves helping students master the fundamentals of a field, and ensuring that they acquire the skills they need for advanced studies. I believe that learning few things well is more valuable than superficial knowledge on many things, and I see students use transferable skills every day.



GEOV102 Excursions and practicals in geology (observer 2023)

GEOV228 Quaternary geochronology (course responsibility)

GEOV229 Geomorphology (course responsibility — final semester spring 2023)


Current MSc students, working title on Master’s project:

Lisbeth Vedå (2022-2024): Modeling cosmogenic nuclide inventories for different landslide geometrics.

Marcus Hovde (2022-2024): Determination of age and accumulation rates for FeMn crusts from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea by analysis of cosmogenic nuclides.

Laura Gatica (2021-2023): Landslide types and chronology on Otrøya, Møre and Romsdal, with emphasis on the Opstadhornet sliding plane.


Co-supervisor for current Master’s students, working title on Master’s project:

Sverre Soldal (2021-2023): Utgreiing av den geomorfologiske og kvartærgeologiske historia i Austrepollenområdet, samt vurdere skredfare og eventuelle sikringstiltak ved to planlagde tunnelpåhogg i Austrepollen, Kvinnherad kommune


Former Master’s students, title on Master’s thesis:

Judith Margrete Vestre (2020-2021): Blockfields on mountain tops in outer Sunnmøre and along the inner Romsdalsfjord. Evolution and age (translated from Norwegian).

Sebastian Aasheim (2019-2021): Marine terraces along the inner part of Storfjorden, inner Sunnmøre, Møre and Romsdal county (translated from Norwegian). 

Anne-Sofie Ertesvåg (2019-2021): Reconstruction of the course of deglaciation and sea level changes in Valldal, Fjord municipality, Møre and Romsdal, using 10Be exposure dating and GIS analyses (translated from Norwegian).

Susanne Fjellheim (2019-2021): Glacial geomorphological mapping of the Sju Søstre, Alsta, and reconstruction of the last cirque glaciers (translated from Norwegian).   

Mari Smågesjø Johnsen (2019-2020): Erosion rates and landscape development on Andøya, Vesterålen, northern Norway (translated from Norwegian).

Audun Hitland (2017-2019): Estimating landscape histories using in situ cosmogenic nuclide pairs - applied to quantification of erosion rates at Rendalssølen, eastern central Norway (translated from Norwegian).

Hanna Brække (2017-2019): Post-glacial weathering, glacial erosion and tectonics as landscape developing agents in Lyse, Rogaland (translated from Norwegian).

Mari Sæbø (2017-2018): Kallskaret rock avalanche and subsequent draining of the lake Onilsavatnet, Tafjord, Møre og Romsdal (translated from Norwegian).

Kjersti Mortensbakke (2015-2018): Deglaciation and Holocene sea-level changes at Lofthus, Ullensvang municipality, based on Quaternary geological mapping and surface exposure dating (translated from Norwegian).

Trond Horten (2017-2018): Reconstruction of the Younger Dryas inland ice sheet in Geiranger and Quaternary geological mapping of Grinddalen (translated from Norwegian). 

Line Nygård (2016-2017): Quaternary geological and geomorphological mapping of the Gråsteindalen area, inner Sunnmøre (translated from Norwegian).

Cecilie Merkesvik (2015-2017): The development of Sølenholet and northern Sølenholet. A glacial geomorphology study in inner Østlandet (translated from Norwegian).

Håvard Grønnevik (2015-2017): Tayloring of mineral separation techniques for different rock types commonly used for exposure dating (translated from Norwegian).

Emilie Randeberg (2016): The use of cuttings material from exploration wells for studies of Quaternary erosion (translated from Norwegian).  

Oliver Grant (2016): The deglaciation of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, based on surface exposure dating of glacial erratics and Quaternary geological mapping of Blomstrandhalvøya.

Mathias Gjøstein Sundal (2015): Vertical extent of glacially transported material on Gaustatoppen (translated from Norwegian).

Lina Gislefoss (2015): Deglaciation and late Holocene glacier re-advances in Hornsund, Svalbard, based on 10Be surface exposure ages from erratic boulders.

Lukas Becker (2013): Reconstruction of regional ice-flow directions in central southern Norway based on analysis of provenance of erratic boulders.

Martin Tvedt (2013): Reconstruction of ice-flow directions from glacial erratics, Heidalsmuen (1745 m a.s.l.), Sel in Oppland (translated from Norwegian).

Håvard Mordal Dretvik (2013): Erosion, deposits, and mechanisms associated with the formation of Hellmo canyon, Tysfjord, northern Norway (translated from Norwegian).

Jenny S Eidsvåg (2013): Glaciation history and provenance study of glacial erratics from Storsølnkletten, Alvdal, Hedmark (translated from Norwegian).

Oliver Queck (2012): Chemical weathering on Eldsfjellet, Meland municipality, western Norway.

Åshild Danielsen Kvamme (2012): Palaeo-ice flow directions and glaciation history, Rendalssølen, southeastern Norway (translated from Norwegian).

Caroline Halleraker (2011): Chemical analysis of weathering material from an autochthonous blockfield and tor features, and geomorphological mapping of Tron, Nord-Østerdalen in Hedmark, southern Norway (translated from Norwegian).

Linn Hult (2011): Reconstruction of palaeo-ice flow at Tron (1666 m a.s.l.), Nord-Østerdalen, Hedmark, by provenance study of glacial erratics (translated from Norwegian).


Co-supervisor for former Master’s students, title on Master’s thesis:

Mari Ingeborg Hope Nesse (2020-2022): Rock avalanche mapping and 10Be exposure dating of landslides in Bondhusdalen, Kvinnherad municipality.

Sindre Befring Hage (2020-2022): Assessment and tentative quantification of trail wear in the Geirangerfjord World Heritage Area (translated from Norwegian). 

Johanne Ekre (2020-2022): Geoscientific assessment of the consequences of climate projections for the World Heritage area West Norwegian Fjord Landscape, sub-area Geirangerfjorden (translated from Norwegian). 

Nil Eryilmaz (2019-2021): Process-based morphological and hydrological modelling of a glacially sculptured tidal inlet system, Vestvågøy, Lofoten. 

Laura Då (2019-2020): Mapping and chronology of rock avalanches between Indreeide and Korsmyra, Eidsdal, inner Sunnmøre (translated from Norwegian).

Anna Elisabeth Mæland (2018-2019): Reconstruction of the history of the Skore glacier in Norddal municipality (translated from Norwegian). 

Kenneth Mangersnes (2018-2019): Mapping of complex avalanche fans at Snøva and Ottem, Sunndal municipality, Møre and Romsdal (translated from Norwegian).

Eli Anne Støfring (2018-2019): Deglaciation history at the mouth of the Sognefjord. A study based on exposure dating of glacially transported boulders on Værlandet and observations of glacial striae (translated from Norwegian).

Sunniva Myking Grønås (2017-2019): Mapping of Langfonne at Kvitingskjølen, eastern Jotunheimen, after the Little Ice Age (translated from Norwegian). 

Talin Tuestad (2017-2019): Ice-flow patterns in Boknafjorden and the deglaciation history of the Espedalen–Høgsfjorden region in Forsand, Rogaland.

Ane Hua Senneseth (2018): Mapping of avalance risk in Uskedalen, Kvinnherad municipality, based on field observations, Schmidt hammer readings and empirical models (translated from Norwegian). 

Marit Skretting (2018): Investigating the age, volume and extent of Gloppedalsura, Bjerkreim and Gjesdal municipalities, Rogaland (translated from Norwegian). 

Johannes Hardeng (2018): Avalanche mapping in Uskedalen, Kvinnherad municipality, Sunnhordaland. 

Erlend Vikestrand (2016, physical geography): Reconstruction of the deglaciation history in Vermedalen and Langfjelldalen, inner Møre and Romsdal (translated from Norwegian).

Heidi Rosendal Lindebotten (2015, physical geography): Reconstruction of the course of the deglaciation at the northwestern part of Hardangervidda (translated from Norwegian).

Kathrine Tellebon (2015, physical geography): Reconstruction of the course of the deglaciation during the late glacial and early Holocene in the southern part of Jostedalen (translated from Norwegian).

Helen Gjerde (2015, physical geography): The glaciation and deglaciation history of the last ice age in upper Sølndalen, Alvdal (translated from Norwegian).

Andreas Vagnildhaug (2013, earth science): Palaeo-flow and chronology in lower Glomdal karst, Rana, northern Norway (translated from Norwegian).

Torgeir Fiskum Hansvik (2013, physical geography): Verkilsdalsskredet, a rock avalanche in the Rondane national park. A physical geography study with focus on trigger mechanisms and geomorphological mapping (translated from Norwegian).

Matilde Skår (2012, physical geography): Quaternary geological mapping and reconstruction of ice-marginal deposits on Bjorøy, Tyssøy, and Håkonshella, southwest of Bergen (translated from Norwegian).

Elisabeth Maquart (2012, physical geography): Mapping and reconstruction of glacier margins during the deglaciation in Kanadaskogen, Bergen, western Norway.

Sunniva Trones (2011, physical geography): Quaternary geological mapping of western parts of Folldal, with emphasis on meltwater drainage and depositional features (translated from Norwegian).

Louise Josefsen (2010, physical geography): A palaeoclimatic analysis of relict, talus-derived rock glaciers on Andøya (Lofoten-Vesterålen) (translated from Norwegian).

Heidi Saua (2010, physical geography): Reconstruction of the Weichselian glaciation and deglaciation history of Kakelldalen, Folldal (translated from Norwegian).

Karl Ravnaas (2010, physical geography): Reconstruction of the Weichselian glaciation and deglaciation history from Knutshøene to Fundin, eastern Dovrefjell (translated from Norwegian).

Ben Worsley (2010, physical geography): Reconstruction of the Weichselian glaciation and deglaciation history in southern Dovrefjell, southern Norway (translated from Norwegian).

Anne Berit Hauge (2009, physical geography): Reconstruction of the Weichselian glaciation and deglaciation history in northwestern Folldal, Hedmark (translated from Norwegian).

Tore Borvik (2009, physical geography): Reconstruction of the course of the Weichselian glaciation and deglaciation in central Dovrefjell (translated from Norwegian).

Torunn Bøe (2008, physical geography): Reconstruction of the Weichselian glaciation and deglaciation history in Stroplsjødalen, Dovrefjell (translated from Norwegian).

Hilde Hansen (2007, physical geography): Reconstruction of the Weichselian glaciation and deglaciation history in Kvitdalen, eastern Dovrefjell (translated from Norwegian).

Lena Svalastog Garnes (2007, physical geography): Reconstruction of the Weichselian glacier extent in western parts of Rondane (translated from Norwegian).

Jostein Klette (2006, physical geography): Reconstruction of the Weichselian glacier extent in Grimsdalen, northern Rondane (translated from Norwegian).


See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.



Wilson P, Linge H, Matthews JA, Mourne RW, Olsen J. 2019. Comparative numerical surface exposure-age dating (10Be and Schmidt hammer) of an early-Holocene rock avalanche at Alstadfjellet, Valldalen, southern Norway. Geografiska Annaler A, doi: 10.1080/04353676.2019.1644815.

Andersen JL, Egholm DL, Knudsen MF, Linge H, Jansen JD, Goodfellow B, Pedersen VK, Tikhomirov D. 2019. Pleistocene evolution of a Scandinavian plateau landscape. Journal of Geophysical Research, Earth Surface 123, 3370-3387. DOI:10.1029/2018JF004670. 



Young NE, Lamp J, Koffman T, Briner JP, Schaefer J, Gjermundsen EF, Linge H, Zimmerman S, Guilderson T, Fabel D, Hormes A 2018. Deglaciation of coastal south-western Spitsbergen dated with in situ cosmogenic 10Be and 14C measurements. Journal of Quaternary Science 33, 763-776. 

Andersen JL, Egholm DL, Knudsen MF, Linge H, Jansen JD, Pedersen VK, Nielsen SB, Tikhomirov D, Olsen J, Fabel D, Xu S 2018. Widespread erosion on high plateaus during recent glaciations in Scandinavia. Nature Communications 9:830, doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-03280-2. 



Phillips W, Briner JP, Gislefoss L, Linge H, Koffman T, Fabel D, Xu S, Hormes A 2017. Late Holocene glacier activity at inner Hornsund and Scottbreen, southern Svalbard. Journal of Quaternary Science 32, 501-515. 

Mazzini A, Svendsen H, Forsberg CF, Linge H, Lauritzen SE, Haflidason H, Hammer Ø, Planke S, Tjelta TI 2017. A climatic trigger for the giant Troll pockmark field in the northern North Sea. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 464, 24-34. 



Larsen NK, Funder S, Linge H, Möller P, Schomacker A, Fabel D, Xu S, Kjær KH 2016. A Younger Dryas re-advance of local glaciers in North Greenland. Quaternary Science Reviews 147, 47-58. 



Knudsen MF, Egholm DL, Jacobsen BH, Larsen NK, Jansen JD, Andersen JL, Linge H 2015. A multi-nuclide approach to constrain landscape evolution and past erosion rates in previously glaciated terrains. Quaternary Geochronology 30, 100-113.

Paus A, Boessenkool S, Brochmann C, Epp L, Fabel D, Haflidason H, Linge H 2015. Lake Store Finnsjøen – a key for understanding Lateglacial/early Holocene vegetation and ice sheet dynamics in the central Scandes Mountains. Quaternary Science Reviews 121, 36-51.



Larsen NK, Funder S, Kjær KH, Kjeldsen KK, Knudsen MF, Linge H 2014. Rapid early Holocene ice retreat in West Greenland. Quaternary Science Reviews 92, 310-323. 

Henriksen M, Alexanderson H, Landvik JY, Linge H, Peterson G 2014. Dynamics and retreat of the Late Weichselian Kongsfjorden ice stream, NW Svalbard. Quaternary Science Reviews 92, 235-245.

Anjar J, Larsen NK, Håkansson L, Möller P, Linge H, Fabel D, Xu S 2014. A 10Be-based reconstruction of the last deglaciation in southern Sweden. Boreas 43, 132-148.



Matthews JA, Nesje A, Linge H 2013. Relict talus-foot rock glaciers at Øyberget, upper Ottadalen, southern Norway: Schmidt-hammer exposure ages and palaeoenvironmental implications. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 24, 336-346.

Landvik JY, Brook EJ, Gualtieri L, Linge H, Raisbeck G, Salvigsen O, Yiou F 2013. 10Be exposure age constraints on the Late Weichselian ice-sheet geometry and dynamics in inter ice-stream areas, western Svalbard. Boreas 42, 43-56.



Houmark-Nielsen M, Linge H, Fabel D, Schnabel C, Xu S, Wilken KM, Binnie S 2012. Cosmogenic surface exposure dating the last deglaciation in Denmark: Discrepancies with independent age constraints suggest delayed periglacial landform stabilisation. Quaternary Geochronology 13, 1-17.

Larsen NK, Linge H, Håkansson L, Fabel D 2012. Investigating the last deglaciation of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet in southwest Sweden with 10Be exposure dating. Journal of Quaternary Science 27, 211-220.



Möller P, Larsen NK, Kjær KH, Funder S, Schomacker A, Linge H, Fabel D 2010. Early to middle Holocene valley glaciations on northernmost Greenland. Quaternary Science Reviews 29, 3379-3398.

Larsen NK, Kjær KH, Funder S, Möller P, van der Meer JJM, Schomacker A, Linge H, Darby D 2010. Late Quaternary glaciation history of northernmost Greenland – Evidence of shelf-based ice. Quaternary Science Reviews 29, 3399-3414.



Linge H, Lauritzen S-E, Andersson C, Hansen JK, Skoglund RØ, Sundqvist HS 2009. Stable isotope records for the last 10 000 years from Okshola cave (Fauske, northern Norway) and regional comparisons. Climate of the Past 5, 667-682.

Linge H, Baker A, Andersson C, Lauritzen S-E 2009. Variability in luminescent lamination and initial 230Th/232Th activity ratios in a late Holocene stalagmite from northern Norway. Quaternary Geochronology 4, 181-192.



Goehring BM, Brook EJ, Linge H, Raisbeck GM, Yiou F 2008. Beryllium-10 exposure ages of erratic boulders in southern Norway and implications for the history of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet. Quaternary Science Reviews 27, 320-336.

Linge H, Lauritzen S-E, Mangerud J, Kamenos NA, Gherardi JM 2008. Assessing the use of U-Th methods to determine the age of cold-water calcareous algae. Quaternary Geochronology 3, 76-88.



Nesje A, Dahl SO, Linge H, Ballantyne C, McCarroll D, Raisbeck GM, Yiou F, Brook EJ 2007. The surface geometry of the Last Glacial Maximum ice sheet in the Andøya-Skånland region, northern Norway, constrained by surface exposure dating and clay mineralogy. Boreas 36, 227-239.

Linge H, Olsen L, Brook EJ, Darter JR, Mickelson DM, Raisbeck GM, Yiou F 2007. Cosmogenic nuclide exposure ages from Nordland, northern Norway: implications for deglaciation in a coast to inland transect. Norwegian Journal of Geology 87, 199-210.



Dahl SO, Linge H 2006. Kald is, varm is og klima (transl. Cold ice, warm ice and climate). Cicerone 4, 28-30.

Linge H, Brook EJ, Nesje A, Raisbeck GM, Yiou F, Clark H 2006a. In situ 10Be exposure ages from southeastern Norway: implications for the geometry of the Weichselian Scandiavian ice sheet. Quaternary Science Reviews 25, 1097-1109.

Linge H, Larsen E, Kjær KH, Demidov IN, Brook EJ, Raisbeck GM, Yiou F 2006b. Cosmogenic 10Be exposure age dating across Early to Late Weichselian ice-marginal zones in northwestern Russia. Boreas 35, 576-586.

Larsen E, Kjær KH, Demidov IN, Funder S, Grøsfjeld K, Houmark-Nielsen M, Jensen M, Linge H, Lyså A 2006. Late Pleistocene glacial and lake history of northwestern Russia. Boreas 35, 394-424.

Paasche Ø, Strømsøe JR, Dahl SO, Linge H 2006. Weathering characteristics of arctic islands in northern Norway. Geomorphology 82, 430-452.

Fjellanger J, Sørbel L, Linge H, Brook EJ, Raisbeck GM, Yiou F 2006. Glacial survival of blockfields on the Varanger Peninsula, northern Norway. Geomorphology 82, 255-272.



Jansen E, Dokken T, Nesje A, Dahl SO, Linge H, Ninnemann US, Otterå OH 2005. Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research – combining past, present and future climate change. Norwegian Journal of Geology 1, 33-44.



Berstad IM, Lundberg J, Lauritzen S-E, Linge H 2002. Comparison of the climate during Marine Isotope Stage 9 and 11 inferred from a speleothem isotope record from northern Norway. Quaternary Research 58, 361-371.



Linge H, Lauritzen S-E, Lundberg J, Berstad IM 2001a. Stable isotope stratigraphy of Holocene speleothems: examples from a cave system in Rana, northern Norway. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 167, 209-224.

Linge H, Lauritzen S-E, Lundberg J 2001b. Stabile isotope stratigraphy of a late last interglacial speleothem from Rana, northern Norway. Quaternary Research 56, 155-164.

Lee-Thorp JA, Holmgren K, Lauritzen S-E, Linge H, Moberg A, Partridge TC, Stevenson C, Tyson PD 2001. Rapid climate shifts in the southern African interior throughout the mid to late Holocene. Geophysical Research Letters 28, 4507-4510.