Ingunn Johanne Ness


Researcher, Senior Researcher & Theme Leader, SLATE,


Research groups


My research interests are grounded in a socio-cultural theoretical tradition with a particular interest in creative knowledge processes, dialogue/dialogic pedagogy, and social interaction in different learning contexts and how these processes are fostered and led.

 Creative knowledge processes are inherently social, as ideas develop through a combined and relational process of co-construction of meaning and knowledge enhancement through dialogue. This theoretical positioning is grounded in the three main premises of the sociocultural approach: 1) individual development originates in social sources, whether cultural or historical, 2) human action, including both the social and the individual planes, is mediated through tools or signs, and 3) the process spans over time and space. Within this sociocultural approach, Bakhtin’s (1981) dialogical principle, Edward’s (2012) relational expertise, and Vygotsky’s (1930/2004, pp. 9-10) concept of (creative) imagination are productive analytical tools in order to understand the creative knowledge processes in different learning contexts.

With this theoretical approach as a point of departure, I conduct multi-level research in both organizations and in schools/higher education institutions and investigate different leadership strategies and how technology can support and mediate creative knowledge processes. Dialogic pedagogy and Relational leadership have in common that both empower the learner and recognize the intersubjective nature of life, the inherently polyphonic nature of relationships, and the need to engage in relational dialogues.


PhD course Bergen Summer School 2024: Interdisciplinary Problem Solving for the Future: Systems Thinking, Creative Interdisciplinary Problem-Solving and Project Management

PhD course Bergen Summer School 2023: Interdisciplinary Problem Solving for the Future: Systems Thinking, Creative Interdisciplinary Problem-Solving and Project Management

PhD course Bergen Summer School 2022: Interdisciplinary Problem Solving for the Future: Systems Thinking, Creative Interdisciplinary Problem-Solving and Project Management

UPED688 Teaching Creativity/Creativity in Teaching (English) 2022

PhD course: SDG900 22H / PhD for Innovation. Interdisciplinary course from systems thinking through creative problem-solving to R&D management

EVU Course: LSCI649 21H / Innovasjon for Renovasjon og Gjenvinning

PhD course: SDG900 21H / PhD for Innovation. Interdisciplinary course from systems thinking through creative problem-solving to R&D management

PhD course Bergen Summer School 2021: Interdisciplinary Problem Solving for the Future: Systems Thinking, Creative Interdisciplinary Problem-Solving and Project Management

Academic lecture
Academic article
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Non-fiction book
Programme participation
Popular scientific book
Doctoral dissertation
Popular scientific lecture

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Misiejuk, Kamila.; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Gray, Robert.; Wasson, Barbara. (2023): Changes in online course designs: Before, during, and after the pandemic. Frontiers in Education. Vol. 7

Glaveanu, Vlad; Corazza, Giovanni, Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2023): Dialogical Provocations: A Creative Trialogue. I: Creative Provocations: Speculations on the Future of Creativity, Technology & Learning. Springer 

Baerheim, Anders; Eriksen, Elin, Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2022): Team Reflexivity and the Shared Mind in Interprofessional Learning. Policy Futures in Education. Baerheim, Anders; Eriksen, Elin, Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2022): Team Reflexivity and the Shared Mind in Interprofessional Learning. Policy Futures in Education. 

Baerheim, Anders; Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2021) Reflexivity and expansive learning theory in interprofessional workplace learning. Journal of Interprofessional Care. Vol. 35(6) pp. 878-883

Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2021) Polyphony. In: The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible. Palgrave Macmillan 2021 ISBN 978-3-319-98390-5.

Baerheim, Anders; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Raaheim, Arild (2021). Reflexivity in Interprofessional Workplace Learning. International Journal of Social Policy & Education. Vol. 3(6) pp. 68-74

Lundberg, Gunhild Marie; Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2020). First year students' imagination of future employment: identity as an important employability aspect. Proceedings of the 9th Computer Science Education Research Conference pp. 1-7 NTNU

Baerheim, Anders; Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2020). Ricoeur’s triple mimesis and the zone of proximal development in the learning processes of interprofessional student teams. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology. Vol. 2(2) pp. 86-91.

Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2020). Diversity: Key to creative processes in interdisciplinary teams. SIETAR Switzerland The first-class Postbuzz 

Dysthe, Olga; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Kirkegaard, Preben Olund. (2020). Dialogisk pædagogik som deltagende læring. In: Dialogisk pædagogik, kreativitet og læring. Danmark: Forlaget Klim 2020 ISBN 9788772044323.

Dysthe, Olga; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Kirkegaard, Preben Olund (2020) Dialogisk pædagogik, kreativitet og læring. Danmark: Forlaget Klim(ISBN 9788772044323) 386 pages

Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2020) Polyfoni og kreative vidensprocesser i klasserummet og i videregående uddannelser. In: Dialogisk pædagogik, kreativitet og læring. Danmark: Forlaget Klim ISBN 9788772044323. pp. 113-143

Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2020) Zone of Proximal Development. In: Glăveanu V. (eds) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham

Danielsen, Anne G.; Diseth, Åge Røssing; Stray, Janicke Heldal; Kvello, Øyvind; Egelandsdal, Kjetil; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Sætra, Emil (2020). Elevens beste og pedagogiske perspektiver - en analyse. In: Anne Grete Danielsen (Eds). Til elevens beste. Pedagogiske perspektiver. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISBN 978-82-05-49901-0. pp. 284-307

Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Danielsen, Anne Grete (2020) Sosiokulturell teori - Vygotsky, Lave og Wenger. In: Anne Grete Danielsen (Eds). Til elevens beste. Pedagogiske perspektiver. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISBN 978-82-05-49901-0

Egelandsdal, Kjetil; Ness, Ingunn Johanne. (2020) «Læring som praksis» - John Deweys pragmatisme. In: Anne Grete Danielsen (Eds).  Til elevens beste. Pedagogiske perspektiver. Gyldendal Akademisk  ISBN 978-82-05-49901-0. pp. 61-77

Glaveanu, Vlad-Petre; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; de Saint Laurent, Constance (2020). Creativity, Learning and Technology: Opportunities, Challenges and New Horizons. Creativity Research Journal, 32(1), 1-3. DOI: 10.1080/10400419.2020.1712167

Glaveanu, Vlad-Petre; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; de Saint Laurent, Constance (2020). Creative Learning in Digital and Virtual Environments Opportunities and Challenges of Technology-Enabled Learning and Creativity. Routledge (ISBN 9780367556754) 196 pages

Glaveanu, Vlad-Petre., Ness, Ingunn Johanne. Rasmussen, Ludvig. (2020): Creative success in collaboration: A sociocultural perspective. In Creative Success in Teams. Ed. Roni Reiter-Palmon, James C. Kaufman, and Alexander McKay, Academic Press.

Glaveanu, Vlad-Petre; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; de Saint Laurent, Constance (2020). Introduction: Creativity, Learning and Technology in the Age of the Pandemic. In: Creative Learning in Digital and Virtual Environments Opportunities and Challenges of Technology-Enabled Learning and Creativity. Routledge ISBN 9780367556754.

Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Dysthe, Olga (2020). Polyphonic Imagination: Understanding Idea Generation in Multidisciplinary Groups as a Multivoiced Stimulation of Fantasy. Creativity Research Journal, 32(1), pp. 1-11.

Egelandsdal, Kjetil; Ludvigsen, Kristine; Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2019) . Clicker Interventions in Large Lectures in Higher Education. In: Michael Spector, Barbara Lockee, Marcus Childress (Eds.)  Learning, Design, and Technology: An International Compendium of Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, pp. 1-22: Springer Publishing Company. ISBN 978-3-319-17727-4.

Egelandsdal, Kjetil; Smith, Maria; Hansen, Cecilie Johanne Slokvik; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Wasson, Barbara (2019). Adaptiv læring i matematikk: empirisk rapport om Multi Smart Øving i grunnskolen. SLATE Research Report 2019-4, Bergen: Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE). ISBN: 978-82-93789-02-4 )

Ferguson, Rebecca; Coughlan, Tim; Egelandsdal, Kjetil; Gaved, Mark; Herodotou, Christothea; Hillaire, Garron; Jones, Derek; Jowers, Iestyn; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; McAndrew, Patrick; Misiejuk, Kamila; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Rienties, Bart; Scanlon, Eileen; Sharples, Mike; Wasson, Barbara; Weller, Martin; Whitelock, Denise (2019). Innovating Pedagogy 2019. Open University Innovation Report 7. Milton Keynes: The Open University (ISBN 9781473028333) 43 pages

Glaveanu, Vlad-Petre; Hanchett Hanson, Michael; Baer, John; Barbot, Baptiste; Clapp, Edward P; Corazza, Giovanni; Hennessey, Beth; Kaufman, James C.; Lebuda, Izabela; Lubart, Todd; Montuori, Alfonso; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Plucker, Jonathan; Reiter-Palmon, Roni; Sierra, Zayda; Simonton, Dean Keith; Souza Nevez Pereira, Monica; Sternberg, Robert J. (2019). Advancing Creativity Theory and Research: A Socio-cultural Manifesto. The Journal of Creative Behavior, Vol. 53(4), pp. 443-456

Ludvigsen, Kristine; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Timmis, Sue (2019). Writing on the wall: How the use of technology can open dialogical spaces in lectures. Thinking Skills and Creativity, pp. 1-18

Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Glaveanu, Vlad (2019). Polyphonic Orchestration: The Dialogical Nature of Creativity. In: Ronald A. Beghetto, Giovanni Emanuele Corazza (Eds.) Dynamic Perspectives on Creativity: New Directions for Theory, Research, and Practice in Education, pp. 189-206. City: Springer Publishing Company. ISBN 978-3-319-99163-4.

Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2019) Behind the Scenes: How to Research Creative Processes in Multidisciplinary Groups. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Social Creativity Research. Palgrave Macmillan 2019 ISBN 978-3-319-95497-4. pp. 353-372

Samuelsson, Martin Per; Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2019). Apophatic Listening. A Response to Deliberating Public Policy Issues with Adolescents: Classroom Dynamics and Sociocultural Considerations. Democracy and Education, 27(1), pp. 1-5.

Glăveanu, Vlad-Petre., Ness, Ingunn Johanne, Wasson, B., & Lubart, T. (2018). Sociocultural Perspectives on Creativity, Learning, and Technology. In C. Mullin (Ed.) Creativity Under Duress in Education? Creativity Theory and Action in Education, 3, pp. 63-82. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Egelandsdal, Kjetil (2018). STEPRE – model: Facilitating knowledge development in student groups in Higher Education. In: F. Guribye, S. Selander, A. Åkerfeldt, N. Bergdahl, T. Cerrato-Pargman, & B. Wasson (Eds.) Proceedings of the 6th Designs for Learning Conference. Norway, 40-46. Bergen, Norway. ISBN 978-82-8088-416-9

Ness, Ingunn Johanne. Polyphonic orchestration - facilitating creative knowledge processes for innovation. European Journal of Innovation Management 2017, 20(4), pp. 557-577.

Ness, Ingunn Johanne (2016). The Room of Opportunity. Understanding how knowledge and ideas are constructed in multidisciplinary groups working with developing innovative ideas. PhD dissertation. University of Bergen. ISBN 978-82-308-3190-8

Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Riese, Hanne (2015). Openness, curiosity and respect: Underlying conditions for developing innovative knowledge and ideas between disciplines. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 6, pp. 29-39

Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Søreide, Gunn Elisabeth (2014). The Room of Opportunity: Understanding phases of creative knowledge processes in innovation. Journal of Workplace Learning, 26(8), pp. 545-560


Popular science articles

Ferguson, Rebecca; Coughlan, Tim; Egelandsdal, Kjetil; Gaved, Mark; Herodotou, Christothea; Hillaire, Garron; Jones, Derek; Jowers, Iestyn; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; McAndrew, Patrick; Misiejuk, Kamila; Ness, Ingunn Johanne; Rienties, Bart; Scanlon, Eileen; Sharples, Mike; Wasson, Barbara; Weller, Martin; Whitelock, Denise. Innovating Pedagogy 2019. Open University Innovation Report 7. The Open University.


RESEARCH PROJECTS (different roles from project member to PI)




2021 – 2023: “To educate pharmacists to be ready to meet tomorrow´s challenges” (DIKU project with Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care)

  • FREMFARM will develop the 5-year master's programme in pharmacy at UiB to better attend to skills training that prepares candidates for their future working life. FREMFARM will develop, test, evaluate and implement new ways to include skills training in communication and innovation at repeated points during the study programme. 

2021 – 2023:  "Bedre læring, bedre jurister" (DIKU project with Law faculty, UIB, The Centre for Experiential Legal Learning (CELL), Universitetet i Oslo, og Eva Hartell, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

  • The project includes all subject at year 1-3 in “rettsvitenskap”, UiB, and the aim is to strengthen the quality of the students´ learning through using student active learning activities and new forms of assessment.


2020 – 2023: Scaling up Educational Innovation in Schools (SEIS)

  • SLATE, University of Bergen, Tampere University, Finland og Tallinn University Estland
    • Twinning-project SEIS is an EU H2020-WIDESPREAD-2018-03 (TWINNING)-project
  • To scale up innovation in schools educational research needs to be re-conceptualised targeting Responsible Research and Innovation principles, shortening the feedback loops between research and practice in real settings, and raising overall research quality and its impact on practice. Taking the aforementioned challenges as a basis for the Twinning project SEIS, the underpinning concept of the project is capacity building in partnership with Tampere Research Centre for Information and Media, University of Tampere, Finland (TAU) and Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology, University of Bergen, Norway (UiB) through joint scientific activities. These facilitate the reinforcement of Tallinn University (TLU) by taking educational research to a fundamentally new level -- from linear knowledge transmission model to research-innovation-practice model -- while addressing current research challenges in scaling up school innovation, thereby supporting TLU to become a competitive and leading research centre.

2020 – 2023: IHub for Schools iHub4Schools – Accelerating Digital Innovation in Schools through Regional Innovation Hubs and a Whole-School Mentoring Model

  • The project received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004676. The project involves 9 partner institutions (Universities, Technology Foundation for Education, Research Centres) from 8 countries: Estonia, Norway, United Kingdom, Finland, Switzerland, Italy, Lithuania, and Georgia. The main goal of the project is to coordinate and support the creation of sustainable multi-level Regional Innovation Hubs in local communities across Europe, each fostering the scaling of the digital innovation. iHub4Schools proposes an adaptive and flexible whole-school peer-learning mentoring model built on the innovation hubs.

2020 – ongoing: - Videreutdanningstilbud i digital kompetanse for Smart City

This project received funding from Kompetanse Norge and is a collaborative project between Høgskulen på Vestlandet, BIR AS and SLATE.

Other projects:

2017 – 2024: Project LEAD C-PRO Leading Creative Knowledge processes in various Learning contexts, SLATE, University of Bergen

  • The LEAD C-PRO project is an umbrella project comprising several sub-projects developing models and concepts for creative knowledge processes and how such processes are led in different learning contexts in organizations and other workplaces, schools, and in higher education.

2020 – 2021: UiB-Project: It Takes a Community: The Digital Transformation of UiB (DigiTrans)

SLATE, University of Bergen

– CO-Leader of part A: " Organisation, Leadership & Innovation”

  • The COVID-19 situation can be seen as a "burning platform". New teaching practices needed to be developed. Such purposeful innovation is not stumbled upon. The University teaching staff seek answers to the new challenges and investigate how to find ways that are functional. New practices are developed to replace and improve existing practices.
  • Innovation often comes from four areas: unexpected occurrences, incongruities, process needs, and industry and market changes (Drucker ref). The COVID-19 situation is a catalyst of the need to innovate the process of teaching. Innovation is about changing the current practices and developing new ways of working. To achieve this there is a need for creativity at all levels in the UiB organization.
  • In part A of this project we will investigate how the university leaders were leading in times of crises and how infrastructure was developed as a challenge-based innovation across UiB.
  • This sub-project falls under the SLATE umbrella project Leading Creative Knowledge Processes: Knowledge Intensive Organizations and Learning Contexts 


2019 – ongoing: Dia-Crea – Dialogic Pedagogy, Creativity & Learning (funded by Universitetsfond, SPIRE midler, and SLATE) In this project we:

  • explore some basic theoretical foundations for dialogue, learning and creativity
  • discuss different international approaches to dialogic pedagogy today
  • explore the connection between dialogic pedagogy and creativity
  • discuss some empirical research studies and dialogic teaching practices

2020 – ongoing: Project: Creativity, Learning & Technology

  • SLATE, University of Bergen
  • One of the most important goals in any education system is to prepare students for the future. What skills are necessary to have in the future to cope with our rapidly changing society with many complex societal challenges? Important 21st Century skills involve, for instance, new forms of (digital) literacies, creative problem-solving skills, collaboration and communication skills, cultural and ethical awareness as well as entrepreneurship ( Thus, it is crucial to understand how educational technologies can be used in novel and creative ways in order to help to engage learners.



2018 – ongoing: Desentralisert Kompetanseutvikling/Desentralized competence development

  • In 2017, the Government of Norway introduced a new competence development model for schools, to provide municipalities and schools with greater freedom of action and empower them to carry out systematic school improvement. This model has the potential to promote collective teacher professionalism but requires a carefully thought out implementation strategy to yield positive results. From 2018, the OECD partnered with Norway to support this implementation process and undertook an initial assessment of the implementation strategy of the model (Improving School Quality in Norway: The New Competence Development Model, 2019).

2018 – 2019: SLATE-prosjekt: Adaptiv læring i matematikk (AlMat) SLATE, Univeristy of Bergen

  • SLATE funded project on the adaptive math program "Multi Smart Øving" i grunnskolen

Supervision PhD candidates and Master students

2022 – ongoing: Main supervisor for André Mestre on PhD thesis: “World Building and Creative Experience in Multi-User Digital Environments: A Mixed-Method Study of MUVEs in Higher Education”, Faculty of Psychology, SLATE/UIB

2020 – ongoing: Main supervisor for Christina Gkini on PhD thesis: “Models for innovative collaboration in sustainable land use”, Faculty of Psychology SLATE/UIB

2018 – 2021 Co- supervisor for Gunhild Marie Lundberg on PhD thesis: “Employability as Identity Formation – the Transition of Computing Graduates From Higher Education to Employment” Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU

Master students:

2024 - 2025: Co-supervisor for Nalin Salih on thesis: Bruk av kunstig intelligens hos elever med lese- og skrivevansker, Department of Education, Faculty of Psychology, UiB

2022 – 2024 Supervisor for Adina Marie Nydahl on thesis: «Med ett bein i det kjente og ett i det ukjente» Grunnskolelæreres forståelse av og tilrettelegging for kreative læringsprosesser Department of Education, Faculty of Psychology, UiB

2022 – 2023 Supervisor for Rasmus Hinrichsen on thesis: Digital læringsanalyse i grunnopplæringen En kvalitativ studie av hva som karakteriserer læreres bruk av læringsanalytiske dashboard i grunnopplæringen Department of Education, Faculty of Psychology, UiB

2022 – 2023 Co-Supervisor for Conor Joseph Healy on thesis: Parent’s lived experience in the process of obtaining an ADHD diagnosis for their child.  Department of Education, Faculty of Psychology, UiB

2020 – 2022 Supervisor for Henning Meyer Petersen on thesis:  «Creative knowledge development in interdisciplinary teams – a qualitative study of interdisciplinary teams working with digitalization of municipalities» Department of Education, Faculty of Psychology, UiB. 

2019 – 2020 Supervisor for Glenn Håkon Bekkeli, Ingrid Dahl Furunes, Bjørn Ståle Aalberg on thesis: «Did the project Kompetansekraft contribute to innovation and learning in Verdal industrial park?» Universitetet Nord. 

2018 – 2019 Supervisor for Ole Fredrik Norbye on thesis: “Kreativitetsforvaltning i offentlig sektor» Universitetet Nord. 




 2021. PhDs stepping up to policy brief call.

2019. A first of its kind (pioneer): PhD Interdisciplinary course at UiB.

2019. FN gir ph.d.-kandidatar ved UiB ei utfordring / Creative problem solving. The UN gives PhD candidates at UiB a challenge. University of Bergen Aktuelt / News. /


2021: Keynote, “2nd SFERE conference "Learning, strategies and educational policies” entitled From Policy to Practice: Polyphonic Knowledge processes in the Classroom and in Higher Education

2019: Keynote, Webster University The Real-World impact of Creativity in schools, organizations, and society. “Organizational creativity: What is it? How can we enable it?”



2021: Panel, representing Norway at Equip 2021 Qualitative Research in Psychology in Europe

2019: Expert panel Geneva, The real-world impact of creativity in schools, organizations and society

2019: Expert panel at MIC Conference on Creativity, Bologna

2019: Expert panel at International Conference, Building Bridges – interdisciplinary collaborations for Innovation, Bergen, Norway

2018: Expert panel: Innovation Week, Webster University, Geneva, Switzerland ‘Networked Creativity and Innovation’



2021: Organised a symposium, Methods for Data Collection and Analysis in Social Creativity Research, at Equip2021 Qualitative Research in Psychology in Europe

2019: Chairing conference, Dialogic pedagogy, creativity, and learning, SLATE/ University of Bergen

International Conference Presentations

2021: Presentation: Let´s go native: Exploring creative processes in interdisciplinary groups through an ethnographic design. Equip 2021 Qualitative Research in Psychology in Europe

2020: Presentation, New frontiers of creativity, learning and technology – annual international symposium

2019: Presentation Dialogue, Polyphony, and Creative Knowledge Processes in Education. 3rd MIC Conference Bologna

2019: Presentation Dialogic and creative processes in the classroom and in Higher Education: Dialogic Pedagogy, Creativity, and Learning,

2018: Presentation: Innovation Week, Webster University, Geneva, Switzerland

Polyphonic Imagination: how to lead organizations for Innovation.

 2018: Presentation: Bergen: DFL conference  STEPRE-model: How to facilitate knowledge processes in higher education. 

2017: Presentation: Webster University, Geneva, Switzerland 

Opening the black box of Innovation. 

2017: Presentation: Society for Theoretical Psychology (ISTP) in Tokyo  Paper on Organizational Innovation work 

2016: NATED, Presentation, slutt konferanse forskerskole, Oslo 

The Room Of Opportunity PhD project

2013: Stirling, RWL8 conference, Presentation paper

The Room of Opportunity: Understanding the phases of creative knowledge development in organizations