Ingeborg Winge


Senior Adviser, Node coordinator in Elixir Norway



I am working as a Node coordinator / Project manager of ELIXIR Norway, the national research infrastructure for bioinformatics and the Norwegian Node of ELIXIR Europe ( Part of the ELIXIR Norway leader group.

Part of my tasks are:

- Coordinate activities, collaboration and communication within ELIXIR Norway, with the ELIXIR Hub/headquarter and with other ELIXIR nodes.

- Initiate and coordinate networks with stakeholders locally, nationally and internationally.

- Contribute to initiation and facilitation of networks within infrastructure development between the partner institutions and external collaborators.

- Deeply involved in all funding proposals by ELIXIR Norway.

- Manage and coordinate ELIXIR Norway's portfolio of externally funded projects, e.g. from the Research Council of Norway, NordForsk and EU

- Lead work packages on Management in projects run by ELIXIR Norway (ELIXIR3, BioMedData), responsible for project deliverables and associated reporting

- Responsible for a number of investigations and reports, including comments on emerging national policies and strategies

- Part of various thematic working groups across Europe with other ELIXIR staff.


Previous coordinator and lecturer of CCBIO905, Methods in Cancer Biomarker Research



See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.



  1. Kjølle S, Finne K, Birkeland E, Ardawatia V, Winge I, Aziz S, Knutsvik G, Wik E, Paulo JA, Vethe H, Kleftogiannis D, Akslen LA. “ Hypoxia induced responses are reflected in the stromal proteome of breast cancer.» Nat Commun. 2023 Jun 22;14(1):3724
  2. Milosevic V, Edelmann RJ, Winge I, Strell C, Mezheyeuski A, Knutsvik G, Askeland C, Wik E, Akslen LA, Östman A. “Vessel size as a marker of survival in estrogen receptor positive breast cancer.” Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2023 Jul;200(2):293-304
  3. Bjørnstad OV, Carrasco M, Finne K, Winge I, Askeland C, Arnes JB, Knutsvik G, Kleftogiannis D, Paulo JA, Akslen LA, Vethe H. « Global and single-cell proteomics view of the co-evolution between neural progenitors and breast cancer cells in a co-culture model.» bioRxiv. 2023 May 5:2023.05.03.539050.
  4. Mahootchi E, Cannon Homaei S, Kleppe R, Winge I, Hegvik TA, Megias-Perez R, Totland C, Mogavero F, Baumann A, Glennon JC, Miletic H, Kursula P, Haavik J.: “GADL1 is a multifunctional decarboxylase with tissue-specific roles in β-alanine and carnosine production.» Sci Adv. 2020 Jul 17;6(29) Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2023 Jul;200(2):293-304
  5. Raasakka A, Mahootchi E, Winge I, Luan W, Kursula P, Haavik J.: “
    Structure of the mouse acidic amino acid decarboxylase GADL1.» Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun. 2018 Jan 1;74
  6. Winge I, Teigen K, Fossbakk A, Mahootchi E, Kleppe R, Sköldberg F, Kämpe O, Haavik J.: “ Mammalian CSAD and GADL1 have distinct biochemical properties and patterns of brain expression.» J.Neurochem Int. 2015 Nov;90:173-84
  7. Mavroconstanti T, Johansson S, Winge I, Knappskog PM, Haavik J. “Functional properties of rare missense variants of human CDH13 found in adult Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)patients” PLoS One. 2013 Aug 1;8(8)
  8. Winge I., McKinney J.A. and Haavik J.: “Tryptophan Hydroxylase”. Book series:“Amino acids in human nutrition and health”. Cabi Publishing, 2011, Section 1, chapter 10. Editor Dr. JPF D’Mello
  9. Halmøy A., Johansson S., Winge I., McKinney J.A, Knappskog P.M., and Haavik J.: “Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms in offspring of mothers with impaired serotonin production.” Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2010 Oct;67(10):1033-43.
  10. Calvo A.C., Scherer T., Pey A.L., Ying M., Winge I., McKinney J.A., Haavik J., Thöny B., Martinez A.: “Effect of pharmacological chaperones on brain tyrosine hydroxylase and tryptophan hydroxylase 2.”. J Neurochem. 2010Aug;114(3):853-63
  11. Mavroconstanti , T ; Winge, I; Mckinney, J; Johansson ,S; Knappskog, P; Haavik, J.: “Functional Studies of Candidate genes involved in Attention-deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder” European Psychiatric Review , 2010;3 (1) :44-6
  12. McKinney JA, Turel B, Winge I, Knappskog PM, Haavik J. “Functional properties of missense variants of human tryptophan hydroxylase 2.” Hum Mutat. 2009 May;30(5):787-94
  13. McKinney J., Johansson S., Halmoy A., Dramdahl M., Winge I. et al. "A loss-of-function mutation in tryptophan hydroxylase 2 segregating with attentiondeficit//hyperactivity disorder." Mol Psychiatry 2008, 13(4): 365-367.
  14. Winge I., McKinney J. al. "Activation and stabilization of human tryptophan hydroxylase 2 by phosphorylation and 14-3-3 binding." Biochem J 2008 410(1): 195-204.
  15. Cichon S., Winge I. et al. "Brain-specific tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (TPH2): a functional Pro206Ser substitution and variation in the 5'-region are associated with bipolar affective disorder." Hum Mol Genet 2008 17(1): 87-97.
  16. Winge I., McKinney J. A. et al. "Characterization of wild-type and mutant forms of human tryptophan hydroxylase 2." J. Neurochem. 2007 100 (6): 1648-1657.
  17. Winge I., Pryme IF. “Sodium butyrate stimulates the synthesis of firefly luciferase in transfected CHO cells but levels of BiP chaperone are unaffected” Cell Biol Int2002;26(6):489-94

