Ingvild Abildgaard Jansen
Senior Executive Officer, Media Scholar
2021 - 2022: Research assistant for Anders Fagerjord, the Head of Department of The Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies at the University of Bergen. I worked on a book project about the streaming of film, TV, radio, music and books, assisting the Head of Department by doing literature reviews, searching for academic and journalistic sources, and making a catalogue of relevant literature. I also made a unique overview of Norwegian streaming services and the Norwegian language TV series they offer.
2018 - 2019: Research assistant and science journalist on the research projects Lokanytt (2018) og AI Narrator (2018 - 2019) for the research network TekLab at the University of Bergen. I assisted Professor Lars Nyre with developing applications for funding for TekLab from UH-Nett Vest and SAMKUL in 2018, and I arranged an interdisciplinary research seminar in London for TekLab and the AI Narrator project in the autumn of 2018. I also ran TekLab's website, promoted research seminars and wrote interdisciplinary articles within the genre of science journalism.
2017 - 2018: Research assistant on various Media Studies projects at the University of Bergen. Various short assignments with a focus on coding data:
June – July 2018: Coding collected data for the research project The Hoax Discourse on Climate Change (Professor Dag Elgesem, collaboration with Universität Hamburg).
April 2018: Quality checking of code work done for the research project Representations of Muslims in Scandinavian Newspapers and Social Media (SCANPUB).
March 2018: Quality checking of code work done for the article The Meaning of Links: On the Interpretation of Hyperlinks in the Study of Polarization in Blogging about Climate Change (Professor Dag Elgesem).
January 2018: Coding collected data for the research project Mediebruk, kultur og offentlig tilknytning: Informasjonsfrihet i «stordata'ens tidsalder» (MeCIn).
Spring 2017: Master's thesis in Media Studies. #Phungfolk: Lytterlojalitet som inntektskilde. Om forretningsmodellen til kommersielle, frittstående komikerpodkaster:
The master's thesis was an introduction to and an analysis of the Norwegian podcast industry, with a focus on how to gain trust from the listeners, build a loyal audience and make money from podcasting.
February 2017: Volunteer coder on the research project The Immigration Issue in Scandinavian Public Spheres 1970-2015 (SCANPUB).
Spring 2015: Bachelor's thesis in Media Studies. Etter Caprino: Profesjonaliseringen av norsk animasjonsproduksjon.
The bachelor's thesis focused on how the previously inconsistent animation production in Norway finally got a united, professional industry in the 1990s, and how the industry developed from the 1990s up until 2015.
Parts of the bachelor's thesis has been used to update the database of the website The website is run by Norsk animasjonsforum, the festival organization of Fredrikstad Animation Festival.
2022 - today: Communication Officer (Senior Executive Officer) at SLATE (The Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology), the Faculty of Psychology, at the University of Bergen.
2021 - today: Subject editor and writer for The Great Norwegian Encyclopedia.
2018 - today: Speaker for ReAnima: Bergen International Animation Festival. I hold animation-focused media history lectures.
2020: Communication Consultant for the research group PROCARD at the Department of Heart Disease, Haukeland University Hospital.
2018 - 2019: Science journalist and functioning wed editor for the research network TekLab ( at the University of Bergen.
2010 - 2017: Communication work, writing, proofreading, illustration, layout, planning and organizing for various student organizations at the University of Bergen.
2019 - today: External examinator on master's theses within the fields of Media Studies and Journalism at the University of Oslo.
2022: External examinator on a master's thesis in media development at OsloMet.
2022: Guest lecturer in Media History at Åsane Folkehøgskole.
2020: External examinator on a master's thesis in Media Studies at the University of Bergen.
2016: Seminar leader for the course MEVI104: Media, Representation and Identity at the University of Bergen.