Jakub Wiktor Both




Research groups

Short info

Jakub Both's research interests lie in mathematics for porous media with focus on numerics for coupled multiphysics problems and image-based data analysis for porous media lab experiments.


  • Dec 2024: Awarded an NFR FRIPRO Young Researcher talent grant for "TIME4CO2: Unlocking maximal geological CO2 storage capacity through experimentally validated mathematical modeling of dissolution and convective mixing"
  • Dec 2024: Elected chair of the board of InterPore Norway.

Jakub Both is currently a permanent researcher at the Department of Mathematics and affiliated with the Porous Media Group. His research interests are diverse and span mathematical analysis, numerical methods, and image analysis, yet all targeting applications within porous media flow and the energy sector. His current work focuses on topics as: 

  • image analysis for laboratory porous media experiments
  • optimal transport metrics in physics
  • robust numerical solvers for strongly coupled multiphysics systems
  • dissipative systems with gradient flow structures, e.g., nonlinear poroelasticity

He is the lead developer of DarSIA (Darcy Scale Image Analysis toolbox), focusing on the multi-scale image analysis of fluid displacement in granular media. DarSIA is tightly connected to laboratory CO2 storage within the FluidFlower universe, as well as the digital twin project PoroTwin (link to youtube).

Furthermore, he is a core developer of PorePy, a Python Simulation Tool for Fractured and Deformable Porous Media.


Academic article
Doctoral dissertation
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.


PI in projects:

Member of projects: