Research groups
- Porous Media Research Group
- Center for Modeling of Coupled Subsurface Dynamics
- Centre for Sustainable Subsurface Resources
Short info
- Dec 2024: Awarded an NFR FRIPRO Young Researcher talent grant for "TIME4CO2: Unlocking maximal geological CO2 storage capacity through experimentally validated mathematical modeling of dissolution and convective mixing"
- Dec 2024: Elected chair of the board of InterPore Norway.
Jakub Both is currently a permanent researcher at the Department of Mathematics and affiliated with the Porous Media Group. His research interests are diverse and span mathematical analysis, numerical methods, and image analysis, yet all targeting applications within porous media flow and the energy sector. His current work focuses on topics as:
- image analysis for laboratory porous media experiments
- optimal transport metrics in physics
- robust numerical solvers for strongly coupled multiphysics systems
- dissipative systems with gradient flow structures, e.g., nonlinear poroelasticity
He is the lead developer of DarSIA (Darcy Scale Image Analysis toolbox), focusing on the multi-scale image analysis of fluid displacement in granular media. DarSIA is tightly connected to laboratory CO2 storage within the FluidFlower universe, as well as the digital twin project PoroTwin (link to youtube).
Furthermore, he is a core developer of PorePy, a Python Simulation Tool for Fractured and Deformable Porous Media.
Academic article
- Riethmueller, Cedric; Storvik, Erlend; Both, Jakub Wiktor et al. (2025). Well-posedness analysis of the Cahn–Hilliard–Biot model. (external link)
- von Schultzendorff, Peter Moritz; Sandve, Tor Harald; Kane, Birane et al. (2024). A Machine-Learned Near-Well Model in OPM Flow. (external link)
- Both, Jakub Wiktor; Brattekås, Bergit; Keilegavlen, Eirik et al. (2024). High-fidelity experimental model verification for flow in fractured porous media. (external link)
- Haugen, Malin; Saló-Salgado, Lluís; Eikehaug, Kristoffer et al. (2024). Physical Variability in Meter-Scale Laboratory CO2 Injections in Faulted Geometries. (external link)
- Flemisch, Bernd; Nordbotten, Jan Martin; Fernø, Martin et al. (2023). The FluidFlower Validation Benchmark Study for the Storage of CO <inf>2</inf>. (external link)
- Storvik, Erlend; Both, Jakub Wiktor; Nordbotten, Jan Martin et al. (2023). A robust solution strategy for the Cahn-Larché equations. (external link)
- Keilegavlen, Eirik; Fonn, Eivind; Johannessen, Kjetil Andre et al. (2023). PoroTwin: A Digital Twin for a FluidFlower Rig. (external link)
- Nordbotten, Jan Martin; Benali, Benyamine; Both, Jakub Wiktor et al. (2023). DarSIA: An Open-Source Python Toolbox for Two-Scale Image Processing of Dynamics in Porous Media. (external link)
- Stokke, Jakob Seierstad; Mitra, Koondanibha; Storvik, Erlend et al. (2023). An adaptive solution strategy for Richards' equation. (external link)
- Fernø, Martin; Haugen, Malin; Eikehaug, Kristoffer et al. (2023). Room-Scale CO<inf>2</inf> Injections in a Physical Reservoir Model with Faults. (external link)
- Illiano, Davide; Both, Jakub Wiktor; Pop, Iuliu Sorin et al. (2022). Efficient Solvers for Nonstandard Models for Flow and Transport in Unsaturated Porous Media. (external link)
- Storvik, Erlend; Both, Jakub Wiktor; Nordbotten, Jan Martin et al. (2021). A Cahn-Hilliard-Biot system and its generalized gradient flow structure. (external link)
- Both, Jakub Wiktor; Barnafi, Nicolas; Radu, Florin Adrian et al. (2021). Iterative splitting schemes for a soft material poromechanics model. (external link)
- Both, Jakub Wiktor (2021). On the rate of convergence of alternating minimization for non-smooth non-strongly convex optimization in Banach spaces. (external link)
- Both, Jakub Wiktor; Pop, Iuliu Sorin; Yotov, Ivan (2021). Global existence of weak solutions to unsaturated poroelasticity. (external link)
- Storvik, Erlend; Both, Jakub Wiktor; Sargado, Juan Michael Uy Villanueva et al. (2021). An accelerated staggered scheme for variational phase-field models of brittle fracture. (external link)
- Storvik, Erlend; Both, Jakub; Nordbotten, Jan Martin et al. (2021). The Fixed-Stress splitting scheme for Biot's equations as a modified Richardson iteration: Implications for optimal convergence. (external link)
- Bause, Markus; Both, Jakub; Radu, Florin Adrian (2021). Iterative Coupling for Fully Dynamic Poroelasticity. (external link)
- Both, Jakub; Koecher, Uwe (2019). Numerical Investigation on the Fixed-Stress Splitting Scheme for Biot’s Equations: Optimality of the Tuning Parameter. (external link)
- Both, Jakub; Kumar, Kundan; Nordbotten, Jan Martin et al. (2019). Iterative Linearisation Schemes for Doubly Degenerate Parabolic Equations. (external link)
- Storvik, Erlend; Both, Jakub; Kumar, Kundan et al. (2019). On the optimization of the fixed‐stress splitting for Biot's equations. (external link)
- Both, Jakub; Kumar, Kundan; Nordbotten, Jan Martin et al. (2018). Anderson accelerated fixed-stress splitting schemes for consolidation of unsaturated porous media. (external link)
- Both, Jakub; Borregales Reveron, Manuel Antonio; Kumar, Kundan et al. (2017). Robust fixed stress splitting for Biot's equations in heterogeneous media. (external link)
- Nordbotten, Jan Martin; Gjerde, Ingeborg Gåseby; Both, Jakub Wiktor (2022). Ingeborg G. Gjerde - Analysis and Approximation of Coupled 1D-3D Flow Models. (external link)
- Nordbotten, Jan Martin; Brun, Mats Kirkesæther; Both, Jakub Wiktor (2022). Mats K. Brun - Upscaling, analysis, and iterative numerical solution schemes for thermo-poroelasticity. (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Both, Jakub; Nordbotten, Jan Martin; Radu, Florin Adrian (2020). Free Energy Diminishing Discretization of Darcy-Forchheimer Flow in Poroelastic Media. (external link)
- Both, Jakub; Kumar, Kundan; Nordbotten, Jan Martin et al. (2017). Iterative Methods for Coupled Flow and Geomechanics in Unsaturated Porous Media. (external link)
PI in projects:
- NFR FRIPRO Young Researcher Talent, "TIME4CO2: Unlocking maximal geological CO2 storage capacity through experimentally validated mathematical
modeling of dissolution and convective mixing", 08/2025-07/2029, 8 MNOK, link - NFR Aurora, "GradFlowPoro: Gradient flow modelling of multi-phase flow in deformable porous media", 2022-2023, 0.1 MNOK, link
Member of projects: