Irene Baug
Researcher, archaeology
I have studied landscapes and resource utilization in rural areas in the Viking Age and the Middle Ages – also connected to trade and urban societies. Thematically, my research focus has mainly been on quarries and large-scale production aimed at long-distance trade, and forms of transaction, markets and different types of networks have got attention – both within and outside of urban societies. My work is in this way also connected to trade hubs and early urbanization. In order to understand the finds – both production landscapes and artefacts – they are studied within a societal context where social, economic and socio-political relations within a long-term perspective are being analyzed. I have also studied archaeological material and landscapes from an actor perspective, where I mainly have focused upon different actors and their choices and actions in relation to structural powers in the society, and the impact of both social and physical structures upon the humans. My work is largely based on my own fieldwork, on development of methodology and interdisciplinary cooperation with geology.
Popular scientific chapter/article
Academic lecture
- Baug, Irene (2024). Handel og nettverk i vikingtid og mellomalder. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2024). Whetstones from Mostadmarka - outfield resources with far-reaching importance. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2024). Whetstone trade - connecting people and places. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2023). Vestlandet og kontakten over Nordsjøen. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2023). Viking Age urbanisation and long-distance trade. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2022). Viking Age urbanisation and long-distance trade. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2021). Eidsborgbryner – frå fjerne utmarksområder til sentrale marknadar. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2021). Borgund’s role in national distribution networks for the trade in-, and consumption of Norwegian whetstones. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2019). Gulatinget sett i eit arkeologisk lys. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2019). A world of stone – distribution and trade of whetstones in the Viking Age and the Middle Ages . (external link)
- Jansen, Øystein James; Baug, Irene (2019). Borgund’s role in national distribution networks for the trade in-, and consumption of Norwegian whetstones. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2018). Vikings in Ireland and their influence on Scandinavian society. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2017). Whetstones in Ribe - commodities from Norway?. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2017). Steinkrossane på Vestlandet - markering av makt og kristendom?. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2016). Brynesteinshandel i vikingtid og mellomalder – Distribusjon, transaksjonsformer og nettverk i eit langtidsperspektiv. (external link)
- Baug, Irene; Løland, Torbjørn (2009). The geologist, the archaeologist and the craftsman – an interdisciplinary research in quernstone quarries in Hyllestad in Western Norway. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2006). Bergverksdrift i yngre jernalder og middelalder. Presentasjon av et forskningsprosjekt. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2005). Soapstone artefacts from Kaupang. (external link)
- Baug, Irene; Jansen, Øystein James (2004). Whetstones from Borgund and national distribution networks. (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
- Baug, Irene (2024). Steinkrossane frå Hyllestad. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2024). Stein som husholdsprodukt og handelsvare i middelalderens Bergen. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2023). Vikingtidas begynning - handel og plyndring. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2022). Skandinavia i vikingtid - handel, nettverk og plyndring. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2020). Bergen Anno 1320. Bli med tilbake til middelalderens Bergen. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2019). Trønderske bryner gir ny kunnskap om handel og plyndringar i vikingtid. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2018). Det grå gullet – stein som handelsvare i middelalderens Bergen. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2017). Bakstehellene - produksjon og handel. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2014). Vegen vidare – nye prosjekt og formidling av kvernsteinshistoria. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2009). Produksjon av steinkrossar i Hyllestad. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2009). Produksjon av steinkrossar i Hyllestad. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2009). Steinbrot og steinkrossar. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2006). Med arkeolog og geolog i steinhoggarane sine fotefar tusen år etter. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2005). Stein som handelsvare. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2024). Bergen 1320 - Time travel with modern technology. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2019). Mellomalderklynga - samt litt om Alrekstad og vikingtid. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2015). Archaeology and Geology - Cooperation with exciting results. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2014). Historical overview of the quernstone quarry landscape. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2014). Delimitation of the nominated properties and the buffer zone. (external link)
- Baug, Irene; Jansen, Øystein James (2013). Arkeologi+Geologi=Sant. Erfaringer fra et tverrfaglig forskningsprosjekt. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2024). Kyrkjer i Bergen du aldri har sett. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2022). Every Viking owned a stone like this - and they traded massive quantities of them too.. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2022). Forskningsdagane i gong i Bergen. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2022). Slike steiner er trolig noe av det første vikingene solgte til utlandet. (external link)
- Dunn, Sarah; Hansen, Gitte; Baug, Irene et al. (2022). Uncovering the secrets of a Forgotten Viking Town. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2022). Slike steiner er trolig noe av det første vikingene solgte til utlandet. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2020). Informasjon om mellomalderen i Bergen, og mellomalderveka 2020.. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2020). Tilbake til middelalderen. (external link)
- Jansen, Øystein James; Baug, Irene (2019). UiB-forskarar har funne ut kvifor vikingane reiste vestover. (external link)
- Baug, Irene; Hansen, Gitte; Bygnes, Per et al. (2009). God start på kulturminneåret. (external link)
- Baug, Irene; Hansen, Gitte; Volle, Vegar (2009). Unike steinkrossfunn presenterte i Hyllestad. (external link)
- Baug, Irene; Hansen, Gitte; Genberg, Hilde (2009). Fekk sjå steinkrossane. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2008). Funn av steinkrossar i Hyllestad. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2008). Fann steinkrossar frå mellomalderen. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2008). Unike funn frå vikingtida. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2008). Fann vikingkrossar i Hyllestad. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2008). Industrieventyret i Vikingtida. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2008). Den kristne kunstindustrien vaknar. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2008). Fann steinkrossar frå mellomalderen. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2006). Intervju i NRK Sogn og Fjordane. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2006). Leitar etter tidsspor. (external link)
Academic article
- Baug, Irene; Filipowiak, Wojciech; Jansen, Øystein James et al. (2024). Norse Whetstones in Slavic Areas - Indicators of Long-Distance Networks During the Viking Age and the Middle Ages. (external link)
- Baug, Irene; Heldal, Tom; Jansen, Øystein James et al. (2020). Brynesteiner i Ribe – fra fjerne utmarksområder til sentrale markeder. (external link)
- Baug, Irene; Skre, Dagfinn; Heldal, Tom et al. (2018). The beginning of the Viking Age in the West. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2016). Lokalsamfunn, regionar og nettverk i mellomalderen - ulike arkeologiske tilnærmingar. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Baug, Irene; Skre, Dagfinn; Røhr, Torkil Sørlie et al. (2023). Whetstones and touchstones. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2022). Outland exploitation and long-distance trade AD 700–1200 – seen in the light of whetstone production and distribution. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2022). Brynesteinsproduksjonen i Eidsborg - frå steinbrot til marknad. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2018). Foodways, traditions and identity: Bakestones in the North Atlantic. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2017). Bakestones - Production and Trade in the Middle Ages. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2017). Soapstone vessels and quernstones as commodities in the Viking Age and Middle Ages. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2015). Actors in quarrying. Production and distribution of quernstones and bakestones during the Viking Age and the Middle Ages. (external link)
- Hansen, Gitte; Baug, Irene; Ashby, Steven P. (2015). Everyday products in the Middle Ages: Crafts, Consumption and the Individual in Northern Europe c. AD 800-1600: An Introduction. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2015). Stones for Bread. Regional Differences and Changes in Scandinavian Food Traditions Related to the Use of Quernstones, Bakestones and Soapstone Vessels c. 850-1500. (external link)
- Baug, Irene; Jansen, Øystein James (2014). Did the North Atlantic region constitute a market for quernstones from Norway during the Viking Age and the Middle Ages?. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2011). Soapstone Finds. (external link)
- Baug, Irene; Løland, Torbjørn (2011). The millstone quarries in Hyllestad: an arena of research and education. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2007). Prehistoric Quarrying on the west coast of Norway - the production of quernstones, millstones and crosses in Hyllestd, Sogn og Fjordane. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2006). The Quarries in Hyllestad - Production of Quernstones and Millstones in Western Norway. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2006). Stein som handelsvare. (external link)
Programme participation
- Baug, Irene (2019). Det umulige landet. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2019). God ettermiddag Sogn og Fjordane. Distriktsprogram - NRK Sogn og Fjordane. . (external link)
- Baug, Irene; Guddal, Silje Kristin (2015). God ettermiddag Sogn og Fjordane. (external link)
- Ihlebæk, Jan Henrik; Hansen, Gitte; Baug, Irene (2015). Museum. Vanlige folk i middelalderen. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2014). Die Frauen der Wikinger. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2018). Stone crosses in Norway – manifestation of power and Christianity?. (external link)
- Baug, Irene; Pohl, Meinrad (2018). Reformation before 1537? Transition of ecclesiastical property in Norway into the hands of the nobility. . (external link)
- Baug, Irene; Jansen, Øystein James (2015). Stone for Bread and Church. (external link)
Popular scientific article
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Hansen, Gitte; Ashby, Steven P.; Baug, Irene (2015). Everyday Products in the Middle Ages: Crafts, Consumption and the Individual in Northern Europe c. AD 800-1600. (external link)
- Baug, Irene; Mygland, Sigrid Samset; Larsen, Janicke (2015). Nordic Middle Ages - Artefacts, Landscapes and Society. Essays in Honour of Ingvild Øye on her 70th Birthday.. (external link)
Academic monograph
- Baug, Irene (2015). Quarrying in Western Norway. An archaeological study of production and distribution in the Viking period and Middle Ages. (external link)
- Baug, Irene (2002). Kvernsteinsbrota i Hyllestad. Arkeologiske punktundersøkingar i steinbrotsområdet i Hyllestad i sogn og Fjordane. (external link)
Museum exhibition
Doctoral dissertation
WHEPP the Whetstone Provenancing Project. The aim is to explore AD 1st–9th-century trade routes and networks involving the western Scandinavian Peninsula. This will be achieved by provenancing whetstones retrieved from well-dated archaeological sites in Scandinavia, in the Baltic, and along the southern North Sea and English Channel coasts. This is an interdisciplinary and interinstitutionally collaboration between UiB, UiO and NGU - as well as some foreign researchers that are attached to parts of the project. WHEPP is financed by The Avaldsnes Royal Manor Project, University of Oslo.
The Borgund Kaupang Project. Life and death of a small town in the periphery of Europe. The aim of the project is to study Borgund’s role in national distribution networks for the trade in-, and consumption ofNorwegian hones: Was Borgund a hub in a trade network for Norwegian hones? And what were the hones used for at Borgund? C. 400 hones from Borgund will be classified and the stones identified using archaeological classificationmethods and different geological analyses. Øystein J. Jansen at the University Museum of Bergen is a collaboration partner in the project.
I am a participant in the project Eidsborg rock, which focuses on production and trade of whetstones in the late Iron Age from the quarry site Eidsborg in Telemark. The project is lead by Museum of Cultural History at the University of Oslo, and is financed by The Research Council of Norway, grant 341213.