Academic article
Holsen, Ingrid; Oldeide, Olin Blaalid; Fosen, Margrethe Persson
et al. (2024). Exploring experiences and challenges in implementing youth participatory action research in Norwegian lower secondary schools. (external link)
Kysnes, Bjarte Birkeland; Hjetland, Gunnhild Johnsen; Haug, Ellen Merethe Melingen
et al. (2022). The association between sharing something difficult on social media and mental well-being among adolescents. Results from the “LifeOnSoMe”-study. (external link)
Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Holsen, Ingrid; Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes
(2021). Positive Youth Development and Mental Well-Being in Late Adolescence: The Role of Body Appreciation. Findings From a Prospective Study in Norway. (external link)
Oldeide, Olin Blaalid; Holsen, Ingrid; Fosse, Elisabeth
(2020). Youth perspective on outreach service: A safety net for at-risk youth in a municipality. (external link)
Oldeide, Olin Blaalid; Holsen, Ingrid; Fosse, Elisabeth
(2020). Local drug prevention strategies through the eyes of policy makers and outreach social workers in Norway. (external link)
Geldhof, G. John; Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Urke, Helga Bjørnøy
et al. (2019). Indicators of positive youth development can be maladaptive: The example case of caring. (external link)
Hauken, May Aasebø; Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Holsen, Ingrid
(2019). “Back on Track”: A longitudinal mixed methods study on the rehabilitation of young adult cancer survivors. (external link)
Oldeide, Olin Blaalid; Fosse, Elisabeth; Holsen, Ingrid
(2019). Collaboration for drug prevention: Is it possible in a “siloed” governmental structure?. (external link)
Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Tobro, Marte
et al. (2019). Promoting Mental Health and Preventing Loneliness in Upper Secondary School in Norway: Effects of a Randomized Controlled Trial. (external link)
Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Holsen, Ingrid
et al. (2018). COMPLETE - a school-based intervention
project to increase completion of upper
secondary school in Norway: study protocol
for a cluster randomized controlled trial.. (external link)
Frasquilho, Diana; Ozer, Emily J; Ozer, Elizabeth M
et al. (2018). Dream Teens: Adolescents-Led Participatory Project in Portugal in the Context of the Economic Recession. (external link)
Weist, Mark; Burns, Eric; Whitaker, Kelly
et al. (2017). School mental health promotion and intervention: Experiences from four nations. (external link)
Hauken, May Aasebø; Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Holsen, Ingrid
(2017). “Back on Track”: A Longitudinal Mixed Methods Study on the Rehabilitation of Young Adult Cancer Survivors.. (external link)
Årdal, Elisabeth; Holsen, Ingrid; Diseth, Åge Røssing
et al. (2017). The Five Cs of Positive Youth Development in a school context; gender and mediator effects. (external link)
Solstad, Bård Erlend; Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Holsen, Ingrid
et al. (2017). Pre- to post-season differences in empowering and
disempowering behaviours among youth football
coaches: a sequential mixed-methods study. (external link)
Holsen, Ingrid; Birkeland, Marianne Skogbrott
(2016). Course, predictors, and outcomes of depressed mood in a cohort of Norwegian adolescents followed from age 13 into adulthood age 30. (external link)
Tjomsland, Hege Eikeland; Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Holsen, Ingrid
et al. (2016). Enjoyment in youth soccer: its portrayals among 12- to 14-year-olds. (external link)
Holsen, Ingrid; Geldhof, John; Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes
et al. (2016). The Five Cs of positive youth development
in Norway: Assessment and associations
with positive and negative outcomes. (external link)
Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; van Hoye, Aurelie; Tjomsland, Hege Eikeland
et al. (2015). Creating a supportive environment among youth football players: A qualitative study of French and Norwegian youth grassroots football coaches. (external link)
Holsen, Ingrid; Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Tjomsland, Hege Eikeland
et al. (2015). Exploring the importance of peers as leaders in the Dream School Program: from the perspectives of peer leaders, teachers and principals. (external link)
Skancke, Joacim Foss; Holsen, Ingrid; Schredl, Michael
(2014). Continuity between waking life and dreams of psychiatric patients: A review and discussion of the implications for dream research. (external link)
Hauken, May Aasebø; Holsen, Ingrid; Fismen, Eirik
et al. (2014). Working toward a good life as a cancer survivor: A longitudinal study on positive health outcomes of a rehabilitation program for young adult cancer survivors. (external link)
Hauken, May Aasebø; Holsen, Ingrid; Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes
et al. (2014). Participating in life again: a mixed-method study on a goal-orientated rehabilitation program for young adult cancer survivors. (external link)
Tjelta, Marie; Holsen, Ingrid
(2013). «Det går an å mestre det meste ved å gå på sånne kurs som dette her» - Gruppebasert opplæring og mestring ved diabetes type 2: En kvalitativ studie. (external link)
Hauken, May Aasebø; Holsen, Ingrid; Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes
(2013). Meeting reality: young adult cancer survivors' experiences of reentering everyday life after cancer treatment. (external link)
Birkeland, Marianne Skogbrott; Melkevik, Ole; Holsen, Ingrid
et al. (2012). Trajectories of global self-esteem development during adolescence. (external link)
Holsen, Ingrid; Jones, Diane Carlson; Birkeland, Marianne Skogbrott
(2012). Body image satisfaction among Norwegian adolescents and young adults: A longitudinal study of the influence of interpersonal relationships and BMI. (external link)
Holsen, Ingrid; Iversen, Anette Christine; Smith, Brian H.
(2009). Universal Social Competence Promotion Programme in School: Does it Work for Children with Low Socio-Economic Background?. (external link)
Engesæth, Linda Katrin; Holsen, Ingrid
(2009). Skuletilfredsheit i dei seine barneåra: Kva rolle spelar sosial støtte og sosialøkonomisk status?. (external link)
Iversen, Anette Christine; Holsen, Ingrid
(2008). Inequality in health, psychosocial resources and health behavior in early adolescence: The influence of different indicators of socioeconomic position. (external link)
Holsen, Ingrid; Smith, Brian H.; Frey, Karin S.
(2008). Outcomes of the social competence program Second step in Norwegian elementary schools. (external link)
Kraft, Pål; Røysamb, Espen; Holsen, Ingrid
(2002). The relationship between body image and depressed mood - a 5-year longitudinal study in Norwegian adolescents. (external link)
Kraft, Pål; Røysamb, Espen; Holsen, Ingrid
(2002). The relationship between body image and depressed mood - a 5-year longitudinal study in Norwegian adolescents. (external link)
Holsen, Ingrid; Kraft, Pål; Røysamb, Espen
(2001). The relationship between body image and depressed mood - a 5-year longitudinal study in Norwegian adolescents. (external link)
Kraft, Pål; Solveig, Breivik; Holsen, Ingrid
et al. (2001). Kroppsbilde og depressive tanker - en longitudinell studie av ungdom i alderen 13-18 år. (external link)
Kraft, Pål; Røysamb, Espen; Holsen, Ingrid
et al. (2001). Kroppsbilde og depresssive tanker - en longitudinell studie av ungdom i alderen 13-18 år. (external link)
Kraft, Pål; Røysamb, Espen; Holsen, Ingrid
et al. (2001). Kroppsbilde og depresssive tanker - en longitudinell studie av ungdom i alderen 13-18 år. (external link)
Holsen, Ingrid; Kraft, Pål; Vittersø, Joar
(2000). Stability in depressed mood in adolescence results from a six- year longitudinal panel study. (external link)
Kraft, Pål; Holsen, Ingrid; Vittersø, Joar
(2000). Stability in depressed mood in adolescence: Results from a 6-year longitudinal panel study. (external link)
Kraft, Pål; Holsen, Ingrid; Vittersø, Joar
(2000). Stability in depressed mood in adolescence: Results from a 6-year longitudinal panel study. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Holsen, Ingrid; Urke, Helga Bjørnøy
et al. (2022). Doing Collaborative Health Promotion Research in a Complex Setting: Lessons Learned from the COMPLETE Project in Norway. (external link)
Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Holsen, Ingrid
(2021). Youth Participation in the Dream School Program in Norway: An Application of a Logic Model of the Six Cs of Positive Youth Development. (external link)
Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Holsen, Ingrid; Urke, Helga Bjørnøy
(2020). Social Justice for Children and Young People in Norway. (external link)
Holsen, Ingrid
(2012). Depressive symptoms during adolescence: Gender differences and the role of body image. (external link)
Holsen, Ingrid
(2009). Depressive symptomer i ungdomstiden. (external link)
Fosse, Elisabeth; Holsen, Ingrid
(2004). Pedagogisk utviklingsarbeid ved HEMIL-senteret; studenter og faglæreres erfaringer med Problembasert læring våren 2004. (external link)
Holsen, Ingrid
(1997). Ungdom som ikke trives med livet. (external link)
Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Anvik, Cecilie Høj; Tobro, Marte
et al. (2017). Delrapport fra Complete-prosjektet. (external link)
Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Holsen, Ingrid; Årdal, Elisabeth
. (external link)
Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Holsen, Ingrid; Årdal, Elisabeth
. (external link)
Årdal, Elisabeth; Samdal, Oddrun; Holsen, Ingrid
et al. (2015). Trivsel i skolen. (external link)
Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Holsen, Ingrid; Tjomsland, Hege Eikeland
(2013). Pilotevaluering av Drømmeskolemodellen. (external link)
Slåtten, Hilde; Holsen, Ingrid; Anderssen, Norman
et al. (2012). Erfaringar med tiltak for førebygging og handtering av homo- og horerelaterte kallenamn i ungdomsskulen. (external link)
Slåtten, Hilde; Anderssen, Norman; Holsen, Ingrid
(2009). Nei til "Homo!" og "Hore!" i ungdomsskulen. Lærarrettleiing om førebygging og handtering av kjønnsrelatert mobbing, homofobisk erting og seksuell trakassering. (external link)
Slåtten, Hilde; Anderssen, Norman; Holsen, Ingrid
(2008). Førebygging og handtering av homofobiske erting i ungdomsskulen. Revidert rapport med utprøving og forslag til tiltak. (external link)
Haugland, Siren; Aanes, Mette; Holsen, Ingrid
(2006). Rett tiltak til rett tid. Evaluering av en modell for kompetanseheving. (external link)
Academic lecture
Holsen, Ingrid; Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes
(2013). A pilot study of the Dream school program; results, revision and future development. (external link)
Holsen, Ingrid
(2013). The importance of Peer leaders in a health promotion program; from perspectives of teachers, principals, and Peer leaders. (external link)
Holsen, Ingrid; Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes
(2013). The experiences from Peer led work; a mixed method pilot study. (external link)
Holsen, Ingrid; Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes
(2013). Pilotevalueringen av Drømmeskolen. (external link)
Iversen, Anette Christine; Holsen, Ingrid
(2008). Social inequality in early adolescence: The influence of different indicators of socioeconomic position. (external link)
Wold, Bente; Holsen, Ingrid; Torsheim, Torbjørn
(2005). Parent / Adolescent Relationship and Depressive Symptoms: a 10-year follow up study. (external link)
Holsen, Ingrid
(2002). A 10 - Year Longitudinal Study of Parent-Adolescent Relationship and Depressed Mood from Early Adolescence to Emerging adulthood. (external link)
Kraft, Pål; Breivik, Solveig; Vittersø, Joar
et al. (2000). Body image and deression: a longitudinal study of adolescents aged 13-18. (external link)
Holsen, Ingrid
(1996). Stability and Predictions of Depressive tendencies among Adolescence. A five year logitudinal cohort study. (external link)
Thesis at a second degree level
Doctoral dissertation
Feature article
Magister thesis
Popular scientific lecture
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.